休 格兰特

时间:2024-06-27 22:10:39编辑:奇事君



英文名:Hugh Grant

生平介绍: 1960年9月,休·格兰特出生在伦敦,父亲是艺术家,母亲是教师。上大学时本来想成为艺术史学家的格兰特对表演产生兴趣,并且一直认为自己的舞台表演更有天份。1982年还在上大学的他出演了《牛津之爱》(Privileged)。毕业后格兰特尝试了喜剧表演和电视事业,都没有多大作为。1987年他签下了影片《莫里斯的情人》(Maurice),出色的表现为他赢得了当年威尼斯国际电影节的最佳男主角奖;紧接着他又拍了几部影片,在《即兴演奏》(Impromptu)中塑造了音乐家肖邦的形象;在《苦月亮》(Bitter Moon)和《去日留痕》(Remains Of The Day)中,他温文尔雅、腼腆纯真的英国绅士形象深入人心,被称为“天生的贵族”。在影片《浪漫骑士》(Rowing With The Wind)中扮演拜伦的格兰特认识了英国女星伊丽莎白·赫莉(Elizabeth Hurley),两人13年的恋情拉开了序幕。

1994年,一部小制作的英国影片《四个婚礼与一个葬礼》(Four Weddings And A Funeral)成就了休·格兰特,分别获得英国奥斯卡和金球奖的他一夜之间红透好莱坞,接演了《相约在今生》(Sirens)、《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility)等经典之作,与茱莉安·摩尔(Julianne Moore)主演的《怀胎九月》(Nine Months)是他进军好莱坞的力作。来到美国后的《浮华暂借问》(Restoration)、《山丘情人》(The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain)《非常手段》(Extreme Measures)等影片中,格兰特虽然演技不俗,却没能引起足够的注意。1995年6月格兰特召妓的性丑闻被曝光,一时间街知巷闻,传得沸沸扬扬,他的大好前程似乎从此崩塌。出人意料的是,1999年凭借与茱莉亚·罗伯茨(Julia Roberts)联袂出演的《诺丁山》(Notting Hill),格兰特成功地东山再起,此后的《BJ单身日记》( Bridget Jones Diary)和《一个男孩》(About A Boy)、《两周情人》(Two Weeks Notice)等佳作一部接一部问世,人们不得不对他刮目相看。《两周情人》的片酬是1250万美元,格兰特无疑是当今英国最成功的喜剧演员,尽管他对此既不理解也不是特别高兴


Hugh John Mungo Grant (born 9 September 1960) is a Golden Globe-winning British actor and film producer.

He achieved international stardom after playing the alter ego of writer-director Richard Curtis in the sleeper hit Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994).[1] He used this breakthrough role as a frequent cinematic persona during the 1990s to deliver comic performances in mainstream films like Mickey Blue Eyes (1999) and Notting Hill (1999). He established himself, by the turn of the 21st century, as a prominent leading man skilled with a satirical comic talent.[2] In recent years, Grant has expanded his oeuvre with critically acclaimed turns as a cad in Bridget Jones's Diary (2001), About A Boy (2002), and American Dreamz (2006).[3]

Grant has been criticised by students of cinema for putting emphasis on nuanced mannerisms, for the predictability of his movies, and for his unwillingness to stretch as an actor.[4] Within the film industry, he is cited as a movie star who approaches his roles like a character actor, with the ability to make acting look effortless.[5] Hallmarks of his comic skills include a nonchalant touch of irony/sarcasm and studied physical mannerisms as well as his precisely-timed dialogue delivery and facial expressions.

Widespread media speculation about Grant's reportedly very strong personality and life off the big screen has often overshadowed his work as a thespian.[6][7] Over years of fame, he has been identified in popular culture as a figure of charisma,[8] charm,[9] sharp tongue,[10] and wit,[11] who is very vocal about his disrespect for the profession of acting and his disdain toward the culture of celebrity.[12] He is equally infamous for his grumpiness, political incorrectness, hostilities with the media, and bad temper.[13][12] In a career spanning 20 years, Grant has repeatedly claimed that acting is not a true calling but just a job he fell into,[14] while his movies have earned more than $2.4 billion from 25 theatrical releases worldwide.[15]


