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时间:2024-07-03 07:49:55编辑:奇事君


mercenary翻译:adj.唯利是图;只为金钱的n.雇佣兵例句:1.But in other areas the state looks more mercenary.但在其他领域,政府看起来更像是唯利是图。2.They suggest that my motives for proposing reform are self-serving and mercenary. 他们暗示说我之所以提议改革是贪图金钱,想谋取私利。3.Management to the Dispute over Surface Areas of Mercenary Commercial Housing.商品房买卖面积争议处理。4.I get the feeling that she doesn't like us mercenary types much. 我觉得她并不是很喜欢我们这种佣兵型的。5.The Use of Mercenary Troops by The Government in Qing Dynasty. 论清政府对雇佣军的利用与控制。6.But in other areas the state looks more mercenary. 但在其他领域,政府看起来更像是唯利是图。7.Or maybe, like me, you're a professional mercenary. 又或者,像我一样,你是一个专业的雇佣军。8.So from the point of view of private capital,'yeah, get a mercenary. 因此,从私人资本的角度来看,'是的,得到了一个雇佣军。9.There is no virtue the heart of a mercenary man. 惟利是图者,心中无美德。10.These days, they're more mercenary than government. 如今,他们比政府更唯利是图。11.Otherwise, our world would be replete with mercenary individuals.否则,我们的世界将充斥着金钱至上的人。12.I always considered him calculating and mercenary and did my best to avoid him. 我一向认为他这个人工于心计又唯利是图,所以总是尽力设法避开他。

Carry me的品牌创始人

萧亚轩(Elva Hsiao),中国台湾著名流行歌手、亚洲摩登天后、亚洲时尚舞后。早先在加拿大温哥华留学时参加华人新秀歌唱大赛,获姚谦青睐。1999年首张专辑以50万销量成为当年台湾唱片销量王,与同期的孙燕姿、蔡依林、梁静茹合称台湾四小天后。2001年荣获国际机构认可的最高荣誉世界音乐大奖全球年度销售最佳华语歌手,成为迄今华语流行乐史上唯一获此殊荣的华人女歌手。她的歌兼具张力与柔软度,动人的中低音,细腻、醇厚并富有穿透力;舞蹈风格刚柔并济,对节奏的精准掌握是亚洲顶尖的佼佼者,亦是华语流行乐坛新世纪至今最具代表性的女歌手之一。所有唱片全亚洲销量超过1500万张。


carry me意思是:带着我;背着我例句:1、will you carry me home?你会带我回家吗?2、I've got you to carry me. 我有你背着我。词汇解析:1、carry英 [?k?ri] 美 [?k?ri] vt.携带;支撑;输送;运载vt.& vi.运送;搬运;具有2、me英 [mi] 美 [mi] pron.(人称代词I的宾格)我扩展资料同义词辨析:carry、convey、deliver1、carry v. 运送,搬运〔辨析〕最普通用词,着重指用某一方式载运,如使用交通工具、人力、畜力、管道等,没有明确的方向性,常可与介词 from/to 连用。〔例证〕The ship was carrying food.这艘船上载有食品。2、convey v. [正式]运送,输送〔辨析〕多指通过自然或人工形成的线路运送人、货物或输送能源等。〔例证〕Trucks convey coal from mines to various cities and towns.卡车把煤从矿场运往各个城市和村镇。3、deliver v. 递送,传送〔辨析〕主要指投递信件、包裹、货物等,常可与介词 to 连用。〔例证〕The morning mail has already been delivered.早晨的邮件已经送走了。


carry读法:英 [?k?ri],美 [?k?ri]。单词为动词时翻译为:拿;提;搬;扛;背;抱;运送;携带;佩戴;输送,传输,传送(水、电等);传播;能记住;支撑;承担(责任);具有(某品质或特点);带有,带来;扔(或踢)到…距离;传得很远;向…前进;(以票数多出)获得通过;赢得…支持(或同情);贴有(标签);刊登;销售。单词为名词时翻译为:携带;运输;空;(两条水道间)陆上运送。第三人称单数:carries。现在分词:carrying。过去式:carried。过去分词:carried。carry例句:1、He was carrying a newspaper.他拿着一份报纸。2、Dix pushed forward carrying a glass.迪克斯拿着杯子往前挤。3、The woman carried a bouquet of dried violets. 这个女人拿着一束干枯的紫罗兰。4、Sometimes I carry a book out under the pear trees and sit in the dappled shade.有时我会拿一本书去梨树底下,坐在斑驳的树影中看。5、In his hand, he carried a gold-tipped crook. 他手里拿着一根有金制曲柄的手杖。

carry怎么读英语 carry的英语怎样读

1、carry的音标是英 [k?r?]或美 [?k?r?] ,句中作为动词和名词使用。

2、He was carrying a briefcase。他提着公文包。

3、Modern video cameras are light and easy to carry。新型的摄像机很轻,容易携带。

4、Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash。有了信用卡就用不着携带很多现金。


carry音标:英[?k?ri] 美[?k?ri]翻译:v.拿;提;搬;扛;背;抱;运送;携带;佩戴;输送,传输,传送(水、电等);传播;能记住;支撑;承担(责任);具有(某品质或特点);带有,带来;扔(或踢)到…距离;传得很远;向…前进;(以票数多出)获得通过n.携带;运输;空;(两条水道间)陆上运送短语:1.carry off 成功完成,赢得,获得(奖项、奖杯)2.carry on 继续;接着;坚持举行;进行;开展,喋喋不休;絮絮叨叨3.carry out 实施;执行;实行4.carry over (使)延续;(使)延伸5.carry through (常指艰难地)做,完成例句:1.You can't possibly carry all those bags.你绝拿不了所有这些包包袋袋的。2.The burglars took just about anything they could carry. 窃贼们盗走了所有拿得动的东西。3.The work will be carried out at a future date. 这项工作将来再做。4.He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources. 他已经对再生能源进行了广泛研究。5.The research was carried out on a modest scale. 这个研究项目开展的规模不算太大。6.The experiments were carried out under simulated examination conditions试验是在模拟的情况下进行的。

