extreme sport 由来:极限运动本身也有广义和狭义之分。一些挑战性高的非奥运非世界运动会项目广义上都可以叫做极限运动,比如蹦极、攀岩、悬崖跳水等等。但是狭义的极限运动单指各个大型极限运动会中包含的成型的项目,比如极限摩托车、极限轮滑等等,由于运动会中的这些极限运动经过长时间的系统发展已经有了规模,组织严密,规则完善,比赛合理,因此很多项目正逐渐被大型综合性运动会吸收,比如小轮车竞速已经成为奥运项目,滑雪板U型池也是正式的冬奥项目。那么这些极限项目的出身简单来说就是两种,一种是由一项成型运动演变来的,比如极限摩托车就是由motocross分化出来的,极限滑雪是从普通的滑雪演变来的等等。而另外一些是从游戏、生活和工作中演变来的,比如滑板、攀岩等等。国际上的极限大赛有很多,但知名度最高的就是每年夏季和冬季各举行一次的EXPN极限大赛,每年的参赛项目都有些微妙的改变,一些形成组织并有完善规则的新兴项目在不断被吸纳,而一些开展已经非常广泛,群众基础雄厚的项目则被请出,比如直排轮滑已经不是EXPN的项目就是这个道理。折叠编辑本段分类极限运动的项目许多都是近几十年刚诞生的、方兴未艾的体育项目,根据季节可分为夏季和冬季两大类,运动领域涉及"海、陆、空"多维空间。夏季极限运动主要比赛和表演项目有:BMX、滑板、难度攀岩、速度攀岩、空中滑板、高山滑翔、滑水、激流皮划艇、摩托艇、冲浪、水上摩托、蹦极跳、轮滑的U 台跳跃赛和街区障碍赛、100米和200米等运动项目。 由于极限运动有其"融入自然(自然、环境、生态、健康)、挑战自我(积极、勇敢、愉悦、刺激)"的"天人合一"的特性,使得极限运动在欧美各国的风靡程度简直可以用疯狂、魔力来形容。以滑水和滑板为例,仅在美国,滑水爱好者目前就有110万之名,职业滑水队、表演队更是星罗棋布, 已经成为许多城市重要的都市文化"大餐";而滑板运动的发烧友更是多达450万之众。 由于滑板运动太过惊险、刺激,在本世纪60年代,滑板运动曾受到有关国家政府严令禁止,一度沦为"地下项目",一直到80年代中期,滑板项目才重见天日,使这项"都市魔幻"卷土重来,其声势之在、影响之广,以致于成为许多精明厂商眼中的"印钞机"。滑板天皇巨星托尼·霍克(Tony Hawker)和安迪·麦克唐纳(Andy Mcdonald )在许多年轻人眼中无疑是和乔丹(篮球)、皮特·桑普拉斯(网球)一样的超级偶像。一些社会学家的调查、研究极限运动 极限运动极限运动的结果显示:站在世纪之交竞争日益残酷的门坎前,面临着信息爆炸的知识经济时代,现代人的生活节奏变得越来越快,工作压力越来越大,生活空间越来越小......现实的环境使得现代人应接不暇,持续的、不断增多的刺激,使人的感觉域限也不断提高。原来的感觉不强烈了,已不能适应人类的追求了。从二十世纪七十年代的交谊舞,八十年代的迪斯科,到九十年代的保龄球、桑拿浴,都已经不能满足人们日益增长的感觉需求水平。一方面,人们更加需要寻求刺激、发泄压力、释放能量,另一方面,对于一般性的刺激、享受,人们习以为常、不足为奇。这时,人们便开始追求更为强烈的刺激,从而获得所需要的感觉和唤醒。而极限运动的兴起,正好满足了人类的这一需求。 人类在自然的怀抱中创造了文明,文明却正在使人类远离自然。也许是人类在远离自然的文明世界生活得太久了,在都市文明所带来的便捷中逐渐陷入身心的慵懒之后,便开始渴望回归自然。按捺不住心情的都市新潮一族,首选渴望冲出都市文明的封锁,去和自然对话,还原人类作为大自然中一员的本色,表现人类最本质的能力。极限运动的兴起,正好满足了人类的这一需求。 此外,与传统体育项目(包括奥运会项目)相比,极限运动更富有超越身心极限的自我挑战性、观赏刺激性、高科技渗透性、商业运作性。当体育的本质越来越被金钱的光芒掩盖时;众多奥林匹克运动项目也逐渐被众多的问题困扰,作假、黑哨、兴奋剂、贿赂丑闻等等不一而足;体育运动愉悦身心、完善人性、回归自然的本质被逐渐淡化;体育精神遭受到空前的质疑与信任危机。然而在广大民众视线之外的非主流运动项目中,却潜藏着一股回归自然、融入自然、挑战自我,达致"天人合一"思想境界的清流──极限运动,在欧美各国及各发展中国家,悄然成为都市青年最流行、最持久的时尚运动,参加极限运动会已成为广大都市青年梦寐以求的愿望。极限运动的兴起,使人们逐步离开传统的体育场馆,走向荒野,纵情于山水之间,向大自然寻求人类生存的本质意义。只身户外,以冒险形式所展现的极限运动成了人们超越自我、挑战极限的空间:水上摩托和冲浪运动,让您充分体验在蓝天碧水间风驰电掣、搏击海浪的潇洒;白浪蛮牛、激流皮划艇和白水漂流让您在万流奔腾中历经一泻千里、惊涛骇浪的激越;蹦极跳、攀岩运动又使您感受到了"跃向重力、扶摇直下"的惊险;山地自然这个博大精深、美丽而凶险的演练场里,我们抛弃了现代文明带来的舒适与慵懒,拥有了与自然共存的能力,充分体会到一种回归人的本性与初衷、检验人的智慧与力量的乐趣。
滑板、 BMX车、IN---- Line直排轮、 FLATLAND平地花式、自行车攀爬、单车越野、 野外攀岩、 山地速降、 极限漂流 、沙漠穿越 、 汽车越野 、 森林溯溪
翻译:Slide,BMX car,IN---- Line straight row wheel,FLATLAND Flatland,climbing,cycling bike cross-country,rock climbing,downhill mountain biking,limit drift,across the desert,SUV,Forest Creek
MV多世界插件可输入/mv create 世界名字 normal -t flat来创建 MW多世界插件可输入/mw create 世界名字 flatland《minecraft》(《我的世界》)是一款风靡全球的高自由度沙盒游戏,由瑞典Mojang AB和4J Studios开发,于2009年5月13日发行。2014年11月6日,该游戏被微软收购。2016年网易取得了该游戏在中国的代理权。该游戏以每一个玩家在三维空间中自由地创造和破坏不同种类的方块为主题。玩家在游戏中可以在单人或多人模式中通过摧毁或创造方块以创造精妙绝伦的建筑物和艺术,或者收集物品探索地图以完成游戏的主线。
1,我们的主题The develop of technology in China for the past 30 years ,过去的30年中国技术的发展是飞跃的,在电器方面,在交通工具方面,通讯工具方面都有了巨大的发展。
第七张:The emergence of vehicle makes it way to travel from the bike into a car, but these are just old cars, not from the appearance and functionality point of view and Hyundai Motor。国产品牌“红旗牌”让中国人也有了自己的汽车品牌
第八章:August 1958, the central government for the 10th anniversary of the founding of the FAW issued a limousine made the task of manufacturing. The red car already on the market now, and gradually become the pride of Chinese people
第十章:With the continuous development of IT technology, embedded processing power of the terminal equipment is growing, the beginning of this century with the emergence of a personal data assistant (PDA) the telephone, "smart phones."
1, our theme The develop of technology in China for the past 30 years, the past 30 years, China is a leap in technology development, in electrical terms, in terms of transport and communication tools have a tremendous development.
