give out

时间:2024-08-12 23:37:17编辑:奇事君

give out具体是怎么样翻译的

  give out的翻译   英 [ɡiv aut] 美 [ɡv at]   give out 基本解释   分发; 公布; 停止运行; 停止起作用   give out的词典解释   1. 分发;散发   If you give out a number of things, you distribute them among a group of people.   e.g. There were people at the entrance giving out leaflets.   有人在入口处散发传单。   2. 公开,宣布(消息等)   If you give out information, you make it known to people.   e.g. He wouldn't give out any information...   他不愿透露任何消息。   e.g. How often do you give your phone number out?   你经常把自己的电话告诉别人吗?   3. (设备或身体部位)停止运转,停止运行   If a piece of equipment or part of the body gives out, it stops working.   e.g. All machines give out eventually...   最终,所有的机器都停止了运转。   e.g. One of his lungs gave out entirely.   他的其中一片肺叶完全不起作用了。   4. 发出(尖叫、叹息等)   If you give out something such as a scream or a sigh, you sigh, scream, or make some other sound.   e.g. He gave out a scream of pain.   他疼得大叫了一声。   give out的`双语例句   1. This time committing a foul out wide that led to the sustained period of pressure that resulted in Joseph Yobo planting a powerful header past Hilario to once again give Everton the lead.   这次他的失误导致埃弗顿强大的压力,并最终由雅博打入再次领先的一球。   2. Preliminary results give the PDPT, led by Emomali Rakhmon, the president, 53 seats out of 63 in the lower house of parliament.   总统拉赫蒙所领导的人民民主党所公布的初步结果显示民主党获得了议会下院63个议席中的58个。   3. This should give a fair cross-section of the latest games out there today.   这应该给予公正截面的最新游戏外面有今天。   4. One measure which your phone company or phone systems might give you of telephone traffic in and out of your office.   所有中继占线电话公司或电话系统为你提供的一种衡量办公室内外话务量的方法。

give out 用法

give out1、放出,发出(声音、光等):The radio is giving out a strange signal.收音机正发出一种奇怪的信号。2、散发,分发,颁发:I saw a man giving out handbills in the street.我看见一位男子在大街上散发传单。3、公布,宣布;发表:He gave out that they weren't coming.他宣布他们不来了。4、被用完,耗尽,没有了;精疲力竭:The fuel gave out.油用完了。give的用法:1、give基本的词义是“给”。give作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语有时可转换为介词to的宾语,还可接动词不定式或以“as+ n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。2、give接双宾语时,间接宾语是人,双宾语的句型可以转变为跟to短语的句型,但当间接宾语是物时,则间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后的位置是固定的,不可以转换。give接双宾语时的被动结构可把间接宾语变为主语;也可把直接宾语变为主语。3、give的过去分词常用作定语,多前置,构成过去分词短语时则一般后置。过去分词短语作状语时表示完成或被动的意义,作“假定; 容许; 如果有…”解。

give out的意思

give out的中文意思是分发。其词性有:第三人称单数:gives out现在分词:giving out过去式:gave out过去分词:given out关于give out的例句有:1.I've told the girls to give out that we've gone fishing.我已让女儿说我们去钓鱼了。2.The flowers give out spells of fragrant smell. / Flowers shed perfume. / The flowers smell sweet.花儿散发着阵阵清香。

