
时间:2024-08-04 04:29:54编辑:奇事君




尼奇在咖啡店认识了女服务生海瑟,她性感撩人却又略带神秘的独特气质,深深吸引住尼奇的目光,但当他使出惯用的把妹伎俩,海瑟却完全无动于衷,尼奇怎麼也没料到这回他遇上的,竟是与他旗鼓相当、专钓凯子的调情圣手,第一次动了真情的他一心认为海瑟就是他的真命天女,情场浪子尼奇是否真会放弃与珊蔓莎的豪奢生活,转而追求毕生的真爱? 由影坛超强发电机艾希顿库奇Ashton Kutcher主演的新片《情圣终结者》Spread,堪称继《倒数第二个男朋友》Good Luck Chuck之后,今夏最清凉养眼、浪漫搞笑的爱情喜剧。银幕魅力十足的艾希顿,这次在新作中饰演夜夜狂欢的超级种马,凭著俊俏挺拔的外型、花招百出的把妹技巧与所向无敌的电动马达,在各色群芳间无往不利,而艾希顿结实有料的好身材,以及他与众多女星的火辣激情戏,也势必将让所有女性粉丝脸红心跳、尖叫不已!而在《情圣终结者》中让调情圣手艾希顿初次嚐到心碎滋味的女主角玛格丽塔蕾薇瓦Margarita Levieva,是这段时间因本片性感演出而惊豔影坛的超亮眼新星,集天使脸孔与魔鬼身材于一身的她,有著独特的拉丁血统外型与异国情调口音,被喻为好莱坞超级甜心洁西卡艾芭Jessica Alba的头号接班人。片中她化身专钓多金男的凯子克星,将动了真情的艾希顿耍得团团转,而这段情场浪子与拜金辣妹的精彩交手过程,除了充满笑料与浪漫情调,也将赤裸公开好莱坞花花世界的复杂男女关系与浮华表象,带观众一窥八卦杂志中男欢女爱的上流派对内幕,有著更胜《巴黎拜金女》Priceless的辛辣话题与娱乐效果!2009年轰动日舞影展的正式入选佳作《情圣终结者》乃是异色风格名导大卫麦肯锡David Mackenzie首度进军好莱坞的娱乐大作,享誉欧洲影坛的他向来擅长以大胆艺术手法处理不伦、畸恋等禁忌题材,2003年自编自导的作品《烈火亚当》Young Adam,以强烈的戏剧张力呈现多场情欲交缠的场景,而因主演本片荣获英国奥斯卡影帝的男星伊旺麦奎格Ewan McGregor,更在电影里有三点全露的超尺度演出,这部备受赞誉的作品让大卫麦肯锡一举拿下英国金像奖最佳导演的殊荣,并同时获得伦敦影评人协会颁发年度最佳英国新人奖。2007年的《在屋顶上流浪》Hallam Foe,导演则以偷窥为主题,细腻刻画一段青涩少年爱上熟女恋人的爱情故事,使本片获得柏林影展艺术电影公会大奖及最佳电影音乐的双项肯定。大卫麦肯锡在新作《情圣终结者》中,初次将故事背景拉到纸醉金迷的洛杉矶,打造出这部风格幽默创新的浪漫喜剧,而艾希顿库奇也因折服于导演处理异色主题的独到眼光与才华,首度答应演出大胆裸露的激情戏,突破以往角色局限的表现将令所有观众刮目相看,而《情圣终结者》对男女情爱关系写实中不失浪漫的精彩描写,也让本片称得上是今夏最适合情侣观众欣赏的惊喜之作!帅气潇洒的花花公子尼奇(艾希顿库奇 饰),怀抱著夜夜笙歌的“梦想”来到洛杉矶,他满心期待能在这浮华的梦土上,展开如摇滚乐团MV般疯狂享乐的生活…。既没车子也没房子的尼奇,靠著魅力十足的俊俏外型,与马力超强的电动翘臀,在各色群芳中四处达阵,甚至在多金贵妇与年薪百万的女强人间,也照样无往不利。放电功力一流的尼奇,成功把到金发熟女律师珊蔓莎(安海契 饰)之后,更是大举进驻珊蔓莎的气派豪宅,享受著跑车代步与香槟无限畅饮的天堂时光!正当尼奇在奢华的温柔乡中赞叹美好人生之际,他遇上了这辈子想都没想过的事……某日,尼奇在咖啡店认识了女服务生海瑟(玛格丽塔蕾薇瓦 饰),她性感撩.人却又略带神秘的独特气质,深深吸引住尼奇的目光,但当他使出惯用的把妹伎俩,海瑟却完全.无动于衷,尼奇怎麼也没料到这回他遇上的,竟是与他旗鼓相当、专钓凯子的.调情圣手,第一次动了真情的他一.心认为海瑟就是他的真命天女,情场浪子尼奇是否真会放弃.与珊蔓莎的豪奢生活,转而追求毕生的真爱?而尼奇又该如何征服将他玩弄于股掌间的海瑟?拜金女与情场浪子的这段曲折恋情,能有浪漫幸福的结局吗?由获奖无数的欧洲影坛大导大卫麦肯锡全力打造,并结合好莱坞票房金童艾希顿库奇、新生代性感新星玛格丽塔蕾薇瓦与演技精湛的安海契Anne Heche等人,联手演出的火辣爱情喜剧《情圣终结者》,将以创新的风格与幽默浪漫的手法,写实呈现时下男女爱欲与物欲相互交缠的现代爱情观,让观众在大饱眼福与开怀大笑之馀,更能获得一番对感情的全新体悟。




