
时间:2024-07-31 11:41:00编辑:奇事君

英语语法高手来解答一下 非常感谢!!!

22. It was not until midnight__A__ the snow-capped peak.
A. that they sighted B. that they did not sight
C. did they sight D. had they sighted
这是一个强调句。it was……that……所以that不能省
原句为they did not sight the show capped peak until midnight

23. We could _B___ him with a detached house when he came, but he had specifically asked for a small flat.
A. provide B. have provided
C. not provide D. not have provided
could have done sth本可以做某事

24. This missile is designed so that once__A___ nothing can be done to retrieve it.
A. fired B. being fired
C. they fired D. having fired

26. Agriculture is the country’s chief source of wealth, wheat __D_ by far the biggest cereal crop.
A. is B. been C. be D. being
该句没有连词,即只能有一个谓语,前面的is即是整个句子的谓语,所以空里不能填谓语,即排除A.C,后面的部分如果是有连词的话应是这样wheat is by far the biggest cereal crop.因为不能有谓语所以用being表状态,been一般不单独用,与have、has一起

27. The opening ceremony is a great occasion. It is essential ___A_ for that.
A. for us to be prepared B. that we are prepared
C. of us to be prepared D. our being prepared
it is +adj+for sb+to do sth

28. He spoilt the poem by reading it in a ___B__ voice.
A. soft B. monotonous C. cheerful D. faint

31. She is one the most __A__ people in the company, for she is very influential.
A. vital B. special C. precious D. practical

37. If you have really been studying English for so long, it’s about time you __B___ able to write letters in English.
A. should B. were C. must be D. are
it is (high、about)time+that虚拟从句,固定用法,要记住的

40. This famous businessman__B__ most of the profits from his business to various charities after his success.
A. discharged B. donated C. designated D. distributed
为什么不用 distributed to?


1 - Give me that glass and those two bottles 或者 Give me that glass and the two bottles.
2 - Happy birthday dear这样对吗?—— 对(= Happy birthday, dear!)
3 - 合成词中的两个单词通常不会有明显的发音变化,但重音会落在第一个单词上,造成第二个单词中的元音弱化。不过这种弱化是很自然的,无需刻意去改变或保持第二个单词的元音质量。
4 - 你的感觉是正确的。go out 中的 out 的确是副词。介词的特点是后面必须跟有名词/代词组成介词短语。
5 - It is running across the grass 的句子成分:It 为主语,is running 为谓语,across the grass 是介词短语作状语。此句中的 running 是不及物动词,不带宾语。
6 - 重音节指多音节单词中发音相对响亮,音长相对长一点的音节;闭音节指音节中的元音受到紧跟着的辅音影响而不发元音字母音的音节;重读闭音节指多音节单词中,重读的音节为闭音节。例 begin 中的第二个音节 gin 就是重读闭音节(词尾变化时,n 需双写:beginning)
7 - 琼斯Jones,那么琼斯夫妇怎么变?—— the Joneses
8 - “回我家”可有不同理解。1. = 回家——come home;2. 去我家—— come to my home. 具体情况具体对待。come by my home = stop by my home(顺路来我家)。
9 - 冠词 a 有两种读音,一是重读,发 a 的字母音,二是发弱读音 /?/。强调“一个”时需重读。
10 - 都可以,视语境而定。as rock 表达“质地”的坚硬,如墙壁、湖面冰层等,as a rock 表达除了质地,形状也如同石头,如拳头、饭团等。
11- 标识性的行为动词多用 -ing 形式。这是动名词。No Crossing 中的 no 是形容词。
12 - over there 是介词短语,在句中做状语成分,修饰整个句子(put the box)
13 - 既然是“浊化”,就肯定与 s 前面的音有关。凡是让 s 无法发出清晰的舌齿间漏气似的“嘶”音,都能浊化 s 音。如浊辅音、鼻音、元音等等。记住,所谓发音规则并不是人们一拍脑袋想出来的,而是对实际生活中说话吐音的总结。也就是说,这些规则反映了实际使用语言的特征。在流利地讲英语时,你想不浊化都办不到。所以,建议不要太刻意去关注辅音浊化的“规则”,懂得其中的道理就好。时间长了你自然就会“浊化”的。




