
时间:2024-08-08 02:52:25编辑:奇事君


rolling[英]['rəʊlɪŋ] [美][ˈroʊlɪŋ] 生词本简明释义adj.旋转的;波动的;起伏的n.旋转;动摇;轰鸣易混淆的单词:Rolling以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典1.ADJ(山丘)起伏的,绵延的Rolling hills are small hills with gentle slopes that extend a long way into the distance. ...the rolling countryside of south western France.法国西南部绵延起伏的乡村2.ADJ(走路)左右摇晃的,摇摆的If someone has a rolling walk, they move from side to side as they walk. Burns is a big lad with a rolling gait.伯恩斯是一个走起路来一摇一晃的高大小伙子。


rolling的读音音标为英 [ ˈrəʊlɪŋ ],美 [ ˈroʊlɪŋ ]。它的意思是:起伏的,绵延的;规则的,周而复始的;(走路)左右摇晃的,摇摆的;(水面)汹涌澎湃的;旋转的。旋转,动摇,轰响。rolling的短语有:rolling mill 轧钢厂;辊轧机cold rolling 冷轧;冷压延rolling process 轧制过程;压延法,滚压法hot rolling 热轧steel rolling 轧钢;钢材轧制rolling bearing 滚动轴承rolling的例句:1. They've covered an old Rolling Stones number.他们翻唱了滚石乐队的一首老歌。2. With its gently rolling hills it looks like Tuscany.它拥有平缓起伏的山丘,看起来像托斯卡纳。3. They are arguably the most important band since The Rolling Stones.他们可以说是自滚石以来最重要的乐队。4. Tears rolling down my face.泪水从我的脸上滚落下来。

