
时间:2024-06-29 08:06:26编辑:奇事君

Beautiful In White译成中文是什么意思?

Beautiful In White 白色新娘一、短语1、Beautiful In White Westlife 经典男人组合2、So beautiful in white 穿白色婚纱的你真的很美 ; 美丽的新娘3、so beautiful in white tonight 今夜如此美丽二、双语例句1、She looks so beautiful in white. 她穿着白色的衣服看起来真漂亮。2、The recollection of this vision, for it was really a vision, would not leave my mind like so much visions I had seen, and I looked everywhere for this royally beautiful woman in white. 这一次偶遇的影像,总在我滴脑海里挥之不去,不像从前我所观到的没有留在记忆力。 从此我到处寻觅这位绝色的白衣女子。3、As the sun rises, she throws the dagger into the sea and feels her body being swept into the waves. She then finds herself surrounded by beautiful beings in white – the spirits of the air. 当第二天的太阳升起来的时候,小美人鱼将匕首扔进了海里,与此同时,她感到自己的身体被托了起来,在她的周围有很多美丽的白色精灵。扩展资料美丽的新娘beautiful bride一、短语1、美丽的亚洲新娘 Beautiful Asian Brides2、女孩是美丽的新娘 Girls are brides3、美丽的新娘捧花 Wedding Beautiful Flower二、双语例句1、你是我见过的最美丽的新娘。You're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen. 2、我感到极大的荣幸,能在这幸运的日子里对新郎怀特先生说几句祝福的话,并且祝他美丽的新娘幸福快乐。It is my great privilege, on this most auspicious occasion, to say a word of congratulations to the groom, Mr. White, and to wish much happiness to his lovely Bride. 3、姜日珠在父亲的陪伴下缓缓走向礼宾台上的新郎权武赫,权武赫是爱日珠的,看到美丽的新娘,满心欢喜,牵着日珠行礼。Jiang Rizhu accompanied by her father, slowly to the concierge on the groom QuanWu hz, beadQuanWu hz is love day, see the beautiful bride, delighted, holding bead salute.

Beautiful In White歌词翻译成中文是?

Not sure if you knowthis 不确定你是否知道这个
But whenwe first met 但当我们第一次见面的时候
I got so nervous I couldn't speak 我十分紧张我说不出话来
In that very moment 在那个特别的时刻
I found the one and Mylife had found this missing piece
So as long as I liveI love you 所以只要我活着我就会爱着你
Will have and hold you 天堂会拥有你吗
You look so beautiful in white 穿白色婚纱的你如此动人
And from now to my very last breath 而且从现在到我生命的尽头
This day I'll cherish 我都会珍惜这一天
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
What we have is timeless 我们永恒拥有
My love is endless 我的爱没有尽头
And with this dream I Say to the world 我要对这个世界大声说
You're my every reason you're all that I believe in 你是我所有可能的原因你是我信仰的一切
With all my heart I mean every world我说的是全世界
And if our daughter is what our future holds 如果我们的女儿是我们拥有的未来
I hope she has your eyes 我希望她能拥有你的眼睛
Finds love like you and I did找到像你我之间这样的爱
Yeah, if she falls in love and we will let her go 如果她爱上了某个人我就会放她走
I'll walk her down the aisle我会挽着她走过那条通道
She looks so beautiful in white穿白色婚纱的她看起来很美
So as long as I liveI love you 所以只要我活着我就会爱着你
Will have and hold you 天堂会拥有你吗
You look so beautiful in white 穿白色婚纱的你如此动人
And from now to my very last breath 而且从现在到我生命的尽头
This day I'll cherish 我都会珍惜这一天
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
So as long as I liveI love you 所以只要我活着我就会爱着你
Will have and hold you 天堂会拥有你吗
You look so beautiful in white 穿白色婚纱的你如此动人
And from now to my very last breath 而且从现在到我生命的尽头
his day I'll cherish 我都会珍惜这一天
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
You look so beautiful in white Tonight 今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美

西城男孩的beautiful in white中文翻译是什么

beautiful in white
  Not sure if you know this
  But when we first met
  I got so nervous I couldn't speak
  In that very moment
  I found the one and My life had found this missing piece
  So as long as I live I love you
  Will have and hold you
  You look so beautiful in white
  And from now to my very last breath
  This day I'll cherish
  You look so beautiful in white Tonight
  What we have is timeless
  My love is endless
  And with this scream Say to the world
  You're my every reason you're all that I believe in
  你是我所有可能的原因 你是我信仰的一切
  With all my heart I mean every world
  And if our daughter is what our future holds
  I hope she has your eyes
  Finds love like you and I did
  Yeah, if she falls in love and we will let her go
  I'll walk her down the aisle
  She looks so beautiful in white

《beautiful in white》歌词意思是什么?