日版《流星花园》有如下音乐:1. “For You”-和处理“爱存在”魏奇奇,由汉岭富勒和塞巴斯蒂安Zelle作曲,收纳于魏奇奇专辑《流星花园原声带》之中,开始发行于2018年7月23日。2. “爱存在”-和处理“爱存在”魏奇奇,由吴易纬和蔡明仁作曲,收纳于魏奇奇专辑《流星花园原声带》之中。3. “イチブトムルメ disturbante新品”-和处理“非同小可”王鹤棣,由陈学圣和弗雷德里克·约翰逊作曲,收纳于王鹤棣专辑《流星花园原声带》之中。4. “创造回忆主题乐”-和处理“流星创造者”,由邬裕康和杨子朴作曲,收纳于王鹤棣专辑《流星花园原声带》之中。5. “爱情不匹配”-和处理“流星花园”王鹤棣、官鸿、梁靖康、吴希泽,由伊基·斯特朗和罗德里戈“成功先生”佩雷斯作曲,收纳于王鹤棣专辑《流星花园原声带》之中。6. “背面的温柔”-和处理“流星花园”官鸿,由马嵩雅和陈舒宁作曲,收纳于官鸿专辑《流星花园原声带》之中。7. “想都不用想”-和处理“流星花园”王鹤棣,由吴易纬和杨镇邦作曲,收纳于王鹤棣专辑《流星花园原声带》之中。8. “星星数流星”-和处理“流星花园”梁靖康,由纪佳松、德鲁·瑞安·斯科特和约翰内斯·莫拉梅作曲,收纳于梁靖康专辑《流星花园原声带》之中。希望以上信息对您有帮助。




《傲慢与偏见》是英国女小说家简·奥斯汀的创作的长篇小说。小说描写了小乡绅班纳特五个待字闺中的千金,主角是二女儿伊丽莎白。她在舞会上认识了达西,但是耳闻他为人傲慢,一直对他心生排斥,经历一番周折,伊丽莎白解除了对达西的偏见,达西也放下傲慢,有情人终成眷属。 这部作品以日常生活为素材,以反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的内容和矫揉造作的写作方法,生动地反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情。并多次被改编成电影和电视剧。扩展资料:《傲慢与偏见》是奥斯汀最早完成的作品,她在1796年开始动笔,取名叫《最初的印象》,1797年8月完成。她父亲看后很感动,特意拿给汤玛士·卡德尔,请他出版,但对方一口回绝,这使得他们父女非常失望。于是简·奥斯汀着手修订另一本小说《理性与感性》。1805年她父亲去世后,奥斯汀太太带着简和她姐姐卡珊德拉搬到南安普顿。直到1809年定居在乔顿城其兄爱德华的汉普夏庄园之后,简·奥斯汀才再度认真提笔。《理智与情感》修订后她自费出书,销路不错。于是她重写《最初的印象》,改名叫《傲慢与偏见》。作品鉴赏作品主题奥斯汀在这部小说中通过班纳特五个女儿对待终身大事的不同处理,表现出乡镇中产阶级家庭出身的少女对婚姻爱情问题的不同态度,从而反映了作者本人的婚姻观:为了财产、金钱和地位而结婚是错误的;而结婚不考虑上述因素也是愚蠢的。因此,她既反对为金钱而结婚,也反对把婚姻当儿戏。她强调理想婚姻的重要性,并把男女双方感情作为缔结理想婚姻的基石。书中的女主人公伊丽莎白出身于小地主家庭,为富豪子弟达西所热爱。达西不顾门第和财富的差距,向她求婚,却遭到拒绝。伊丽莎白对他的误会和偏见是一个原因,但主要的是她讨厌他的傲慢。因为达西的这种傲慢实际上是地位差异的反映,只要存在这种傲慢,他与伊丽莎白之间就不可能有共同的思想感情,也不可能有理想的婚姻。以后伊丽莎白亲眼观察了达西的为人处事和一系列所作所为,特别是看到他改变了过去那种骄傲自负的神态,消除了对他的误会和偏见,从而与他缔结了美满姻缘。伊丽莎白对达西先后两次求婚的不同态度,实际上反映了女性对人格独立和平等权利的追求。这是伊丽莎白这一人物形象的进步意义。从小说看,伊丽莎白聪敏机智,有胆识,有远见,有很强的自尊心,并善于思考问题。就当时一个待在闺中的小姐来讲,这是难能可贵的。正是由于这种品质,才使她在爱情问题上有独立的主见,并促使她与达西组成美满的家庭。在《傲慢与偏见》中,奥斯汀还写了伊丽莎白的几个姐妹和女友的婚事,这些都是陪衬,用来与女主人公理想的婚姻相对照。如夏绿蒂和柯林斯尽管婚后过着舒适的物质生活,但他们之间没有爱情,这种婚姻实际上是掩盖在华丽外衣下的社会悲剧。《傲慢与偏见》于1813年问世。这本书在评论界得到欢迎,沃尔特·斯科特爵士赞扬奥斯汀“笔法巧妙”,“把平凡普通的事务和角色变得有趣”。《傲慢与偏见》描写中产阶级男女的爱情与婚姻。在奥斯汀之前,18世纪后期的英国小说中有一股女性感情潮流,充满伤心流泪的感伤情调和为忧郁而忧郁的嗜好。《傲慢与偏见》克服了这种倾向而接近于现代生活。她在小说中运用喜剧的手法表达对生活的严肃批评,探索女主人公从恋爱到结婚中自我发现的心理过程。女主人公和达西的婚姻是作者颂扬的“为天下有情人树立一个榜样”的幸福婚姻。《傲慢与偏见》作品生动反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情,被英国小说家和戏剧家毛姆列为世界十大小说之一。参考资料:百度百科-《傲慢与偏见》













