scar therapy

时间:2024-07-19 18:51:40编辑:奇事君


白皙 light skin,光滑 smooth,晶莹剃透 delicate
leaving your skin feeling soft and supple
Her skin had stayed soft and supple.
细腻有弹性 nice and supple
beautiful, clear, fine, flawless, good, healthy,lovely, perfect
美丽的/ 洁净的/ 细嫩的/ 无瑕的/ 健康的/ 完美的肌肤
smooth, soft
supple, young,youthful
coarse, hard, leathery,rough, tough
delicate, sensitive
greasy, oily
black, brown, dark, fair, golden, milky, olive,olive-tinged/-tinted, pale, swarthy, white
黑色的/ 棕色的/ 白 的/ 金色的/ 牛奶般白 的/ 橄榄色的/ 淡橄榄色的/ 苍白的/ 黝黑的/ 白色的皮肤
pallid, sallow
There was a patch of raw skin on my back where the sun had burnt it.
glisten, glow
Her skin was glistening with sweat after her run.


  皮肤科属于外科。在广义上,皮肤科还包含对头发、指(趾)甲疾病的治疗。接下来我为大家整理了医学皮肤科词汇,希望对你有帮助哦!   医学皮肤科词汇一:   单纯疱疹 herpes simplex   水痘 varicella; chicken pox   带状疱疹 herpes zoster   kaposi水痘样疹 Kaposi's varicelliform eruption   幼儿急诊 exanthema subitum   挤奶人结节 Milker's node   传染性软疣 molluscum contagiosum   寻常疣 verruca vulgaris   跖疣 plantar wart, verruca plantaris   扁平疣 flat wart, verruca plana   丝状疣 verruca filiformis   鲍温样丘疹病 bowenoid papulosis   疣状表皮发育不良 verruca filiformis   小儿丘疹性肢端皮炎 infantile papular acrodermatitis   麻疹 measles   风疹 rubella   手足口病 hand-foot-mouth disease   传染性红斑 erythema infectiosum   急性发热性皮肤粘膜淋巴结综合征(川畸病)   Kawasaki disease   细菌性皮肤病   脓疱疮 impetigo   毛囊炎 folliculitis   须疮 sycosis   须部假性毛囊炎 pseudofolliculitis barbae   秃发性毛囊炎 folliculitis decalvans   疖与疖病 furuncle and furunculosis   痈 carbuncle   蜂窝织炎 cellulitis   化脓性汗腺炎 hidradenitis suppurativa   猩红热 scarlatina   丹毒 erysipelas   臁疮 ecthyma   下疳样脓皮病 chancriform pyoderma   脓疱性细菌疹 pustular bacterid   化脓性甲沟炎 pyogenic paronychia   麻风 leprosis   皮肤结核病 tuberculosis cutis   硬红斑 erythema induratum, Bazin's disease   游泳池肉芽肿 swimming pool granuloma   猫抓病 cat-scratch disease   皮肤炭疽 cutaneous anthrax;pustula maligna   类丹毒 erysipeloid   红癣 erythrasma   腋毛癣 trichomycosis axillaris   Reiter病 Reiter's disease   流行性斑疹伤寒 epidemic typhus   项部瘢痕疙瘩性毛囊炎 folliculitis keloidalis nuchae   脓肿性穿掘性头部毛囊周围炎   perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens   葡萄球菌性烫伤样皮肤综合征   staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, SSSS   真菌性皮肤病   头癣 tinea capitis   体癣 tinea corporis   股癣 tinea cruris   手癣 tinea manum   足癣 tinea pedis   甲真菌病 tinea unguium, onychomycosis   花斑癣 tinea versicolor, pityriasis versicolor   念珠菌病 candidiasis   孢子丝菌病 sporotrichosis   隐球菌病 cryptococcosis   着色性真菌病 chromomycosis   皮肤暗丝孢霉菌 phaeohyphomycosis   足菌肿 mycetoma   奴卡菌病 nocardiosis   放线菌病 actinomycosis   糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎 Pityrosporum folliculitis   动物性皮肤病   皮肤阿米巴病 amebiasis cutis   皮肤黑热病 leishmaniasis cutis   皮肤猪囊虫病 cysticercosis cutis   匐行疹 serpigo   刺毛虫皮炎 stinging caterpillar dermatitis   蚊、蠓叮咬 mosquito & midges bite   隐翅虫皮炎 paederus dermatitis   臭虫、蚤叮咬 bedbug & flea bite   蜂螫伤 beesting   虱病 pediculosis   疥疮 scabies   蝎螫伤 scorpion sting   蜈蚣咬伤 centipde-bite   海蜇皮炎 jellyfish dermatitis   物理性皮肤病   日光性皮炎 Solar dermatitis   多形性日光疹 polymorphous light eruption   植物-日光皮炎 phytophotodermatitis   皮肤光老化 skin photoage   慢性光化性皮炎 chronic actinic dermatitis   胶样粟球疹 colloid mllium   火激红斑 erythema ab igne   痱子 miliaria   冻疮 chilblain   冻伤 frostbite, congelation   股部青紫症 erythrocyanosis crurum   肢端青紫症 acrocyanosis   鸡眼与胼胝 clavus and tylosis   手足皲裂 rhagadia manus et pedis   擦烂 intertrigo   摩擦水泡 friction blisters   褥疮与压力性水泡 decubitus   射线皮炎 radiodermatitis; actinodermatitis   