《Cradles》。《Cradles》是由美国新泽西男歌手Sub Urban录唱的一首歌曲,单曲于2019年1月4日通过NCS Release发行。歌曲歌词I live inside my own world of make believe.我活在自己臆想的世界当中Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities.孩子们在摇篮里尖叫谩骂I see the world through eyes covered in pink and bleach.透过我的双眼 这个世界被一层粉色和漂白剂所覆盖Cross out the ones who held my cries and watched me weep.把看到我柔软一面的人都通通抹除I love everything.我是爱所有的一切的Fire spreading all around my room.当火焰不断吞噬我的房间My world's so bright.这一刻 我的眼中只有火光It’s hard to breathe but that's alright.虽然很难呼吸但也无所谓了吧Hush.请别说话..Sh...嘘..Tape my eyes open to force reality.眼睛只能靠胶带的支撑来面对现实Why can't you just let me eat my weight in glee?你为什么不让我开心的离开呢?I live inside my own world of make believe.我活在自己臆想的世界当中Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities.孩子们在摇篮里尖叫谩骂Some days I feel skinnier than all the other days.有时我觉得我的身体日益消瘦And some days I can’t tell if my body belongs to me.更有时我无法确定身体是否是我的一部分了I love everything.我是爱所有的一切的Fire spreading all around my room.当火焰不断吞噬我的房间My world's so bright.这一刻 我的眼中只有火光It's hard to breathe but that's alright.虽然很难呼吸但也无所谓了吧Hush.请别说话..Sh...嘘..I wanna taste your content.我渴望着去品尝你Hold your breath and feel the tension.扼住你的呼吸并感受你的那份不安Devils hide behind redemption.救赎的背后隐藏着恶魔Honesty is a one way gate to hell.所以诚实也变成了一种堕落I wanna taste consumption.我内心向往着品尝浪费的感觉Breathe faster to waste oxygen.急促呼吸来消耗氧气Hear the children sing aloud.聆听着孩子们大声的歌唱It's music till the wick burns out.在灯芯烧灭之前可真是动听啊Hush.请静下来吧..Just wanna be care free lately, yeah.我只想从现在开始变得无忧无虑的Just kicking up daisies.看那野菊花漫天飘落Got one too many quarters in my pockets.一个一个的四分钱在我口袋里躺着Count 'em like the four leaf clovers in my locket.数他们就像数我盒子里的四叶草一样Untied laces, yeah, just tripping on dirt.没有系上的鞋带 在地上提拉着Dreams got dirty little alibis playing up.梦里的内容有些已经没有印象了Might as well just ride around the nursery and count sheep.可能只是在幼儿园里打闹或者数羊的事吧

找歌名 电影《情圣终结者/蔓延》 里的插曲

Reeve Carney
Think of You

When I'm lost, you bring me back
When I cry, you make me glad
When I think I have it bad
I think of You

When I don't know where to go
And I feel like I'm alone
When I hang my head down low
I think of You

Each night You wait outside my door
Cause You want to know, I think of You...