Neneh Cherry的《Carry Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Carry Me歌手:Neneh Cherry专辑:ManSeventh Day Slumbe - Carry MeOn my kneesSearching withinI’ve come to the end of meAnd I’m ready to beginTo find my purposeTo find my wayI’m reaching for youAnd I am desperateAnd I can’t do this on my ownWon’t you carry meMy arms are wide openI’m giving everythingWon’t you carry meOh Lord I surrenderI’m letting go todayI’m forgivenBecause you paid the priceI still can’t seem to leave it all behindAll my failuresAll of my mistakesStill I’m reaching for youAnd all of these yearsSo lost and brokenAnd all of these tearsI’ve walked aloneNow reaching for you

Matthew Mayfield的《Carry Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Carry Me歌手:Matthew Mayfield专辑:A Banquet For GhostsMatthew Mayfield - Carry MePony up and meet me where the ocean meets the sandRelieve me, relieve meBreaking waves are hard to chase with tremors in your handsOhSo carry meInside the autumn breezeFar from the rivalriesThat leave me coldThat leave me coldWaking up I see you when you open, open your eyesA child dreaming that she's woven, woven in skySo carry meInside the autumn breezeFar from the rivalriesThat leave me coldBury meInside the open seaWhere you can hear me scream'I'm coming home'I'm coming home


carry[英][?kari]美][?k?ri],以下解释:v.抬搬运运送支撑承载具有把(观点活动)推向使延续以多数同意批准登播送广播可传到n.搬运运送球飞行距离进位结转携带球随身携带水上运输的地方或路线转记程双语例句:medics were carrying a wounded man on a stretcher .卫生员们用担架抬着一个受伤男子。相关变形:过去分词:carried现在分词:carrying过去式:carried第三人称单数:carries相关词组:carry out 开展;进行;履行carry on 进行;开展;携带carry forward 发扬;弘扬;结转carry through 贯彻;进行;开展carry with 随身携带动词 携带carrytakealong盘 buildcarrycoil examine interrogate make over


过去式: carried 过去分词: carried carry v.拿;提;搬;扛;背;抱;运送;携带;佩戴;输送,传输,传送(水、电等) 第三人称单数: carries 现在分词: carrying 扩展资料   Modern video cameras are light and easy to carry.   新型的摄像机很轻,容易携带。   Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash.   有了信用卡就用不着携带很多现金。   The work will be carried out at a future date.   这项工作将来再做。


carried英 [?k?rid] 美 [?k?rid] v.拿;提;搬;扛;背;抱;运送;携带;佩戴;输送,传输,传送(水、电等)。carry的过去分词和过去式。Modern video cameras are light and easy to carry.新型的摄像机很轻,容易携带。Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash.有了信用卡就用不着携带很多现金。The work will be carried out at a future date.这项工作将来再做。He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources.他已经对再生能源进行了广泛研究。


carry英语读[?k?ri]。carry是一个英语单词,为动词(v.)、名词(n.)。作动词时,意为“拿,扛;携带;支持;搬运;能达到;被携带;被搬运”。作名词时,意为运载;[计]进位;射程;(Carry)〔英〕卡里(人名)。基本用法carry的基本意思是“运输”“传送”,可指人自身提、搬、拿、抱、背、扛,也可指人役使牲畜或使用交通工具。如飞机、汽车将某物由一地运往另一地。1.作此解时,既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,主语多为人,也可为天然或人工的通道等,宾语则为运送的有形物或无形物。用作不及物动词时,多与hardly、easily之类的状语连用,主动形式含有被动意义。2.carry引申用于抽象事物,只用作及物动词,可接反身代词,表示“举止,行动”此时不用于被动结构。carry有时可以指“怀孕”,是非正式用法,尤用于进行体,作此解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。3.carry用作及物动词时,还可作“支撑”“支承”解,指承受静止物体的重量。接抽象名词时意为“经得住,承受得了”;carry也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化成介词to的宾语。carry偶尔可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。carry on with the work意思是“继续工作”,其中的介词with可有可无。双语例句1.I carry you in this flame.我在这火焰里抱着你。2.All of you carry these traumas within you as scars on your soul.你们所有人都带着这些创伤,就像灵魂上的伤疤。3.Once you begin to carry these frequencies,you can do this healing as well as I can.一旦你开始进行这些频率,你可以做到这一点愈合,以及我可以。4.We only had a small suitcase,so we were able to carry it onto the plane.我们只有一只小手提箱,所以能拎着它登机。5.These books are too heavy for me to carry.这些书太沉了,我搬不动。