Dear teachers, dear students.
today iam so honoured(荣幸) standing here.
I ran for the English class representative. That I have the ability to do this jobso that I ran for the job. If I became a representative of English class, i will do my best to sever everybody. please support me.


scream [skri:m]
shriek [?ri:k]
不及物动词 vi.
The child bumped into a table and started screaming.
They were about ...,2,①cry[krai]
vt. 叫喊;尖叫
②shout [?aut]
vi./ vt. 呼喊;喊叫;大声说;尖叫
③yell [jel]
vi. 大叫,叫喊,尖叫
④exclaim [ik'skleim]
vi. 呼喊,惊叫;大声叫嚷
⑤shriek [?ri:k]
vi. 尖叫;促人...,2,scream
及时采纳,谢谢。,1,scream [skri:m]
vi. 尖叫;呼啸;发出尖锐刺耳的声音;令人触目惊心
vt. 尖声喊叫;大叫大嚷着要求
n. 尖叫声;尖锐刺耳的声音;极其滑稽可笑的人,0,squeal -
plex eigenvalue *** ysis was then used to predict the instable modes and their brake squeal propensity.
参考来源 - 汽车盘式制动器尖叫倾向性分...,0,请教各位英语达人“尖叫”用英语怎么说?


JORINDA AND JORINDEL There was once an old castle, that stood in the middle of a deep gloomy wood, and in the castle lived an old fairy. Now this fairy could take any shape she pleased. All the day long she flew about in the form of an owl, or crept about the country like a cat; but at night she always became an old woman again. When any young man came within a hundred paces of her castle, he became quite fixed, and could not move a step till she came and set him free; which she would not do till he had given her his word never to come there again: but when any pretty maiden came within that space she was changed into a bird, and the fairy put her into a cage, and hung her up in a chamber in the castle. There were seven hundred of these cages hanging in the castle, and all with beautiful birds in them. Now there was once a maiden whose name was Jorinda. She was prettier than all the pretty girls that ever were seen before, and a shepherd lad, whose name was Jorindel, was very fond of her, and they were soon to be married. One day they went to walk in the wood, that they might be alone; and Jorindel said, We must take care that we dont go too near to the fairys castle. It was a beautiful evening; the last rays of the setting sun shone bright through the long stems of the trees upon the green underwood beneath, and the turtle-doves sang from the tall birches. Jorinda sat down to gaze upon the sun; Jorindel sat by her side; and both felt sad, they knew not why; but it seemed as if they were to be parted from one another for ever. They had wandered a long way; and when they looked to see which way they should go home, they found themselves at a loss to know what path to take.


