
时间:2024-08-17 00:25:56编辑:奇事君


rang,包围的意思。rang,作为名词译为朗(人名)。短语搭配如下:A Rang 阿娘专辑 ; 阿娘 ; 有铃响了。rang from 从铃 ; 从响了 ; 从 ; 响。cruising rang 巡航范围。rang的双语例句:When is the best time to ring New York? 什么时间给纽约打电话最好?He isn't here now ─ could you ring back later? 他现在不在——你过会儿再打电话来好吗?Ring the changes with a new colour. 用一种新的颜色来改变一下。The company rang up sales of$ 166 million last year. 公司去年的销售额为1.66亿元。This ring has always brought me good luck. 这戒指总是给我带来好运。


v. 包围;成环形(ring的过去式)n. (Rang)人名;(俄、罗)兰格;(法、德、瑞典)朗动词 ring:sound loudly and sonorously同义词:ring, pealring or echo with sound同义词:resound, echo, ring, reverberatemake (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification同义词:ring, knellbe around同义词:surround, environ, encircle, circle, round, ringget or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone同义词:call, telephone, call up, phone, ringattach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify同义词:ring, band例句:A high fence ringed the prison camp.有一道高高的铁丝网围著战俘营The playground rang with children's shouts.游戏场上到处都是儿童的喊叫声。The music was so loud it made my ears ring.音乐的声音太大了,把我耳朵震得直响。The telephone is ringing.电话铃响了。She wears a wedding ring to show that she's married.她戴着结婚戒指,表示她已结婚。I wonder when mother will ring?我不知道母亲什么时候会打电话来?