黑踵 black heel   变态反应性皮肤病   接触性皮炎 contact dermatitis   湿疹 eczema   遗传性过敏性皮炎 atopic dermatitis,AD   自身敏感性皮炎 autosensitization dermatitis   荨麻疹 urticaria   血管性水肿 angioedema   丘疹性荨麻疹 papular urticaria   药疹 epispasis,drug eruption   遗传性血管性水肿 hereditary angioedema   尿布皮炎 diaper dermatitis   汗疱疹 pompholyx   系统性接触性皮炎 systemic contact dermatitis   结缔组织病   红斑狼疮 lupus erythematosus   皮肌炎 dermatomyositis, DM   硬皮病 scleroderma   医学皮肤科词汇二:   混合结缔组织病 MCT; mixed connected tissue   嗜酸性筋膜炎 eosinophilic fasciitis   干燥综合征 Sjogren syndrome, SS   重叠综合征 OS;overlap syndrome   幼年性类风湿性关节炎juvenil rheumatoid arthritis   嗜酸性粒细胞增多症 eosinophilia   类风湿性嗜中性皮病 Rheumatoid neutrophilic dermatosis   神经功能障碍性皮肤病   慢性单纯性苔藓 lichen simplex chronicus   瘙痒症 pruritus   结节性痒疹 nodular prurigo   人工皮炎 fiactitious dermatitis   寄生虫妄想症 delusion of parasitosis   股外侧皮神经炎 lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis   皮肤垢着病 cutaneous dirtadherent disease   角化与萎缩性皮肤病   毛囊角化症 dyskeratosis follicularis   Mibelli汗孔角化症 porokeratosis of Mibelli   剥夺性角质松解症 keratolysis exfoliativa   掌跖角化症 keratosis palmaris et plantaris   红斑角皮病 erythrokeratodermia   砷角化症 arsenical keratosis   乳头乳晕角化过度症 nipple hyperkeratosis   萎缩纹 striae atrophicae   进行性面部偏侧萎缩 progressive hemifacial atrophy   斑状萎缩 atrophia maculosa   指(趾)断症 dactylolysis, Ainhum disease   毛发角化病 keratosis pilaris, lichen pilaris   小棘苔藓 lichen spinulosus   光泽苔藓 lichen nitidus   进行性特发性皮肤萎缩   progressive idiopathic atrophoderma   播散浅表性光线性汗孔角化症   disseminated superficial avtinic porokeratosis   红斑鳞屑性皮肤病   多形红斑 erythema multiforme   离心性环状红斑 erythema annulare centrifugum   慢性游走性红斑 erythema chronicum migrans   匍形性回状红斑 erythema gyratum repens   银屑病 psoriasis   副银屑病 parapsoriasis   玫瑰糠疹 pityriasis rosea   单纯糠疹 pityriasis simplex   毛发红糠疹 pityriasis rubra pilaris   扁平苔藓 lichen planus   硬化性萎缩性苔藓 lichen sclerosus et atrophicus   鳞状毛囊角化 keratosis follicularis squamosa   线状苔藓 lichen striatus   红皮病 erythroderma   大疱与疱疹性皮肤病   天疱疮 pemphigus   疱疹样天疱疮 pemphigus herpetiformis   IgA天疱疮 IgA pemphigus   妊娠疱疹 herpes gestationis   疱疹样脓疱病 impetigo herpetiformis   掌跖脓疱病 palmoplantar pustulosis;PPP   角层下脓疱病 subcorneal pustule dermatosis   连续性肢端皮炎 acrodermatitis continua   嗜酸性脓疱性毛囊炎 eosinophilic pustular folliculitis   副肿瘤天疱疮 paraneoplastic pemphigus   类天疱疮 pemphigoid   瘢痕性类天疱疮 Cicatricial pemphigoid   疱疹样皮炎   dermatitis herpetiformis, Duhring disease   家族性良性慢性天疱疮   familial benign chronic pemphigus,FBCP   线状IgA大疱皮病   linear IgA bullous dermatosis LABD   儿童慢性大疱性皮病   chronic bullous dermatosis of childhood   获得性大疱性表皮松解症 epidermolysis bullosa acquisita   血管性皮肤病   变应性皮肤血管炎 allergic cutaneous vasculitis   荨麻疹性血管炎 urticarial vasculitis   持久性隆起性红斑 erythema elevatum diutinum   结节性多动脉炎 polyarteritis nodosa   Wegner 肉芽肿 Wegner's granuloma   坏疽性脓皮病 gangrenous pyoderma   面部肉芽肿 granuloma facei   脓疱性血管炎 pustular vasculitis   结节性红斑 erythema nodosum   白塞病 Behcet disease   淤积性皮炎 stasis dermatitis   雷诺病 Raynaud disease   血栓性静脉炎 thrombophlebitis   白色萎缩 white atrophy, atrophite blanche   痛性挫伤性综合征 painful bruising syndrome   色素性紫癜性皮病 pigmentary purpuric dermatosis   急性发热性嗜中性皮病   acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis   恶性萎缩性丘疹病   malignant atrophic papulosis, Degos disease   过敏性紫癜   Henoch-Schonlein purpura, anaphylactoid purpura   非感染性肉芽肿病   皮肤结节病 sarcoidosis   环状肉芽肿 granuloma annulare   类脂质渐进性坏死 necrobiosis lipoidica   皮肤淋巴细胞浸润症 lymphocytic infiltration of