
时间:2024-05-13 04:53:12编辑:奇事君


甜品店的英文是:dessert shop; Dessert; Dessert House。双语例句:1、我还在对面的甜品店做兼职。I also work parttime over at the sweet shoppe across the way. 2、英语学习笔记:联合国世界旅游组织你好,请问能给我推荐一家好吃的甜品店吗?the United Nations World Tourism Organization Hello. Can you recommend a good dessert shop? 3、沈塘桥路是杭州的一条老街道,在市政规划的蓝图中,它将被改造成一条以甜品店为主打的商业街。Shentang, an old street in Hangzhou, which will be a dessertoriented business street in the blueprint of municipal layout. 4、这就像在甜品店工作一旦偷吃了一口甘草什锦糖就对一切糖果都欲罢不能了You know how it is. It's like working in a sweet shop.Once you start picking up the Liquorice Allsorts, when does it all stop.




土地是归国家所有的,一般说的使用年限70年就是指住宅用地的使用年限,这是土地出让过程中确定的(商业用地40年、综合用地50年、住宅用地70年、工业用地50年)。 实际上,现在的商品房的土地实际使用年限很少有70年的,大部分在30-60年左右。因为使用年限是从国家出让时开始计算,加上开发周期,最短也得1-2年,到你手里使用年限就不到70了,如果开发商再囤积一段时间或者几经转手就更短了,况且住宅楼的设计使用年限是50年幅度,房屋达到设计使用年限便不能再用了。 70年后,国家有权收回土地移作他用,但必须对你的房屋进行补偿。当然你也可以通过补交土地出让金,继续享有土地使用权。


