
时间:2024-05-30 16:32:37编辑:奇事君

Sutter'S Mill 歌词

歌曲名:Sutter'S Mill歌手:Dan Fogelberg专辑:Portrait: The Music Of Dan Fogelberg From 1972-1997Sutter's MillSonger:Dan FogelbergIn the spring of forty-seven,So the story, it is told,Old john sutter went to the mill siteFound a piece of shining gold.Well, he took it to the cityWhere the word, like wildfire, spread.And old john sutter soon came to wish he'dLeft that stone in the river bed.For they came like herds of locustsEvery woman, child and manIn their lumbering conestogasThey left their tracks upon the land.(chorus)Some would fail and some would prosperSome would die and some would killSome would thank the lord for their deliveranceAnd some would curse john sutter's mill.Well, they came from new york city,And they came from alabam'With their dreams of finding fortunesIn this wild unsettled land.Well, some fell prey to hostile arrowsAs they tried to cross the plains.And some were lost in the rocky mountainsWith their hands froze to the reins.Oh...(chorus)Some would fail and some would prosperSome would die and some would killSome would thank the lord for their deliveranceAnd some would curse john sutter's mill.Well, some pushed on to californiaAnd others stopped to take their rest.And by the spring of eighteen-sixtyThey had opened up the west.And then the railroad came behind themAnd the land was plowed and tamed,When old john sutter went to meet his maker,He'd not one penny to his name.Oh...(chorus)Some would fail and some would prosperSome would die and some would killSome would thank the lord for their deliveranceAnd some would curse john sutter's mill.And some would curse john sutter's millSome men's thirsts are never filled.http://music.baidu.com/song/10214446

sutter's mill的故事背景

萨特的磨坊故事的发生要从1847年的春天说起,老约翰.萨特在磨坊外拾到一块金子,于是带着它去了城里,在那里关于金矿的消息如野火蔓延开来,萨特很快就后悔,该把那块石头留在河床上.人们集聚如蝗,男人、女人和孩子们,在大篷车笨重的前行中,将车辙留在原野上有人无功而返,有人心遂所愿;有人长眠异乡,有人图财害命;有人将感激上帝解脱了他们,有人会诅咒约翰萨特的磨房.他们有的来自纽约城,有的来自阿拉巴马州,带着他们的发财梦,来到这荒蛮的土地上,一些人在穿越平原时命丧箭下,一些人失踪在洛基山脉冻饿而亡.有人无功而返,有人心遂所愿;有人长眠异乡,有人图财害命;有人将感激上帝解脱了他们,有人会诅咒约翰萨特的磨房.一些人执著前行去往加州,一些人驻足不往休养生息,1860年时他们开发了西部铁路,随后而至荒原终被开发和征服,当约翰萨特离开人世,自己却一文不名.有人无功而返,有人心遂所愿;有人长眠异乡,有人图财害命;有人将感激上帝解脱了他们,有人会诅咒约翰萨特的磨房,有人会诅咒约翰萨特的磨房,有人的欲望却永远无法满足演唱者:Dan Fogelberg1951年8月13日出生在美国伊利诺斯州。自幼随祖父修习钢琴及滑音吉他等多种乐器。1971中断了大学的美术专业,投身到加州的民歌界。至此开始了自己的演艺生涯。Dan Fogelberg,是美国歌坛最富浪漫气质的诗人歌手。他的作品具有明朗和谐的旋律及温柔缠绵的歌词,使得Fogelberg的歌具备了一切使人喜爱的条件。 较为严格的讲Dan Fogelderg并不是一位真正意义上的乡村艺人。他的风格横跨了乡村、民谣和摇滚。但这首(Sutter's Mill)无论从体裁(叙事类)、配器(口琴、班卓、吉他、dobro、fiddle等)节奏和旋律上都是一首乡村风格十足的歌曲。

sutters mill 的中文

歌曲:Sutters Mill

歌手:Dan Fogelberg


In the Spring of Forty-seven,

So the story, it is told,

Old John Sutter went to the mill site

Found a piece of shining gold.

Well, he took it to the city

Where the word, like wildfire, spread.

And old John Sutter soon came to wish hed

Left that stone in the river bed.

For they came like herds of locusts

Every woman, child and man

In their lumbering Conestogas

They left their tracks upon the land.

Some would fail and some would prosper

Some would die and some would kill

Some would thank the Lord for their deliverance

And some would curse John Sutters Mill.

Well, they came from New York City,

And they came from Alabam

With their dreams of finding fortunes

In this wild unsettled land.

Well, some fell prey to hostile arrows

As they tried to cross the plains.

And some were lost in the Rocky Mountains

With their hands froze to the reins.


Some would fail and some would prosper

Some would die and some would kill

Some would thank the Lord for their deliverance

And some would curse John Sutters Mill.

Well, some pushed on to California

And others stopped to take their rest.

And by the Spring of Eighteen-sixty

They had opened up the west.