《beautiful in white》歌词如下:Not sure if you know this不知你是否清楚But when we first met当你我初次相遇I got so nervous I couldn't speak我局促到语无伦次In that very moment在那特别一刻I found the one and我找到我心中所属My life had found it's missing piece生活也终于得以圆满So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美What we have is timeless你我拥有的,是天长地久My love is endless我对你的爱意,无穷无尽And with this ring I Say to the world我要向全世界大声宣布You're my every reason你是我奋不顾身的理由You're all that I believe in你是我毋须原因的信仰With all my heart I mean every word这一字一句,都是我的肺腑之言So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人so beautiful in white甚是动人啊And if our daughter is what our future holds假使日后你我的爱情结晶是个女孩I hope she has your eyes那我希望她能有与你一样的明眸Finds love like you and I did也希望她能找到想你我这般的爱Yeah, if she falls in love and we will let her go要是她坠入爱河,那我就让她去寻她真爱I'll walk her down the aisle我会挽着她的手,送她步入婚礼殿堂She looks so beautiful in white她身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美歌手简介尚恩·菲南(Shane Steven Filan),1979年生于爱尔兰斯莱戈,爱尔兰歌手,西城男孩(Westlife)主唱,曾获得多项音乐类重要奖项,组合解散后开始自己的单飞生涯。尚恩·菲南最早的音乐影响力来自于莱诺李奇(Lionel Richie)、比利乔(Billy Joel)等歌手,不过,在迈克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson)发行《Bad》专辑的时候,Michael Jackson就成为他最崇拜的流行偶像。

beautiful in white的中文翻译

《beautiful in white》歌词如下:Not sure if you know this不知你是否清楚But when we first met当你我初次相遇I got so nervous I couldn't speak我局促到语无伦次In that very moment在那特别一刻I found the one and我找到我心中所属My life had found it's missing piece生活也终于得以圆满So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美What we have is timeless你我拥有的,是天长地久My love is endless我对你的爱意,无穷无尽And with this ring I Say to the world我要向全世界大声宣布You're my every reason你是我奋不顾身的理由You're all that I believe in你是我毋须原因的信仰With all my heart I mean every word这一字一句,都是我的肺腑之言So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人so beautiful in white甚是动人啊And if our daughter is what our future holds假使日后你我的爱情结晶是个女孩I hope she has your eyes那我希望她能有与你一样的明眸Finds love like you and I did也希望她能找到想你我这般的爱Yeah, if she falls in love and we will let her go要是她坠入爱河,那我就让她去寻她真爱I'll walk her down the aisle我会挽着她的手,送她步入婚礼殿堂She looks so beautiful in white她身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美歌手简介尚恩·菲南(Shane Steven Filan),1979年生于爱尔兰斯莱戈,爱尔兰歌手,西城男孩(Westlife)主唱,曾获得多项音乐类重要奖项,组合解散后开始自己的单飞生涯。尚恩·菲南最早的音乐影响力来自于莱诺李奇(Lionel Richie)、比利乔(Billy Joel)等歌手,不过,在迈克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson)发行《Bad》专辑的时候,Michael Jackson就成为他最崇拜的流行偶像。

beautiful in white歌词

《beautiful in white》歌词如下:Not sure if you know this不知你是否清楚But when we first met当你我初次相遇I got so nervous I couldn't speak我局促到语无伦次In that very moment在那特别一刻I found the one and我找到我心中所属My life had found it's missing piece生活也终于得以圆满So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美What we have is timeless你我拥有的,是天长地久My love is endless我对你的爱意,无穷无尽And with this ring I Say to the world我要向全世界大声宣布You're my every reason你是我奋不顾身的理由You're all that I believe in你是我毋须原因的信仰With all my heart I mean every word这一字一句,都是我的肺腑之言So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人so beautiful in white甚是动人啊And if our daughter is what our future holds假使日后你我的爱情结晶是个女孩I hope she has your eyes那我希望她能有与你一样的明眸Finds love like you and I did也希望她能找到想你我这般的爱Yeah, if she falls in love and we will let her go要是她坠入爱河,那我就让她去寻她真爱I'll walk her down the aisle我会挽着她的手,送她步入婚礼殿堂She looks so beautiful in white她身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美歌手简介尚恩·菲南(Shane Steven Filan),1979年生于爱尔兰斯莱戈,爱尔兰歌手,西城男孩(Westlife)主唱,曾获得多项音乐类重要奖项,组合解散后开始自己的单飞生涯。尚恩·菲南最早的音乐影响力来自于莱诺李奇(Lionel Richie)、比利乔(Billy Joel)等歌手,不过,在迈克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson)发行《Bad》专辑的时候,Michael Jackson就成为他最崇拜的流行偶像。

