丧偶意思是配偶死去。丧偶,汉语词语,拼音是sàng ǒu,指配偶死亡。丧偶是指在婚姻存续期间,其中一方因为各种原因死亡,另一方丧失了配偶,即为丧偶,丧偶之后,结婚证自动失效,不需要进行额外的注销。词语出处:宋 郭彖 《睽车志》卷五:“有 陈察推 者,通谒与 李 有旧,叙话甚款。因言近丧偶,且及期矣。”明 施耐庵《水浒传》第九八回:“那仇申颇有家资,年已五旬,尚无子嗣,又值丧偶,续娶平遥县宋有烈女儿为继室。”清 曹雪芹 《红楼梦.第四回》:因此这李纨虽青春丧偶,且居处于膏粱锦绣之中,竟如槁木死灰一般,一概无闻无见。丧偶例句1、老温头和萍萍爷爷是亲堂兄弟,丧偶多年。2、与女性相比,他们更可能难以承受丧偶之痛。3、岁月不留人,一些中年的单身男女、或是丧偶的寡妇、鳏夫,在失望之余,就抱持一个人独立生活的理念,从此不再谈终身大事了。4、有关丧偶妇女的结果与已婚妇女大致相当,对此原因尚不完全清楚。5、从消极一面说,我们倾向于认为那些我们畏惧的事和那些会令人难过的事,比如丧偶、失业等。
应该包括以下几方面:Integrity & Ethics
Continuous Improvement
CV Template
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Joe Bloggs
Summary "[Click here and type a BRIEF summary of your skills]"
2000 – Current ABC Company Wellington
National Sales Manager
ABC Company is a national organisation providing outsourced technical services to a range of mid – large sized companies. We manage their pay roll utilizing our systems.
Managed a team of 8 staff developing technical solutions for our clients
Managed and worked on a number of RFPs
Liaised with the implementation team once RFP won
Followed up with client Post Sales to ensure satisfaction and on-going business
Increased sales from $10 million to $32 million.
Doubled sales per representative
Suggested new products that increased earnings by 23%.
1994–1999 Ferguson and Biggs Lower Hutt
District Sales Manager
Ferguson and Biggs is a company specializing in the supply of IT financial packages for mid – large businesses. It holds the franchise for a range of products and this office covers the lower North Island.
Managed a team of 5 staff
Looked after the top 5 clients personally
Managed training for all staff
Developed sales methodologies in conjunction with the team
Liaised with the implementation team
Increased regional sales from $3 million to $10 million.
Managed 5 sales representatives in 3 different locations.
Implemented training course for new recruits — increasing profitability.
1990–1993 Duffy Vineyards Hastings
Senior Sales Representative
Duffy Vineyards had just increased its production to the point where it needed to more actively market their products nationally and overseas.
Developed a sales strategy
Worked in conjunction with a marketing company to establish branding for local and overseas markets
Expanded sales team from 1 to 3 representatives.
Tripled revenues for the company.
Expanded sales to include mail order accounts.
1987–1990 LitWare Ltd Napier
Litware supplies specialized lighting equipment to commercial premises
Sales Representative
Worked with the Sales Manager to identify potential markets in the Hawkes Bay and surrounding regions
Cold called on a number of potential customers and developed business with about 25% of these
Developed a mail - out campaign and then followed up with good success
Maintained contact with customers and obtained follow up business
Expanded territorial sales by 200%.
Received company’s highest sales award two years in a row.
Education 1983–1986 University of Waikato
B.B S., Majoring in Business Administration and Information Science.
Technical Skills "[Click here and type a summary of your technical skills"
Interests Running, gardening, carpentry, computers.
婚姻状况英文:marital status双语例句:1、个人免税额的多少取决于年龄和婚姻状况。The personal allowance depends on your age and marital status.2、老年生活的幸福程度在很大程度上取决于种族、性别以及婚姻状况。How well off you are in old age is largely determined by race, sex, and marital status.3、我母亲已据此对我的婚姻状况作出了她自己精明的推断。My mother had consequently made her own shrewd deductions about what was going on in my marriage.4、Logistic回归分析表明,性别、婚姻状况对教师心理卫生水平有较大的影响。Logistic regression analysis indicated that genders and marriage condition influenced teachers' mental health.