And then the railroad came behind them

And the land was plowed and tamed,

When Old John Sutter went to meet his maker,

Hed not one penny to his name.


Some would fail and some would prosper

Some would die and some would kill

Some would thank the Lord for their deliverance

And some would curse John Sutters Mill.

And some would curse John Sutters Mill

Some mens thirsts are never filled.


我的英文名字是CARMEN我想问一下 她的原意是什么

英文名:Carmen['ka:men]中文音译:卡门名字性别:女孩英文名来源语种:拉丁语、古英语名字寓意:上帝的花园,正直,诚信,不善变名字印象:稍有喜新厌旧的习惯,想象力丰富而且目标明确,知道自己想要什么。是个理想主义者,慷慨大方,愿意帮助他人。乐于承担责任,为他人服务。有时过于陷入他人的问题,自己也会很烦恼。能很好地表现音乐和艺术。希望家庭稳定和睦。懂得照顾所爱的人。名字含义:上帝的花园;歌,这个名字是西班牙语的、意思是“花园”上帝的花园;歌CARMEL的中世纪西班牙形式受拉丁语carmen“歌曲”的影响。这是乔治·比泽的歌剧“卡门”(1875年)的主角的名字。扩展资料CARMEN-abbr.-积极雷达导弹接合干扰双语例句1、Gregory shared confidences with Carmen. 格雷戈里和卡门说了知心话。2、She stood looking at Carmen with her mouth agape. 她站着,张大了嘴看着卡门。

Sutters Mill 萨特的磨坊这首歌mp3链接想设qq背景音乐

Dan Fogelberg - Sutter'S Mill

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速度是:它们与大气的相对速度与流星体进入地球的方向有关,如果与地球迎面相遇,速度可超过每秒70公里,如果是流星体赶上地球或地球赶上流星体而进入大气,相对速度为每秒10余公里。但即使每秒10公里的速度也已高出子弹出枪膛速度的10倍,足以与大气分子、原子碰撞、摩擦而燃烧发光,形成流星而为我们看到。流星概述:太阳系内除了太阳、八大行星及其卫星、小行星、彗星外,在行星际空间还存在着大量的尘埃微粒和微小的固体块,它们也绕着太阳运动。在接近地球时由于地球引力的作用会使其轨道发生改变,这样就有可能穿过地球 大气层。或者,当地球穿越它们的轨道时也有可能进入地球大气层。由于 流星这些微粒与地球相对运动速度很高(11-72公里/秒),与大气 分子发生剧烈摩擦而燃烧发光,在夜间天空中表现为一条光迹,这种现象就叫流星,一般发生在距地面高度为80-120公里的高空中。流星中特别明亮的又称为火流星。造成流星现象的微粒称为流星体,所以流星和流星体是两种不同的概念。流星包括单个流星(偶发流星)、火流星和流星雨三种,比绿豆大一点的流星体进入大气层就能形成肉眼可见亮度的流星。流星体的质量一般很小,比如产生5等亮度流星的流星体直径约0.5cm,质量0.06毫克。肉眼可见的流星体直径在0.1-1cm之间。它们与大气的相对速度与流星体进入地球的方向有关,如果与地球迎面相遇,速度可超过每秒70公里,如果是流星体赶上地球或地球赶上流星体而进入大气,相对速度为每秒10余公里。但即使每秒10公里的速度也已高出子弹出枪膛速度的10倍,足以与大气分子、原子碰撞、摩擦而燃烧发光,形成流星而为我们看到。大部分流星体在进入大气层后都气化殆尽,只有少数大而结构坚实的流星体 不同形式的流星画面图才能因燃烧未尽而有剩余固体物质降落到地面,这就是陨星。特别小的流星体因与大气分子碰撞产生的热量迅速辐射掉,不足以使之气化,据观测资料估算,每年降落到地球上的流星体,包括汽化物质和微陨星,总质量约有20万吨之巨! 这是否会使地球不断变"胖"呢?地球质量约为6×10^21吨。由于流星体下落使地球"体重"的增加在50亿年时间内的总量约为3.3×10^17吨,或者说使地球质量增加了两万分之一,相当于体重200斤的大胖子增加0.1两。可见其实在是微不足道!流星是指运行在星际空间的流星体(通常包括宇宙尘粒和固体块等空间物质)在接近地球时由于受到地球引力的摄动而被地球吸引,从而进入地球大气层,并与大气摩擦燃烧所产生的光迹。流星体原来是围绕太阳运动的,在经过地球附近时,受地球引力的作用,改变轨道,从而进入地球大气圈。流星有单个流星、火流星、流星雨几种。大部分可见的流星体都和沙粒差不多,重量在1克以下。流星进入大气层的速度介于11km/s到72km/s之间。