Westlife-beautiful in white的歌词

westlife beautiful in white

Not sure if you know this
But when we first met
I got so nervous
I couldn’t speak
In that very moment
I found the one and
My life had found its
Missing piece
So as long as I live I love you
Will heaven hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now till my very last breathe
This day I’ll cherish
You look so beautiful in white
What we have is timeless
My love is endless
And with this scream
I say to the world
(You are my every reason
You are all that I believe in)
With all my heart
I mean every word
(So as long as I live I love you
Will heaven hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now till my very last breathe
This day I’ll cherish
You look so beautiful in white)
Tonight (ah ah ah ah ah)
Oh oh oh (ah ah ah ah ah)
You look so beautiful in white (ah ah ah)
Ah ah ah ah ah
Na na na na (ah ah ah ah ah ah)
So beautiful in white (ah ah ah)
And if our daughter is what our future hold
I hope she has your eyes
Finds love like you and I did
(Yeah, I wish she falls in love and I’ll let her go)
I’ll walk her down the aisle
She’ll look so beautiful in white
You look so beautiful in white
(So as long as I live I love you
Will heaven hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now till my very last breathe
This day I’ll cherish
You look so beautiful in white)
You look so beautiful in white

一首英文歌曲的歌词,想知道中文意思~~歌名儿叫beautiful in white

[00:14.20]Not sure if you know this / 不确定你是否知道这个
[00:17.52]But when we first met / 但当我们第一次见面的时候
[00:20.61]I got so nervous I couldn't speak / 我十分紧张我说不出话来
[00:26.53]In that very moment / 在那个特别的时刻
[00:29.99]I found the one and / 我找到了那个重要人
[00:33.08]My life had found its missing piece / 我的生活也找到了它缺失的部分
[00:39.80]So as long as I live I love you / 所以只要我活着我就会爱着你
[00:43.99]Will heaven hold you / 会永远珍惜你
[00:47.12]You look so beautiful in white / 穿白色婚纱的你如此动人
[00:52.50]And from now to my very last breath / 而且从现在到我生命的尽头
[00:56.47]This day I'll cherish / 我都会珍惜这一天
[00:59.63]You look so beautiful in white Tonight... / 今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
[01:11.61]What we have is timeless / 我们永远拥有这个时刻
[01:15.33]My love is endless / 我的爱是没有尽头
[01:18.26]And with this scream I Say to the world / 我要对这个世界大声说  
[01:24.08]You're my every reason / 你是我所有可能的原因
[01:27.08]you're all that I believe in / 你是我信仰的一切
[01:30.68]With all my heart I mean every world / 用我全部的心向全世界证明
[01:37.50]So as long as I live I love you / 所以只要我活着我就会爱着你
[01:41.59]Will heaven hold you / 会永远珍惜你
[01:44.79]You look so beautiful in white / 穿白色婚纱的你如此动人
[01:49.87]And from now to my very last breath / 而且从现在到我生命的尽头
[01:54.13]This day I'll cherish / 我都会珍惜这一天
[01:57.20]You look so beautiful in white Tonight... / 今夜的你穿白色婚纱真的很美
[02:07.75]Oh oh ...
[02:09.93]You look so beautiful in white / 穿白色婚纱的你如此动人
[02:20.33]Na na na ...
[02:23.06]So beautiful in white / 穿白色婚纱的你真的很美
[02:27.62]Tonight... / 今夜
[02:30.70]And if our daughter's what our future holds / 如果我们的女儿是我们拥有的未来
[02:34.68]I hope she has your eyes / 我希望她能拥有你的眼睛
[02:37.97]Finds love like you and I did / 找到像你我之间这样的爱
[02:42.66]Yeah, I wish she falls in love and I will let her go / 如果她爱上了某个人我就会放她走
[02:47.19]I'll walk her down the aisle / 我会挽着她走过那条通道
[02:50.30]She'll look so beautiful in white / 穿起白色婚纱的她将会很美
[02:59.65]You look so beautiful in white / 你穿白色婚纱真的很美
[03:04.50]So as long as I live I love you / 所以只要我活着我就会爱着你
[03:08.92]Will heaven hold you / 会永远珍惜你
[03:12.03]You look so beautiful in white / 穿白色婚纱的你如此动人
[03:17.21]And from now to my very last breath / 而且从现在到我生命的尽头
[03:21.46]This day I'll cherish / 我都会珍惜这一天
[03:24.47]You look so beautiful in white Tonight.../ 今夜的你穿白色婚纱真的很美
[03:37.12]You look so beautiful in white Tonight.../ 今夜的你穿白色婚纱真的很美
[03:47.72]-= END =-

