miss lin

时间:2024-07-29 18:05:02编辑:奇事君


谢依霖将重心转向了家庭方面,所以很少在演艺圈露脸了。谢依霖自2018年宣布结婚产女之后,就将更多的重心转向了家庭方面,减少了工作量,她更多地还是在家做一个贤妻良母,专心陪伴孩子成长。 尽管这也导致了谢依霖现在几乎“消失”在了娱乐圈,但她的生活未必不快乐。她不仅得了个可爱的女儿,还在2020年的时候产下了个儿子,自此儿女双全。谢依霖的演艺经历2013年出演电影《小时代》中的女主角之一“唐宛如”,从而正式成为演员,并开始接拍电视剧。2014年7月17日,出演的《小时代3:刺金时代》上映。2014年11月2日,出演的《撒娇女人最好命》上映。2015年出演的穿越偶像周播剧《相爱穿梭千年》于2月在湖南卫视播出,2015年,出演神话电影《济公》扮演铁扇公主。2018年5月13日,她宣布怀孕正式升级做妈妈。2018年7月22日,参加综艺节目海天《熟悉的味道》。


To miss Lin
英 [t?;tu;tu?]
美 [t?;tu;tu?]

prep. 到;向;(表示时间、方向)朝…方向
adv. 向前;(门等)关上
n. (To)人名;(柬)多;(中)脱(普通话·威妥玛)


According to 按照,根据,依据


  谢依霖老公的名字是Green。在2018的3月份,谢依霖宣布了婚讯,但是并没有公开老公的信息,不过在谢依霖晒出的Q版婚纱照中,网友看到谢依霖老公的名字是Green。看来谢依霖是不想老公因为自己而受到打扰了。   虽然谢依霖结婚没有公开老公的信息,但是网友还对谢依霖的婚姻表示祝福。2018年的5月,谢依霖向大家公布自己怀孕的消息,网友都纷纷对此表示震惊,看来谢依霖和老公是奉子成婚了。同年的11月,谢依霖产下一名女儿,宣布自己成为一名妈妈。   谢依霖1990年出生于台湾,2011年因为在综艺节目《大学生了没》中搞怪而受到关注。2013年,谢依霖通过出演电影《小时代》而踏足影视圈,之后她又相继出演了《小时代2》、《小时代3》、《小时代4》等电影,谢依霖可以说是通过《小时代》系列电影走红的。



  “hold住”一词来源于台湾综艺节目《大学生了没》。在2011年8月9日的《大学生了没》中,一位名叫miss lin的网友以夸张另类的造型、一口做作的英语、扭捏妖娆的姿态向大学生们介绍什么是Fashion。miss lin的口头禅是“hold住”,“千万不要这样,not fashion,整个场面我要hold住”,“就算我搞错party,整个场面我要hold住!”……这位神奇的miss lin的表演有7分钟左右,高潮是“一秒之内变格格”的片段,miss lin在表演自己穿着性感的比基尼去参加时尚海滩派对,结果发现是清朝party。她瞬间内心混乱,但是她告诉自己要“hold住”、不能慌,于是她便突发奇想把比基尼反过来罩在头发上,造型一下就变成了清朝格格旗头,“不能慌,一秒钟变格格,整个场面我要hold住!”更令人捧腹的是,她还不断大喊“尔康”,全场的观众瞬间笑得前仰后合。miss lin各种搞笑技艺让人笑到疯狂,整个画面十分喜感,她也被网友称作是“hold住姐”,“hold住”一次就此一炮而红。

  几天来,“hold住”一词已经广为流传成为时下最热门的网络用语。记者今天中午发现,仅新浪含有“hold住”的微博就已经超过40多万条。网友们纷纷利用“hold住体”来表达自己的心情。例如网友“叫我师哎瑞”就发了一条微博,说:“救命啊,左耳不出水了右耳出,右耳好了吧左耳又来,hold不住啦!!会不会聋掉啊?求治愈!”网友“NieJD”说:“昨晚看海贼到1点多,现在我快hold不住了。召唤miss lin附体!”还有一些喜欢恶搞的网友则纷纷模仿“hold住姐”,把模仿视频发上微博,引起大家的广泛转发。除了网友,一些潮流媒体也开始使用这一热词来取标题,比如:《选美大赛佳丽瑕疵多,场面没有Hold住》,《不能慌,hold住!从停格瞬间看国货三大跳票网游》、《二三线城市限购未公布至房价或将暴涨你hold住了吗》等。

