即时通讯软件是通过即时通讯技术来实现在线聊天、交流的软件。有2种架构形式,一种是C/S架构,采用客户端/服务器形式,用户使用过程中需要下载安装客户端软件,典型的代表有:微信、QQ、有度即时通、百度HI、Skype、Gtalk、新浪UC、MSN、钉钉、企业微信、360织语等。 采用B/S架构,即浏览器/服务端形式,这种形式的即时通讯软件,直接借助互联网为媒介、客户端无需安装任何软件,既可以体验服务器端进行沟通对话,一般运用在电子商务网站的服务商,典型的代表有Websitelive 、53KF、live800等。
An important material property often discussed in semiconductor packaging circles is the glass transition temperature, or simply Tg. Below are some key points about Tg:1) The glass transition temperature (Tg) of a non-crystalline material is the critical temperature at which the material changes its behavior from being 'glassy' to being 'rubbery'. 'Glassy' in this context means hard and brittle (and therefore relatively easy to break), while 'rubbery' means elastic and flexible.2) Note that the concept of Tg only applies to non-crystalline solids, which are mostly either glasses or rubbers. A glass is defined as a material that has no long-range atomic or molecular order and is below the temperature at which a rearrangement of its atoms or molecules can occur. On the other hand, a rubber is a non-crystalline solid whose atoms or molecules can undergo rearrangement.3) Non-crystalline solids are also known as 'amorphous materials'. Amorphous materials are materials that do not have their atoms or molecules arranged on a lattice that repeats periodically in space.4) At room temperature, hammering a piece of glass will break it, while hammering a piece of rubber won't. The rubber would simply absorb the energy by momentarily deforming or stretching. However, if the same piece of rubber is submerged in liquid nitrogen (LN2), it will behave like brittle glass - easy to shatter with a hammer. This is because LN2-cooled rubber is below its Tg.5) For all amorphous solids, whether glasses, organic polymers, or even metals, Tg is the critical temperature that separates their glassy and rubbery behaviors.6) If a material is at a temperature below its Tg, large-scale molecular motion is not possible because the material is essentially frozen. If it is at a temperature above its Tg, molecular motion on the scale of its repeat unit (such as a single mer in a polymer) takes place, allowing it to be 'soft' or 'rubbery'.7) Since the definition of Tg involves atomic or molecular motion, time does have an effect on its value, i.e., the mechanical behavior of an amorphous material depends on how fast a load is applied to it. Simply put, the faster a load is applied to a material at its Tg, the more glass-like its behavior would be because its atoms or molecules are not given enough time to 'move.' Thus, even if an amorphous material is at its Tg, it can break in a 'glass-like' fashion if the loading rate applied to it is too high.8) In the semiconductor industry, knowledge of the Tg's of the various materials used in packaging (such as die attach materials, molding compounds, and encapsulating resins) is important not only in optimizing manufacturing processes, but in understanding the reliability implications of exposure of the products to thermo-mechanical stresses as well.
IM是Instant Messaging的缩写,中文名:即时通讯软件。
即时通讯软件是通过即时通讯技术来实现在线聊天、交流的软件。目前有2种架构形式,一种是C/S架构,采用客户端/服务器形式,用户使用过程中需要下载安装客户端软件,典型的代表有:微信、QQ、百度HI 、Skype 、Gtalk、新浪UC、MSN等。
最早的即时通讯软体是ICQ,ICQ是英文中I seek you的谐音,意思是我找你。四名以色列青年于1996年7月成立Mirabilis公司,并在11月份发布了最初的ICQ版本,在六个月内有85万用户注册使用。
早期的ICQ很不稳定,尽管如此,还是受到大众的欢迎,雅虎也推出Yahoo! pager,美国在线也将具有即时通讯功能的AOL包装在Netscape Communicator,而后微软更将Windows messenger内建於Microsoft Windows XP作业系统中。