  《格林童话》是19世纪初在德国诞生的,世界范围内都具有很大的影响力,这本书被翻译成了多种语言在世界范围内发行。下面是我为您整理的格林童话故事英语,希望对你有所帮助!   格林童话故事英语篇一:不可置信的童话   I will tell you something. I saw two roasted fowls flying; they flew quickly and had their breasts turned to heaven and their backs to hell, and an anvil and a mill-stone swam across the Rhine prettily, slowly, and gently, and a frog sat on the ice at Whitsuntide and ate a ploughshare. Three fellows who wanted to catch a hare, went on crutches and stilts; one of them was deaf, the second blind, the third dumb, and the fourth could not stir a step. Do you want to know how it was done? First, the blind man saw the hare running across the field, the dumb one called to the lame one, and the lame one seized it by the neck.   There were certain men who wished to sail on dry land, and they set their sails in the wind, and sailed away over great fields. Then they sailed over a high mountain, and there they were miserably drowned. A crab was chasing a hare which was running away at full speed, and high up on the roof lay a cow which had climbed up there. In that country the flies are as big as the goats are here. Open the window, that the lies may fly out.   格林童话故事英语篇二: 铁约翰   THERE was once on a time a King who had a great forest near his palace, full of all kinds of wild animals. One day he sent out a huntsman to shoot him a roe, but he did not come back. "Perhaps some accident has befallen him," said the King, and the next day he sent out two more huntsmen who were to search for him, but they too stayed away. Then on the third day, he sent for all his huntsmen, and said, "Scour the whole forest through, and do not give up until ye have found all three." But of these also, none came home again, and of the pack of hounds which they had taken with them, none were seen more. From that time forth, no one would any longer venture into the forest, and it lay there in deep stillness and solitude, and nothing was seen of it, but sometimes an eagle or a hawk flying over it. This lasted for many years, when a strange huntsman announced himself to the King as seeking a situation, and offered to go into the dangerous forest. The King, however, would not give his consent, and said, "It is not safe in there; I fear it would fare with thee no better than with the others, and thou wouldst never come out again." The huntsman replied, "Lord, I will venture it at my own risk, of fear I know nothing."The huntsman therefore betook himself with his dog to the forest. It was not long before the dog fell in with some game on the way, and wanted to pursue it; but hardly had the dog run two steps when it stood before a deep pool, could go no farther, and a naked arm stretched itself out of the water, seized it, and drew it under, When the huntsman saw that, he went back and fetched three men to come with buckets and bale out the water. When they could see to the bottom there lay a wild man whose body was brown like rusty iron, and whose hair hung over his face down to his knees. They bound him with cords, and led him away to the castle. There was great astonishment over the wild man; the King, however, had him put in an iron cage in his court-yard, and forbade the door to be opened on pain of death, and the Queen herself was to take the key into her keeping. And from this time forth every one could again go into the forest with safety.The King had a son of eight years, who was once playing in the court-yard, and while he was playing, his golden ball fell into the cage. The boy ran thither and said, "Give me my ball out."   格林童话故事英语篇三:克诺伊斯特和他的三个儿子   BETWEEN Werrel and Soist there lived a man whose name was Knoist, and he had three sons. One was blind, the other lame, and the third stark-naked. Once on a time they went into a field, and there they saw a hare.   The blind one shot it, the lame one caught it, the naked one put it in his pocket. Then they came to a mighty big lake, on which there were three boats, one sailed, one sank, the third had no bottom to it.   They all three got into the one with no bottom to it. Then they came to a mighty big forest in which there was a mighty big tree; in the tree was a mighty big chapel in the chapel was a sexton made of beech-wood and a box-wood parson, who dealt out holy-water with cudgels.   "How truly happy is that one Who can from holy water run!"   格林童话故事英语篇四:懒人海因茨   Harry was lazy, and although he had nothing else to do but drive his goat daily to pasture, he nevertheless groaned when he went home after his day's work was done. "It is indeed a heavy burden," said he, "and a wearisome employment to drive a goat into the field this way year after year, till late into the autumn! If one could but lie down and sleep, but no, one must have one's eyes open lest it hurts the young trees, or squeezes itself through the hedge into a garden, or runs away altogether. How can one have any rest, or peace of one's life?" He seated himself, collected his thoughts, and considered how he could set his shoulders free from this burden. For a long time all thinking was to no purpose, but suddenly it was as if scales fell from his eyes. "I know what I will do," he cried, "I will marry fat Trina who has also a goat, and can take mine out with hers, and then I shall have no more need to trouble myself."   So Harry got up, set his weary legs in motion, and went right across the street, for it was no farther, to where the parents of fat Trina lived, and asked for their industrious and virtuous daughter in marriage. The parents did not reflect long. "Birds of a feather, flock together," they thought, and consented.   So fat Trina became Harry's wife, and led out both the goats. Harry had a good time of it, and had no work that he required to rest from but his own idleness. He only went out with her now and then, and said, "I merely do it that I may afterwards enjoy rest more, otherwise one loses all feeling for it."   But fat Trina was no less idle. "Dear Harry," said she one day, "why should we make our lives so toilsome when there is no need for it, and thus ruin the best days of our youth? Would it not be better for us to give the two goats which disturb us every morning in our sweetest sleep with their bleating, to our neighbor, and he will give us a beehive for them. We will put the beehive in a sunny place behind the house, and trouble ourselves no more about it. Bees do not require to be taken care of, or driven into the field; they fly out and find the way home again for themselves, and collect honey without giving the very least trouble." "Thou hast spoken like a sensible woman," replied Harry. "We will carry out thy proposal without delay, and besides all that, honey tastes better and nourishes one better than goat's milk, and it can be kept longer too."