When I fall into a snare
And it's all too much to bear
When I think nobody cares
I think of You

When the going's getting tough
And I feel like giving up
When I think I've had enough
I think of You

You've always been and You'll always be
Even to the end, I'll think of You

You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life
And I'll follow You...

When it's time to say goodbye
And a tear wells in my eye
I can hold my head up high
When I think of You

My flesh is weak, but Your Spirit wills
That my heart and mind, will think of You


片尾曲曲名:Ode to L.A.歌手:The RaveonettesCome on let's go to where it's funI want a slice of L.A. sunWhoa ho ho hoHoney let's go(Feels like you never have to)Honey let's go(Come down you don't really want to)Honey let's go(Stay out is all you need to)Honey let's go(Go to sleep you don't really want to)So come along and pay the priceThis ain't New York this tasty sliceWhoa ho ho hoTake a minute listen to this townDon't you ever feel you have to comeTake a minute she won't let you downSee you excited in her armsL.A. and all her crazy charmsWhoa ho ho oh



  1. This Ship Was Built to Last - The Duke Spirit
  2. Mainstay (Unsettled Mix) - AM
  3. Down in the Valley - The Broken West
  4. Dr.Love - Bumblebeez, Chris Colonna
  5. Been So Long - Uniào Black , Daniel Collàs
  6. Hot Bed - The Whigs
  7. International Travel Advisory - Interprété par Kurt Hagardorn Écrit par Kurt Hagardorn (ASCAP)
  8. Last Time Rewind - Kurt Hagardorn
  9. Do It Like This - Ashtar Command
  10. First Time - Invaudio, Keatly Haldeman (BMI)
  11. Big Star - Isa & The Filthy Tongues Martin Metcalfe & Derek Kelly
  12. Right Hand On My Heart - The Whigs
  13. Shak’em Loose Tonight - Rumspringa
  14. Think of You - Reeve Carney
  15. But My Heart Is Broken - Swimmer One, Hamish Brown and Andrew Eaton
  16. Ms.November - The Silver Seas, Daniel Tashian
  17. The Garden That You Planted - Sea Wolf , Alex Brown Church
  18. Ode To LA - The Ravonettes


  The Duke Spirit
  This Ship Was Built to Last

  Building a bridge across where we live.
  There are roots in my ground and i stretch across town.
  I couldn't care less if i live in my head.
  I've shed all my tears and i'm better than bored.

  Oh this ship was built to last, yeah
  Oh this ship was built to last.

  Move your hands on, release me in love, weather the rain and pleasure my skin.
  I'm building a bridge across where we live, i've fed all the hurt now i just have to learn

  How this ship was built to last,
  Oh this ship was built to last.

  See where she goes, that's where we go, the breeze takes my hand, this ship takes over.
  Drip upon drop overflowing the cup, running in light, i whip multiple cries, they echo around all the walls of my heart, yeah worry no more when love leans 'gainst the door.

  Oh this ship was built to last,
  Oh this ship was built to last,
  Oh this ship was built to last,
  Oh this ship was built to last,
  Yeah this ship was built to last.

  The Whigs
  Hot Bed

  Standing at the door
  There’s a man to me
  Shaking in my head
  As he starts to speak
  Can you just not be afraid?
  Can you just not be afraid?
  I don’t wanna hear what he’s gonna say

  In the quite home
  I can here you say
  I can you hear you now
  If you wanna speak
  Can you just not be afraid?
  You just not be afraid?
  I don’t wanna hear what you’re gonna say

  I don’t know if the past will change me all the time
  I don’t know if your words will haunt me all my life
  I don’t know will, I don’t know will
  I don’t know if you told me [????]
  Lyrics soundtrack:

  This Ship Was Built to Last (The Duke Spirit) listen
  Hot Bed (The Whigs) listen
  Right Hand On My Heart (The Whigs) listen
  Think of You (Reeve Carney) listen
  Ode To LA (The Ravonettes) listen

  The Whigs
  Right Hand On My Heart

  All the fallen leaves will find their branches again
  Raindrops from the heavens I'll eventually swim
  A river, an ocean, a wave in my heart
  We got your money now we'll make a new start

  All the fallen leaves will find their branches again
  Raindrops in the heavens I'll eventually swim
  River, an ocean, a wave in my heart
  We got your money now we'll make a new start

  In another week, promise?
  In another year, promise?

  Put your right hand on my heart

  All the fallen leaves will find their branches again
  The raindrops in the heavens I'll eventually swim
  Don't bypass the train-tracks that lead to my heart
  We got your money now we'll make a new start

  All the fallen leaves will find their branches again
  Raindrops in the heavens I'll eventually swim
  River, an ocean, a wave in my heart
  We got your money now we'll make a new start

  In another week, promise?
  In another year, promise?

  Put your right hand on my heart

  Your right hand on my heart
  Your right hand on my heart
  Feel the promise of my beating heart

  All the fallen leaves will find their branches again
  Raindrops in the heavens I'll eventually swim
  River, an ocean, a wave in my heart
  We got your money now we'll make a new start

  Reeve Carney
  Think of You

  When I'm lost, you bring me back
  When I cry, you make me glad
  When I think I have it bad
  I think of You

  When I don't know where to go
  And I feel like I'm alone
  When I hang my head down low
  I think of You

  Each night You wait outside my door
  Cause You want to know, I think of You...

  When I fall into a snare
  And it's all too much to bear
  When I think nobody cares
  I think of You

  When the going's getting tough
  And I feel like giving up
  When I think I've had enough
  I think of You

  You've always been and You'll always be
  Even to the end, I'll think of You

  You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life
  And I'll follow You...

  When it's time to say goodbye
  And a tear wells in my eye
  I can hold my head up high
  When I think of You

  My flesh is weak, but Your Spirit wills
  That my heart and mind, will think of You

  The Ravonettes
  Ode To LA

  Come on let's go to where it's fun
  I want a slice of L.A. sun
  Whoa ho ho ho

  Honey let's go
  (Feels like you never have to)
  Honey let's go
  (Come down you don't really want to)
  Honey let's go
  (Stay out is all you need to)
  Honey let's go
  (Go to sleep you don't really want to)

  So come along and pay the price
  This ain't New York this tasty slice
  Whoa ho ho ho

  Take a minute listen to this town
  Don't you ever feel you have to come
  Take a minute she won't let you down

  See you excited in her arms
  L.A. and all her crazy charms
  Whoa ho ho oh



  1. This Ship Was Built to Last - The Duke Spirit
  2. Mainstay (Unsettled Mix) - AM
  3. Down in the Valley - The Broken West
  4. Dr.Love - Bumblebeez, Chris Colonna
  5. Been So Long - Uniào Black , Daniel Collàs
  6. Hot Bed - The Whigs
  7. International Travel Advisory - Interprété par Kurt Hagardorn Écrit par Kurt Hagardorn (ASCAP)
  8. Last Time Rewind - Kurt Hagardorn
  9. Do It Like This - Ashtar Command
  10. First Time - Invaudio, Keatly Haldeman (BMI)
  11. Big Star - Isa & The Filthy Tongues Martin Metcalfe & Derek Kelly
  12. Right Hand On My Heart - The Whigs
  13. Shak’em Loose Tonight - Rumspringa
  14. Think of You - Reeve Carney
  15. But My Heart Is Broken - Swimmer One, Hamish Brown and Andrew Eaton
  16. Ms.November - The Silver Seas, Daniel Tashian
  17. The Garden That You Planted - Sea Wolf , Alex Brown Church
  18. Ode To LA - The Ravonettes


  The Duke Spirit
  This Ship Was Built to Last

  Building a bridge across where we live.
  There are roots in my ground and i stretch across town.
  I couldn't care less if i live in my head.
  I've shed all my tears and i'm better than bored.