skin   异物肉芽肿 foreign-body granuloma   皮肤附属器疾病   寻常痤疮 acne vulgaris   脂溢性皮炎 seborrheic dermatitis   石棉状糠疹 pityriasis amiantacea   酒糟鼻 acne rosacea   激素性皮炎 hormonous dermatitis   口周皮炎 perioral dermatitis   多汗症 hidrosis; hyperhidrosis   无汗症 anhidrosis   臭汗症 bromidrosis, bromhidrosis   斑秃 alopecia areata   假性斑秃 pseudopelade   男性型脱发 male-pattern alopecia;MPA   多毛症 polytrichia;polytrichosis   白发 canities   甲营养不良 Onychodystrophy   反甲 koilonychia   甲胬肉 pterygium unguis   Fox-fordyce病 Fox-fordyce disease   毛发管型 hair cast   小棘状毛壅症 trichostasis spinulosa   色汗症 chromidrosis   内分泌、营养、代谢性疾病   胫前粘液性水肿 pretibial myxedema   粘液水肿性苔藓 lichen myxedermatosis   黑棘皮病 acanthosis nigricans   黄瘤病 xanthomatosis   类脂蛋白沉积症 lipoid proteinosis   幼年性黄色肉芽肿 Juvenile xanthogranuloma   皮肤卟啉症 porphyria cutis   皮肤淀粉样变性 amyloidosis cutis   硬肿病 scleredema   肠病性肢端皮炎 acrodermatitis enteropathica   痛风 gout   弥漫性体部血管角皮瘤 angiokeratosis corporis diffusum   皮肤钙沉着症 calcinnosis cutis   胡萝卜素血症 carotenemia;carotinemia   库欣综合征 Cushing syndrome   坏死松解性游走性红斑 necrolytic migratory erythema   苯丙酮尿症 phenylketonuria, PKU   糖尿病性皮肤病 diabetic dermatopathy   维生素缺乏 hypovitaminosis   类脂质渐进性坏死   annular atrophic plaques, necrobiosis lipoidica   色素性皮肤病   雀斑 freckle   色素痣 pigmented nevus   咖啡斑 café-au-lait spots   黄褐斑 chloasma   白癜风 vitiligo   Riehl黑变病 Riehl's melanosis   口周黑子-肠息肉综合征 pigmentation-polyposis syndrome   蒙古斑 mongolian macula   太田痣 Nevus of Ota   伊藤痣 Nevus of Ito   色素性毛表皮痣 pigmented hairy epidermal nevus


皮肤的英文单词是skin。英 [sk?n] 美 [sk?n]    n. 皮肤;外皮;皮囊n. 惊讶;生气vt. 剥皮;削皮;贴皮;蹭破皮;击败例句:Don't let him get under your skin.翻译:别让他惹你生气。用法n. (名词)skin的基本意思是“皮”,既可指人或动物身体外层可长毛发的“皮肤”(此时是不可数名词),也可指某些水果、蔬菜的外皮,还可指做成皮衣的“皮,皮革”(此时是可数名词)。skin前如有描述性定语修饰时,可加不定冠词。近义词covering 英 ['k?v?r??] 美 ['k?v?r??]    n. 覆盖物adj. 掩护的;掩盖的例句:A cocoon is a kind of silk covering made by an insect.翻译:蚕茧是由昆虫制造的一种由丝组成的外包层。短语:covering flux 覆盖层


皮肤的英文是skin。一、皮肤的例句A scaly skin,surface.有鳞屑的皮肤、表面。Skin sensitization, allergic contact dermatitis.皮肤变态反应,过敏性接触性皮炎。"Dermatitis usually appears first, with abnormal sensitivity to sunlight."皮肤炎是最初症状,且皮肤对日光异常过敏。skin是什么意思n. 皮肤;毛皮;外皮v. 剥皮,削皮;擦伤;欺骗;严厉训斥;愈合Daily brushing of the skin helps the skin expel toxins.每天擦洗皮肤有助于皮肤排毒。(of a place on the skin)with the skin rubbed away and therefore sore.(指皮肤某处)擦掉皮因而疼痛的。




个人推荐 优玛疤痕修复中心


冲击试验结果的判定Impact test results1.当产品标准无规定时,单根抽样钢管冲击试验应采用一组3个试样,一组3个试样的平均值应不小于规定值(最小平均值),允许1 when the product standard without rules, single sampling pipe impact test should be used in a group of 3 samples, a group of 3 sample average value shall not be less than the specified value (minimum average value ), allow其中有1个试样的值(单个值)低于规定值,但应不低于规定值的70%。There are 1 sample values ( single value ) is lower than the prescribed value, but should not be less than the specified value 70%.2.若单根抽样钢管的一组3个试样的结果没有满足上述规定,但低于规定值的试样不超过2个,且低于规定值70%的试样不超过12 if a single sampling tube in a group of 3 sample results do not meet the above requirements, but lower than the specified value of the sample is less than 2, which is lower than the specified value for 70% samples of no more than 1个,制造厂可从同一抽样钢管上再取一组3个试样,在第二组试样试验后,如果同时满足下列条件,该抽样钢管判为合格:A manufacturing plant, can be from the same sampling pipe and a group of 3 specimens, in second groups of sample after the test, if simultaneously meet the following conditions, the sampling tube is judged to be a qualified:a) 6个试样的平均值不小于规定值;A ) 6 the average value is not less than the specified value;b) 低于规定值的试样不超过2个;B ) is lower than the specified value of the sample is less than 2;c) 低于规定值70%的试样不超过1个。