求westlife beautiful in white的歌词

歌曲:《Beautiful in White》

Not sure if you know this
But when we first met
I got so nervous I couldn't speak
In that very moment
I found the one and
My life had found this missing piece
So as long as I live I love you
Will heaven hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white
What we have is timeless
My love is endless
And with this dream I
Say to the world
You're my every reason
you're all that I believe in
With all my heart I mean every word
So as long as I live I love you
Will heaven hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white
oooh oh
You look so beautiful in white
Na na na na
So beautiful in white
And if our daughter is what our future holds
I hope she has your eyes
Finds love like you and I did
Yeah, if she falls in love ,I will let her go
I'll walk her down the aisle
She looks so beautiful in white
You look so beautiful in white
So as long as I live I love you
Will heaven hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white
You look so beautiful in white

Beautiful in white 中英文歌词

Beautiful In White 歌手:Shane Filan所属专辑:Love AlwaysNot sure if you know this不曾知晓你是否明了But when we first met当你我第一次相遇之时I got so nervous I couldn't speak我紧张到难以言喻In that very moment在那个时刻里I found the one and我已然寻到了此生挚爱My life had found this missing piece人生也因此得已圆满So as long as I live I love you我会一直爱你直至我逝去的那一秒Will have and hold you紧握你的双手You look so beautiful in white披上圣洁纯净的婚纱,你的美丽令人惊艳And from now to my very last breath从这一刻开始到我此生的最后一次呼吸This day I'll cherish我都会将今日的这一份幸福好好珍藏You look so beautiful in white纯白婚纱下的你明艳动人Tonight今夜良辰What we have is timeless同你所拥有的一切都将凝结成永恒My love is endless我会给你永无止尽的爱And with this scream I这些动人心弦的甜蜜点滴Say to the world想放声同全世界宣告You're my every reason你是我生活下去的每一个原由You're all that I believe in是我信赖的全部With all my heart I mean every word在我心中你便是整个美满的世界So as long as I live I love you我会一直爱你直至我逝去的那一秒Will have and hold you紧握你的双手You look so beautiful in white披上圣洁纯净的婚纱,你的美丽令人惊艳And from now to my very last breath从这一刻开始到我此生的最后一次呼吸This day I'll cherish我都会将今日的这一份幸福好好珍藏You look so beautiful in white纯白婚纱下的你明艳动人Tonight今夜良辰You look so beautiful in white披着圣洁婚纱的你美丽至极YE-EAHYE-EAHNa na na naNa na na naSo beautiful in white纯洁动人的我的新娘Tonight春宵美眷And if our daughter is what our future holds如若将来我们一同牵着的是乖巧的女儿I hope she has your eyes愿她有双和你一样迷人的眸子Finds love like you and I did寻到有如我一般幸运的爱情Yeah, if she falls in love ,I will let her go是啊,当她坠入爱河,我会放手让她去爱I'll walk her down the aisle牵着她穿过教堂婚礼的长廊She looks so beautiful in white披上圣洁纯净的婚纱,她和你当年一样美丽So beautiful in white纯白婚纱下的她明艳动人So as long as I live I love you我会一直爱你直至我逝去的那一秒Will have and hold you紧握你的双手You look so beautiful in white披上圣洁纯净的婚纱,你的美丽令人惊艳And from now to my very last breath从这一刻开始到我此生的最后一次呼吸This day I'll cherish我都会将今日的这一份幸福好好珍藏You look so beautiful in white纯白婚纱下的你明艳动人Tonight今夜良辰Na na na naNa na na naSo beautiful in white纯洁动人的我的新娘Tonight今夜定然无眠扩展资料:《Beautiful in White》 是爱尔兰最流行的组合天王Westlife的主唱Shane Filan为自己的妻子儿女所演唱的歌曲,这是一首旋律优美、非常感人的歌曲,这首歌后被收录在单飞后的第三张录音室专辑《Love Always》里。所属专辑:最初2010年欧美新歌速递2/也有网站写属于Beautiful in White demo版。如今大多数是讲欧美新歌速递。现于2017年被收录在第三张录音室专辑《Love Always》里。最初发行时间:2010年(事实上是Westlife未发行在他们的新专辑中,而是在2010欧美新歌速递里,这也就是为什么说如今大多数人认为Beautiful in White属于2010年欧美新歌速递2专辑)。