  Oh this ship was built to last, yeah
  Oh this ship was built to last.

  Move your hands on, release me in love, weather the rain and pleasure my skin.
  I'm building a bridge across where we live, i've fed all the hurt now i just have to learn

  How this ship was built to last,
  Oh this ship was built to last.

  See where she goes, that's where we go, the breeze takes my hand, this ship takes over.
  Drip upon drop overflowing the cup, running in light, i whip multiple cries, they echo around all the walls of my heart, yeah worry no more when love leans 'gainst the door.

  Oh this ship was built to last,
  Oh this ship was built to last,
  Oh this ship was built to last,
  Oh this ship was built to last,
  Yeah this ship was built to last.

  The Whigs
  Hot Bed

  Standing at the door
  There’s a man to me
  Shaking in my head
  As he starts to speak
  Can you just not be afraid?
  Can you just not be afraid?
  I don’t wanna hear what he’s gonna say

  In the quite home
  I can here you say
  I can you hear you now
  If you wanna speak
  Can you just not be afraid?
  You just not be afraid?
  I don’t wanna hear what you’re gonna say

  I don’t know if the past will change me all the time
  I don’t know if your words will haunt me all my life
  I don’t know will, I don’t know will
  I don’t know if you told me [????]
  Lyrics soundtrack:

  This Ship Was Built to Last (The Duke Spirit) listen
  Hot Bed (The Whigs) listen
  Right Hand On My Heart (The Whigs) listen
  Think of You (Reeve Carney) listen
  Ode To LA (The Ravonettes) listen

  The Whigs
  Right Hand On My Heart

  All the fallen leaves will find their branches again
  Raindrops from the heavens I'll eventually swim
  A river, an ocean, a wave in my heart
  We got your money now we'll make a new start

  All the fallen leaves will find their branches again
  Raindrops in the heavens I'll eventually swim
  River, an ocean, a wave in my heart
  We got your money now we'll make a new start

  In another week, promise?
  In another year, promise?

  Put your right hand on my heart

  All the fallen leaves will find their branches again
  The raindrops in the heavens I'll eventually swim
  Don't bypass the train-tracks that lead to my heart
  We got your money now we'll make a new start

  All the fallen leaves will find their branches again
  Raindrops in the heavens I'll eventually swim
  River, an ocean, a wave in my heart
  We got your money now we'll make a new start

  In another week, promise?
  In another year, promise?

  Put your right hand on my heart

  Your right hand on my heart
  Your right hand on my heart
  Feel the promise of my beating heart

  All the fallen leaves will find their branches again
  Raindrops in the heavens I'll eventually swim
  River, an ocean, a wave in my heart
  We got your money now we'll make a new start

  Reeve Carney
  Think of You

  When I'm lost, you bring me back
  When I cry, you make me glad
  When I think I have it bad
  I think of You

  When I don't know where to go
  And I feel like I'm alone
  When I hang my head down low
  I think of You

  Each night You wait outside my door
  Cause You want to know, I think of You...

  When I fall into a snare
  And it's all too much to bear
  When I think nobody cares
  I think of You

  When the going's getting tough
  And I feel like giving up
  When I think I've had enough
  I think of You

  You've always been and You'll always be
  Even to the end, I'll think of You

  You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life
  And I'll follow You...

  When it's time to say goodbye
  And a tear wells in my eye
  I can hold my head up high
  When I think of You

  My flesh is weak, but Your Spirit wills
  That my heart and mind, will think of You

  The Ravonettes
  Ode To LA

  Come on let's go to where it's fun
  I want a slice of L.A. sun
  Whoa ho ho ho

  Honey let's go
  (Feels like you never have to)
  Honey let's go
  (Come down you don't really want to)
  Honey let's go
  (Stay out is all you need to)
  Honey let's go
  (Go to sleep you don't really want to)

  So come along and pay the price
  This ain't New York this tasty slice
  Whoa ho ho ho

  Take a minute listen to this town
  Don't you ever feel you have to come
  Take a minute she won't let you down

  See you excited in her arms
  L.A. and all her crazy charms
  Whoa ho ho oh