求monsta X《hero》音译歌词,要中文音译

牌r gian含有一喊文杰将yeah
耨 len亏强给漫den嫩
卡西部您nei 带噶疼难加den
啊你呀 耨内过dei 内噶气kiao呀海诶目噶一嫩dei
怒噶耨却dei 弄铺苏偶给内噶气kiao剧给
耨耨目拿啊 len大我搜难桥给吗拿

吗气功剧 len气K 嫩给目噶她
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your man
o yeah I can be your hero 啊当den len退路
拿喷过den铺dei 给也赛门他恩特来诶系我
全部麦den里吗楼 耨卡几料白拖dei 嫩开苏里(我我我)
(What?) 慢慢拿给奈怕大谬泡搜膜谷KI 给掐啦
扒鸡位诶潘提 len一谷忙图 len他啦
他den 谷给 len bow
怒噶耨却dei 弄铺苏偶给内噶气kiao剧给
耨耨目拿啊 len大我搜难桥给吗拿

吗气功剧 len气K 嫩给目噶她
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
Ay 难耨也啊当den len 目度哈拿噶气bang bang bang bang
哈嫩 len shoot shoot KI 娘吗哈嫩 len奈啦大牛superman
耨也一谷里位诶没单聊无死机给漫den罗内给 batman
耨无给漫den嫩KI 偶董啊当den一接嫩撒大高级啦海给有
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man

求Monsta x-from zero的音译歌词

那年蒋介石在整个南京种满了梧桐树只因宋美龄喜欢 夏洛用一辆法拉利换了一车向日葵只因马冬梅喜欢 吴柏松三年的陪伴也抵不过江辰的一句陈小希我们和好吧 路星河56次求婚也抵不过余淮的一句对不起我来晚了 我以为孟云穿成至尊宝的样子是挽留但看见林佳拼命吃芒果的时候我才明白是放手 海绵宝宝为什么没有第二季因为海绵宝宝的配音死了 哆啦A梦为什么没有结局因为大雄不想接受没有哆啦A梦的现实 有人喜欢你么 没有 谁会在你饿得时候给你买最喜欢吃的东西没有 有人帮你擦眼泪么没有 有人心疼你的无助么没有 一厢情愿就得愿赌服输 你何曾见过感情放过谁