Second: Haier Group is the world's white goods brand, the most valuable Chinese brand Haier was founded in 1984, 22 years of sustained and stable development, product development from a single refrigerator with white appliances, black appliances, including the door to class 15 100 96 specifications of the product group, and exported to more than 160 countries and regions.
Third: first look at the development of a refrigerator, small refrigerator production of old-fashioned simple, old refrigerator to save all the items can only be a temperature, resulting in serious food rot, and now the refrigerator fresh and clean smell in the enduring aspects has been significantly improved.
Fourth: the refrigerator now become more intelligent, all the temperature can be controlled by computer, can be treated separately for different foods, and in appearance has also been greatly improved, and more convenient to take food.
Fifth: the development of air conditioning, air conditioning, a luxury not only from ordinary people also become indispensable household appliances, and equipment from the complex into a simple elegant design, and feature more complete.
Sixth: the next to see is the development of transport, first bike, although all or just a bike, but the old-fashioned bicycle not only look and function are not as modern bicycle, the modern mountain bike can not only be the usual traffic tools can also be off-road enthusiasts of mountain choice.
Seventh: The emergence of vehicle makes it way to travel from the bike into a car, but these are just old cars, not from the appearance and functionality point of view and Hyundai Motor. Domestic brand "red card" for Chinese people also have their own car brand
Chapter VIII: August 1958, the central government for the 10th anniversary of the founding of the FAW issued a limousine made the task of manufacturing. The red car already on the market now, and gradually become the pride of Chinese people
Chapter IX: talking about the development of the car, followed the train of development, and bid farewell to the era of the steam engine, modern train speed has reached 200, and eventually in the development of the EMU, not only look good, seats comfortable, the key the speed can reach 300 kilometers.
Chapter X: With the continuous development of IT technology, embedded processing power of the terminal equipment is growing, the beginning of this century with the emergence of a personal data assistant (PDA) the telephone, "smart phones."
X a: the communication tools, we are all emotionally, which is known as cellular phones, old-fashioned phone, not only features a single, convenient to carry.
Chapter XII: This is the appearance of fine domestic brand "Lenovo" mobile phone in the function, in addition to old-fashioned phone calls and send and receive text messages with the outside camera can listen to songs online, and so on. Greatly facilitate and enrich the lives of everyone
Psychologists has used numerous facts to bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion,you should allow yourself to cry.You needn't be ashamed of crying.Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of Donna.Her son unfortunately died in a car accident.The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry.She said,"It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry.And then I felt a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders.It was the tears that brought me back to earth."