C ) is lower than the specified value for 70% samples of no more than 1.如果没有满足上述条件,该抽样钢管应判为不合格。If not meet the above conditions, the sampling pipe should be rejected.The judgment of the impact test results The judgment of the impact test results1. when the product standards not require every single sampling steel pipe impact test when a group of three specimen 1 when the product standards not require every single sampling steel pipe impact test when a group of three specimenshould be adopted , a group of three sample average should be not less than specified value ( smallest averages ) , allowing Should be adopted, a group of three sample average should be not less than specified value ( smallest averages ), allowingits specified value.In one specimen of the worth less than specified value but should not be lower than 70 per cent of the specified valueIts specified value.In one specimen of the worth less than specified value but should not be lower than 70 per cent of the specified value2. if single sample steel group three sample results did not meet the above requirements , but below specified value2 if single sample steel group three sample results did not meet the above requirements, but below specified valuespecimen of not more than 2 , and below specified value 70 per cent of the sample not,Factory from the same sampling Specimen of not more than 2, and below specified value 70 per cent of the sample not, Factory from the same samplingsteel on a group of three samples in the second test samples, if at the same time satisfy the following conditions, the Steel on a group of three samples in the second test samples, if at the same time satisfy the following conditions, thesampling steel to be a) : six samples the average of not less than specified value ; b) below specified value of specimen is Sampling steel to be a : six samples the average ) of not less than specified value; B below specified value of specimen is )not more than two ; c) less than 70% specified value Impact test results judgementNot more than two; C less than 70% specified value ) Impact test results judgement


求这段话的英文。 When we tired of living for the luxury of time to run around and happy life has bee increasingly distant from us. A happy life are often very simple, such as the best room is the essential items are also a lot of useless items that one is running out. Everyone should be satisfied and you have to know enough scholarship Otherwise contentment. 求这段话的英文,急 12 young people were qualified to the american ballet college, however in the end of year report test, only 3men and 3women can enter. Ruian, who is the best of the best, is garenteed to sueed, however she doesnt like dancing. Judi's body is not perfect, and is lacking in skill. Eva is cleaver and sharp, also very talented. Finally, the 3 girls all found where they belong. Eva and Judi won wele with their brilliant performance, Morin chose not to perform and continued to read university. 问一下这是不是读后感观后感什么的,是的话我还得改语法 请求这段话的英文 Someone in Student Service department told me, whethere I can change my major or not depends on your decision. I can fill in the application form if you agree with that. So, would you please approve that? 跪求这段话的翻译、、、英文。 