4. Personalized Pajamas:
Personalized pajamas are a great unique Mother’s Day gift 2012 as well. You could have them customized to not only have her name on them but they could also read a special message as well. Every time your mom puts them on she will remember that this special gift came from you.
5. Birthstone Jewelry:
Whatever types of jewelry your mom likes to wear get it customized with not only her birthstone but yours as well. The meaning behind this gift will be greater than you could ever possibly imagine.
6. Personalized Gift Basket:
Have you been searching for the perfect Mother’s Day gift yet still has not been able to find something that will suit your mom? If so, put together your own gift basket for her. If your mom likes tech items stop by Best Buy and buy a lot of little things and put them in a nifty basket. If your mom likes spa things stop by Bath and Body Works and give her a one of a kind beauty/spa retreat basket. Of course, you could go out and buy a gift basket but when you put that personal touch of doing it yourself to it that is what makes the gift even more special to mom.
你是不是一直在找母亲节的礼物却还没找到合适的?如果是这样的话,为她自制一个礼品篮吧。如果你的妈妈喜欢科技产品,那在 Best Buy(百思买)买一些小玩意儿,再把它们放到漂亮的篮子里。如果你妈妈喜欢水疗,那在Bath and Body Works里给她买一个美容/水疗静思礼品篮。当然,你也可以出去买一个礼品篮,不过假若礼品篮是你亲手做的话,这个礼物将会更加特别。
7. Autographed Book
Does your mom have an all-time favorite author or a book that she could read a million times and never become tired of it? If so, do some detective work and find her favorite book signed by the author. This is going to be a task depending on her favorite book yet at the same time when she opens this present she will know that you really truly care.