Sutter's Mill 歌词

歌曲名:Sutter's Mill歌手:Dan Fogelberg专辑:The Music of Dan FogelbergSutter's MillSonger:Dan FogelbergIn the spring of forty-seven,So the story, it is told,Old john sutter went to the mill siteFound a piece of shining gold.Well, he took it to the cityWhere the word, like wildfire, spread.And old john sutter soon came to wish he'dLeft that stone in the river bed.For they came like herds of locustsEvery woman, child and manIn their lumbering conestogasThey left their tracks upon the land.(chorus)Some would fail and some would prosperSome would die and some would killSome would thank the lord for their deliveranceAnd some would curse john sutter's mill.Well, they came from new york city,And they came from alabam'With their dreams of finding fortunesIn this wild unsettled land.Well, some fell prey to hostile arrowsAs they tried to cross the plains.And some were lost in the rocky mountainsWith their hands froze to the reins.Oh...(chorus)Some would fail and some would prosperSome would die and some would killSome would thank the lord for their deliveranceAnd some would curse john sutter's mill.Well, some pushed on to californiaAnd others stopped to take their rest.And by the spring of eighteen-sixtyThey had opened up the west.And then the railroad came behind themAnd the land was plowed and tamed,When old john sutter went to meet his maker,He'd not one penny to his name.Oh...(chorus)Some would fail and some would prosperSome would die and some would killSome would thank the lord for their deliveranceAnd some would curse john sutter's mill.And some would curse john sutter's millSome men's thirsts are never filled.http://music.baidu.com/song/54573187

急求sutter's mill吉他谱,谢谢!


Dan Fogelberg
Key: originally E, here C (capo 4th fret)
[C]In the [Am]spring[F] of forty- [C]seven
So the [Am]story[F] it is [C]told
Old John [Am]Sutter[F] went to the Mill [C]site [Am]
Found a [Dm7]piece[G7] of shinin' [C]gold.
Well, he [Am]took it[F] to the [C]city
Where the [Am]word[F] like wildfire [C]spread
Old John [Am]Sutter[F] soon came to [C]wishin' [Am]
He'd left that [Dm7]stone[G7] in the river [Am]bed.
Oh, they [F]came like herds of [C]locusts
Every [F]wo-[C]man, child and [Am]man
In their [F]lumberin' connes- [C]togas [Am]
They left their [Dm7]track[G7] upon the [Am]land.
Some would [F]fail and some would [C]prosper
Some would [F]die[C] and some would [Am]kill
Some would [F]beg the Lord for their de-[C]liverance [Am]
Some would [Dm7]curse[G7] John Sutter's [C]Mill.
Well, they [Am]came[F] from New York [C]City
And they [Am]came[F] from Ala-[C]bam'
With their [Am]dream[F] of findin' for-[C]tune [Am]
In this [Dm7]wild[G7] unsettled [C]land.
Well, some fell [Am]prey[F] to hostile [C]arrows
As they [Am]tried[F] to cross the [C]land
And some were [Am]lost[F] in the Rocky [C]Mountains [Am]
With their [Dm7]hands[G7] froze to the [Am]reins.
Some pushed [Am]on[F] to Cali-[C]fornia
Others [Am]stopped[F] to take their [C]rest
And by the [Am]spring[F] of eighteen-[C]sixty [Am]
They had [Dm7]opened[G7] up the [C]west.
And then the [Am]railroad[F] came be-[C]hind them
And the [Am]land[F] was plowed and [C]tame
When old John [Am]Sutter[F] went to meet his [C]Maker [Am]
With not one [Dm7]penny[G7] to his [Am]name.
Some would [Dm7]curse[G7] John Sutter's [C]Mill [Am]
Some men's [Dm7]thirsts[G7] are never [C]filled.


1 we go on ------Billy Gilman Deep in the valley of your soul 在你灵魂深处的山谷Tired of worries you can't control疲惫于你无法把握的烦恼 With so many mountains left to climb 还有这么多需要爬上的山峰 Unanswered questions left to find 这么多没有找到答案的疑惑 We go on, we go on我们继续,我们继续 It's the first lesson we learn 这是我们学到的第一课 When your born 当我们出生之时 On the wings of angels 骑在天使的翅膀上 We ride out the storm 我们冲出风暴You and me 你和我We go on 我们继续Pull the stranger from the water 从水里拉出那陌生人And in that moment he is your brother 从那一刻他就是你的兄弟There's a gift when you receieve him 他是你收到的一份礼物Love is the greatest reason 爱是最好的理由We go on, we go on 我们继续,我们继续It's the first lesson we learn 这是我们学到的第一课When your born 当我们出生之时On the wings of angels 骑在天使的翅膀上We ride out the storm 我们冲破风暴You and me 你和我We go on 我们继续Faith happens when 幸运将会降临当You can see 你看到against all odds 一切奇妙的事情You believe你相信 We go on, we go on我们继续,我们继续 It's the first lesson we learn 这是我们学到的第一课When your born 当我们出生之时On the wings of angels 骑在天使的翅膀上We ride out the storm 我们冲破风暴You and me 你和我We go on, we go on... 我们继续,我们继续

