
时间:2024-08-22 13:51:08编辑:奇事君


Egypt的读音:英['i:dʒɪpt]、美['i:dʒɪpt]。The pyramids of Egypt are actually massive tombs.埃及金字塔实际上是巨大的坟墓。Glazes had been used from ancient times in Egypt.埃及自古代起就使用釉料。Economic Research to Oman Temples in Ancient Egypt.古埃及阿蒙神庙经济探微。Model of Economic Administration in Ptolemaic Egypt.托勒密埃及的经济管理模式。The seven years of abundance in Egypt came to an end.埃及地的七个丰年一完She is planning a long holiday in Egypt and America.她计划去埃及和美国度长假。Try to conjure up a picture of life in ancient Egypt.请想象出一幅古埃及生活得画面。But there's some amazing opportunities in Egypt as well.但是在埃及有一些非常令人惊讶的机会。History Channel Mummies And The Wonders of Ancient Egypt.木乃伊及古埃及奇观Review about ancient Egypt and female Pharaoh Hatshepsut.古埃及女法老哈特舍普苏特评析


egypt英/ˈiːdʒɪpt/ 美/ˈidʒəpt/ n.埃及egypt造句1、I lived in Egypt for a time.我在埃及住了一阵子。2、The Primitive Philosophy in Egypt of the Pharaohs法老时代埃及的原始哲学3、Garden Image of Ancient Egypt and Roman Empire古代埃及和罗马时代的花园图像4、Why does a prince of egypt kill the master builder to save a hebrew?埃及王子为何帮希伯来人杀死监督?5、a fractional monetary unit in Egypt and Lebanon and Sudan and Syria埃及黎巴嫩苏丹叙利亚使用的辅助货币单位。6、Here, the business force of Egypt expanded into the whole Aegean Sea and some areas in Asia Minor.此时,埃及的商业势力扩展到了整个爱琴海和小亚细亚等地。

