inflatable boat

时间:2024-07-16 19:03:48编辑:奇事君


FBI,联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation,FBI)是美国司法部的主要调查机关,成立于1935年。FBI代表着该局坚持贯彻的信条——忠诚Fidelity,勇敢Bravery和正直Integrity,象征联邦警察。他们的任务是调查违反联邦犯罪法,支持法律,保护美国,调查来自于外国的情报和恐怖活动,在领导阶层和法律方面执行。主要功绩在打击三K党的行动中美国联邦调查局也扮演了重要角色。从20世纪40年代到70年代,美国联邦调查局调查了针对美国的间谍案。二战期间美国联邦调查局曾抓获8名到美国执行破坏任务的纳粹间谍。美国联邦调查局还针对美国的有组织犯罪进行了很多工作,打击了很多犯罪组织和集团,例如Sam Giancana詹卡纳家族和John Gotti安杰诺高提家族。


fiba是国际篮球联合会(Fédération Internationale de Basketball),简称“国际篮联”(FIBA)。国际篮球联合会原名为国际业余篮球联合会,是一个国际性的篮球运动组织,由世界各国的篮球协会组成,1932年在瑞士的日内瓦成立,总部设于瑞士尼永。总部变迁:1932年,国际篮球联合会(FIBA)在瑞士日内瓦成立。而后的几十年间,办公室地址几经变迁,却从未真正拥有属于自己的总部。1998年,FIBA世界委员会决定购买土地,修建属于自己的总部。2000年五月,日内瓦在八个城市中脱颖而出,成为总部新址所在地。从慕尼黑搬到日内瓦后,FIBA随即开始为新总部选址。2004年,毗邻日内瓦的尼永(Nyon)希望为FIBA提供建设总部所需的土地,却被市民公投否决。两年之后,科佩镇的提议同样因政治、行政压力而被迫流产。终于,在2008年五月,米村(Mies)的建议得到了肯定。“FIBA第二任秘书长斯坦科维奇曾经说道,45年之后的2011年,梦想终于成真。”弗罗里安·瓦宁格向我们介绍到。瓦宁格在FIBA工作了近30年,之前负责新闻媒体工作,而后担任起国际篮球基金会(IBF)总监,负责管理“篮球之家”。从顶部向下看,FIBA总部呈现一只手的形状。整个办公楼为钢筋结构,由五个手指型垂直区间组成,掌心互通——这正与FIBA的标志相互呼应。除此之外,“手”的元素在FIBA园区内同样随处可见。这里保存了大量篮球运动发明之初的珍贵史料,从世界上最早使用的篮球,到各个阶段发展出的篮球装备,篮球的发展史,在这里一览无余。


具体如下:Weekend should be a colorful festival. In this festival, you can play, enjoy and relax. Every weekend, with a happy heart, I look forward to my parents taking me to the playground, walking in the park, shopping in the mall, reading in the bookstore... At this time, my heart will jump up and down like a little monkey, very happy.No, another weekend is coming!Just finished the exam, I feel very relaxed. At home, I still do my homework first. After a week of serious study and review, I am really handy in writing my homework! After a while, it was finished.There is also a small expectation, that is, you can sleep in on the weekend without listening to the annoying alarm bell. I can lean against the bed in a leisurely way and take a beloved extracurricular book with me. I don't have to listen to my mother's urging in a hurry. This leisure belongs to my weekend!On the weekend, when our family was reunited, my mother specially cooked a table of good dishes. We ate and talked about study and work. It was happy and warm.Going to the playground, reading extracurricular books and watching TV are another great fun for me at the weekend. However, I will focus on reading extracurricular books, because I usually have too little time to read books!This is my weekend - a happy, warm and colorful festival!翻译:周末,应该是一个丰富多彩的节日,在这个节日里,你可以尽情地玩耍,尽情地享受,尽情地放松。每到周末,我都会怀着一颗愉悦的心,期待着爸爸妈妈带我去游乐场游玩,去公园散步,去商场逛街,去书店看书······这时候,我的心会像小猴子一样蹿上蹿下,快活极了。这不,又有一个周末来临了!刚考完试,我觉得异常轻松。在家里,照样是先写作业,通过一周认真地学习和复习,我写起作业来真是得心应手!不一会儿,就写完了。还有一个小小的期待,那就是周末可以美美地睡个懒觉,不用听那讨厌的闹铃声。我可以不慌不忙地靠在床边,随手拿一本心爱的课外书,不用急急忙忙地听妈妈的催促声,这份悠闲,属于我的周末!周末,是我们家团圆的时候,妈妈特意做一桌好菜,我们吃着,说着学习和工作的事情,其乐融融,一片温馨。去游乐场、看课外书、看电视是我周末的又一大乐趣。不过,我会重点放在看课外书上,因为平时看书的时间太少了!这就是我的周末——一个快乐的,温馨的,多彩的节日!


I believe every student is looking forward to the weekend, and so am I.我相信每个学生都盼着周末,我也如此。However, every weekend I have a lot of things to do and a lot of homework to complete. I still want to review it well.可是,每到周末我的事情特多,作业一大堆要完成,还想好好复习一番。TV dramas and fairy tales are attracting me. I can't help but watch them. This makes my parents very dissatisfied, and they will blame me.爸妈的唠叨话一大堆,我听得耳朵都快要起茧子了。There's a lot of nagging from my parents. I'm almost cocooned when I hear them.爸爸妈妈,以后你们不要再唠叨了,我的学习我会安排好的,你们放心吧!Mom and Dad, don't nag any more in the future. I'll arrange my study. Don't worry!