It is no doubt that photography as a form of thought inevitably reflect a nation's cultural tendency and aesthetic intention. We do notdeny ideological differences.A national course will have different styles of photography. But no matter how its manifestations is I believe,What is contained in the photo in essence is a certain convergence. This convergence is a national feature representation. Japanese contemporary photography style continued this typical aesthetic.Some works even in an extreme way in this continuity. But such extremes in Japanese culture appears so behoove. In our cultural category absurd unruly things perhaps it is their philosophy of embodiment. 求这段话的英文原版! There, the black mountains Peaks above the wreckage through the clouds, Sam saw a white flash of an instant star. Standing on of the abandoned earth look to heaven, the stars through a chest cold, he suddenly felt heart is full of hope. Because he has a thought, clear and cold, like a arrows launched into his mind; shadow end of the day is *** all and fleeting, and in place beyond his power, will always be a bright and beautiful supreme 求这段话的英文翻译 Whatever can be found or not,I'm losing sleep anyway;Whatever can e back or not,I'm missing you somehow. Whether I ought to love or not,I finally did.Whether I ought to wait or not, I also did. Whether I ought to care or not,I also did.Whether I ought to give up or not, I'm determined to never give up . Whether you love me or not, answer is only in your heart. Forward or backward, only you can decide where you will be. Perhaps the ending already doomed. This Collection was inspired by Bonnie Worth's "The Cat in the Hat" series, which is about sea creatures. The ocean, sea creatures and the colore blue as main elements, , it has created a free and wide ocean atmosphere. At the same time with the main character The cat in the hat ,a lovely image, it has purified the artical, making this series full of interest. Let's follow the sweety cat and set out to explore the mysterious sea! In school, I not only in foreign languages has achieved good result, in many ways I outfights them too. In order to do an excellent good student, I have to study hard scientific knowledge, and had obtained great honor. I've been in tianjin elementary information technology level exam certificate gain levels of, I also in tianjin science and technology innovation contest activity won second prize good result, etc. Moreover, I still five straight, the sixth grade good shool. But I'm not proud, because modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind, I must be in the future will take out a hundred enty admitted to your university for the efforts, and hope the teachers can give me this opportunity. 求这段话的英文版!谢谢 There is someone that is ing or passing away in your life around the clock,so you may lose sight of those seen, and fht those remembered. There is gain and loss in your life, so you may catch unseen, and remember those fotten. Never the less, dosen't the unseen exist for sure? Will the remembered remain for ever? 【急】 求这段话的英文翻译~~ Cooperative learning is an overall process aiming at putting every student involved in learning, it offers each student the room to show themselves and make them speak out their opinions with full expression, which plays an important role in some aspects such as munication of feelings promoting , mutual helping, mon enhancement and and initiative taking in learning.