来源: 上虞新闻网 作者: 任晓燕 编辑: 任晓燕


“hold住”一词来源于台湾综艺节目《大学生了没》。在2011年8月9日的《大学生了没》中,一位名叫miss lin的网友以夸张另类的造型、一口做作的英语、扭捏妖娆的姿态向大学生们介绍什么是Fashion。其极度夸张搞笑的表演震撼了所有观众,miss lin的口头禅是“整个场面我要Hold住”。在英语中,“hold”有拿、抱、握住、顶住、控制、掌控等意思。“hold住”就是指面对各种状况都要保持住、坚持住,充满自信,从容应对一切。“要hold住”也有给力、加油的意思,而“hold不住”则相当于“伤不起”的用法。至于用“hold住”如何造句,平时说话怎么用,简单说就是:这句话非常fashion非常好用,你想怎么用就怎么用!比如你在地铁、商场、办公室等一切公共场合遇到棘手的突发状况,你可以大喊一句“hold住”,当然也可以低声说给自己听,告诉自己要淡定、坚持、充分相信自己可以搞定一切;再比如你收到了意中人的鲜花钻戒、得到了梦想已久的升职机会、看到了崇拜多年的偶像明星……所有这些激动人心的兴奋时刻,你在窃喜的同时一定默念“hold住”让自己变得淡定,然后从容大气地去应对。再或者,你今天买彩票中了500万,要不住提醒自己“hold住”,在领奖途中一时激动当众摔了一跤,一边尽量优雅地爬起来一边告诉自己“hold住”,领奖回到自己家里锁好门,你可以踢掉鞋子兴奋地大喊一声:“我hold住啦!”详情:http://baike.baidu.com/view/6290587.htm


第一段翻译:Exhibition letter Ann, busy to disturb you is really embarrassed. Now, I think I should be time to write a letter to you, I just know you hate me so much,。but please allow to be my last audience? Because there is a lot that I want to tell you through this letter. Thanks. These years, lost your contact but also lost our friendship, my deep regret.Unfortunately, life has no regret! If I can help. Good friends should help each other, isn't they?剩下的翻译:Maybe you don't know, I have been missing you, not blame you, blame me for cowardice and escape. After high school, the family asked me to "official" (superstition). I did not from, so I hid in a classmate's home, at that time。 now think is really ridiculous, obviously very want to know how your college entrance examination, but just do not have the courage to call you, why? Is irritable? Or are timid? Maybe all, so I asked him to inquire about you (call you)。and I knew it harassed you. It may hurt your heart and live up to her expectations. But I am not like that Like it? I hope to take this opportunity to express my apology to you and say sorry to you! I know some things are useless to say sorry, but I still beg for your forgiveness。hope you can accept my late confession, hope the past let him past. Perhaps you have forgotten, perhaps I also do not need to mention again。and perhaps at the beginning is redundant.and then later, gradually there is no news of you. I also have no way, because at that time I was really chaotic, my world became a mess。 my mood was bad to the extreme, I don't want to be tired to you, really! . (Actually, I have asked someone to go to Dongxi to find you。 I know your home is not in Dongxi. ) 。In my freshman year, I dropped out because of my family distress. After that time, I have been living while working and learning, and at that time。Fan Zhengli gave me a great help. The pressure of study and busy work make my daily life full and nervous, but my thoughts for you have never subsided one day. Over the years, I felt like an ostrich with my head buried in a sandbag,。thinking that I could forget all my troubles and missing。but I found that I was wrong, my troubles can be briefly forgotten, and the missing is beheaded in any case. Whenever it is quiet in the dead of night , I always think of all your dribs and drabs。 I always forget your gentle and considerate voice, your beauty, show off the wisdom. Whenever I think of these, I will feel that I am happy, the day's fatigue will also disappear. You have ever know every day after a busy day, with sweet miss sleep, what comfortable ah. Hello and beautiful!The last time I came to Hangzhou, in fact, you don't need to see me. Just want to talk to you, just want to tell you this. I said I wanted you to come to Hangzhou. It's actually a joke. Li and I said I had a girlfriend before. Later, he broke up. In fact, I just want to test your reaction, there was a mood and conditions to talk about? You asked Xiao to tell me that you have a boyfriend. If I don't think of it, it is false, no matter you have a boyfriend this matter is true or false。I will sincerely bless you! Have you really never felt anything about me? I am so stupid! What if you do so? Maybe this is good to you, good to me. Take good care of you! Just be me The years have been wishful thinking and sentimental. People always have to learn to grow up, feelings. Ha ha, so say up, it is as if you gave me a lesson oh? People laugh at me silly, maybe it is, perhaps the feelings really shouldn't see so heavy. Some time ago was originally wanted to make you happy。 (in fact, this is a friend of my search idea, ah... a wrong again wrong. )。 Really disrespect for you, sorry. Ah.... maybe this is a good ending, thank you. People laughed at me silly, maybe it was. Fool, but what? The day still goes on. Right, right? Haha.... Are you doing right now? Your one Are you sister and brother? How about the aunt? Or will you call it so? It feels like you are a bit like an aunt right now. Uncle's eyes are like you, so crazy! Mother and uncle is so happy! Ha ha! After writing these words, feel the mood really relaxed a lot。the original no worry alive is so easy, everything let go, with the encounter! Let everything with the wind! Finally sincerely wish you, wish you smooth work,。wish you find life really love you good partner, wish aunt smile, also wish your family happiness!