糖果屋英文版原文:"Leave the children in the forest! Otherwise, we will all starve to death!" The new mother said."No, that's cruel.""Well, then you go and find food."Because he was so poor that he had to agree.The two brothers and sisters, Bangil and Coranti, were very sad to hear. The smart Bangil sneaked into the yard after his parents had gone to bed and picked up a lot of pebbles and put them in his pocket.The next day, the couple took them to the forest, and Bangil dropped many small stones along the way as a sign to recognize the way home."You're waiting here. Let's go chopping wood."Brothers and sisters sat on the grass playing, and unconsciously fell asleep. By the time I woke up, it was already dark.Candy House,Candy House,Collanti cried with fear. Bangil led her weeping sister and followed the sign of the pebble to go home.When they finally came home, Dad was very happy, but Mom was calm.Only a few days later, Bangil heard his mother say to his father, "This time, they must not come back."In the evening, Bangil wanted to pick up the pebbles, but the door was locked.The next day, in the same way, Bangil had to use bread instead of pebbles and scatter it down the road. Unexpectedly, the bread was eaten by the birds.The brothers and sisters didn't wake up until midnight. Bangil comforted her sister and said, "That's all right. Bread crumbs will tell us the way home."But you can't find breadcrumbs anywhere."Ah! What should I do?""What a hungry stomach!"They wandered in the forest hungry, and Coranti could not help crying again."Sister, don't cry. My brother will take you home when daybreak comes."Later in the night, the brothers and sisters were tired and fell asleep again unconsciously.Soon it was dawn.As soon as they woke up, they struggled to find a way out. They walked and walked. Suddenly, Bangil's eyes lit up and cried, "Look!There's a house over there!"They approached happily and looked, "Wow! This house is all made of candy and biscuits! "Brothers and sisters were really hungry. They couldn't help rushing over and tore down the house and ate it reluctantly."Ah! How delicious!At this time, a kind voice came from behind and said, "Who is eating my house?" A lady came out of the room."Sorry, we're lost in the forest."Your lady said gently, "Oh! Poor child, come in and eat! There are many delicious things in the house.After they had eaten enough, the lady let them both sleep in beautiful and comfortable beds. Brothers and sisters were so happy that they soon fell asleep."Hey, hey, hey... Success!"Actually, your lady is a devil who eats people. "Well! The man is fatter. Eat him first.The next day, Bangil was locked up in a big box."Give this to your brother and I'll eat him better. Come on!"Corandi sobbed in horror, but it was no use crying. The magic girl ordered her to do all kinds of work,and scolded her as soon as she had a rest.Every day, the witch girl would come to see Bengil and touch his fingers to see if she was fatter, but Bengil was very clever.and every time she reached out the chicken bones she had eaten to touch him.Alas! After eating so many things, why haven't you gained more weight?The witch girl can't wait any longer. She cries, "Corandi, I won't wait any longer. Now you go to make a fire. I'm going to cook your brother today.Quick! Quick!The witch ordered Corandi loudly, and she was busy moving a big pot herself."Ah! Will my brother be eaten like this? Corantie looked at a large pot of water and thought sadly."It would be better to die in the forest together if I had known that."Collanti was very anxious, but did not know what to do."What are you doing there? Go and make a fire!" The demon girl shouted fiercely.Corandi was crying and lighting a fire.After a while, the magic girl called her again, "See if the water is boiling?"At this time, Collanti suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a good way to save her brother and her.So she asked the devil girl, "How do you think the water is boiling or not?" I can't! Look at it for yourself.""What! A girl can't even see the water boiling. Have you never boiled anything at home?"No!""All right! I'll see for myself.The magic girl then approached the pot and looked carefully at the water.At this moment, Corandi hit him from behind with all his strength.The devil was not prepared at all, so she fell into the hot pot."Ouch! I'm burned to death."After a few gasps, the devil Gou died.Corandi ran happily to open the box and rescued Bangil."Brother, brother! The demon girl died!""Ah! Really?""Well! Really." Collanti told his brother what had happened.Brothers and sisters embraced happily. "Sister, how brave you are!" said Bangil."No," Collanti said, "Brother, you're smart!"They were happy to run around. In the basement, they found a big box and opened it."Wow! How beautiful!It turned out that the box was full of jewels and gold coins."Let's take some home as gifts," Bangil said.They stuffed jewelry and gold coins into their pockets. "Okay, go home quickly. Find a way out before it gets dark! " Bangil took her sister's hand tightly and walked out of the house.译文:“把孩子们丢到森林里去吧!不然,我们都要饿死了呀!”新妈妈说。“不行,那太残忍了。”“好,那你就去找食物来呀。”因为实在太贫穷,不得已,父亲只好答应了。班吉尔和科兰蒂兄妹俩听了很伤心。聪明的班吉尔趁爸妈都睡了以后,偷偷的跑到院子,捡了许多小石子放在口袋里。第二天,夫妇俩果然带他们到森林去,班吉尔便沿途丢下了许多小石子,以做为回家时认路的标。“你们在这里等着,我们去砍柴啊。”兄妹俩坐在草地上玩耍,不知不觉就睡着了。等醒来时,天已经黑了。糖果屋,糖果屋,科兰蒂害怕得哭了起来。班吉尔牵着哭泣的妹妹,循着小石子的记号,走回家去。两人终于回到家来,爸爸非常高兴,但妈妈却沉着脸。才过了几天,班吉尔又听到妈妈对爸爸说:“这次,一定要让他们回不来。”晚上,班吉尔想去捡小石子,但门被锁上了。第二天,也是同样的情形,班吉尔只好用面包代替小石子,沿路撒下去。没想到,面包却被鸟儿给吃个精光。兄妹俩一直睡到半夜才醒来,班吉尔安慰着妹妹说:“没关系,面包屑会告诉我们回家的路。可是,怎么找也找不到面包屑。“啊!怎么办呢?”“肚子好饿呀!”两人饿着肚子在森林里徘徊,科兰蒂禁不住又哭了起来。“妹妹,不要哭,等天亮了,哥哥再带你回家。”夜更深了,兄妹俩累得不知不觉的又睡着了。不久,天亮了。兄妹俩一醒来,就努力的寻找出路,走啊走的,突然,班吉尔的眼睛一亮,叫着说:“看!那儿有栋房子!”他们高兴的走近一看,“哇!这房子全部是用糖果、饼干做成的呀!”兄妹俩实在是饿坏了,忍不住飞奔过去,拆下房子忘情的吃了起来。“啊!真好吃!”这时,从背后传来和蔼的声音说:“是谁在啃我的房子呀?”一位贵夫人从屋里走出来。“对不起,我们是在森林里迷路的孩子。”贵夫人很温和的说:“噢!可怜的孩子,进来吃吧!屋子里还有许多好吃的东西。”吃饱后,贵夫人就让他们俩人睡在漂亮又舒适的床上。兄妹俩好开心哦,不一会儿便睡着了。“嘿嘿嘿……成功啦!”其实,贵夫人是一个吃人的魔女变的。“嗯!男的较胖,先吃他好了。”第二天,班吉尔就被关到一个大箱子里去。“把这端去给你哥哥吃,养胖一些我好吃他。快去!科兰蒂吓得呜咽的哭着,但是,哭是没有用的。魔女又命令她做各种工作,稍一休息就骂个不停。魔女每天都会来看班吉尔,并摸摸他的手指头看有没有胖些;但班吉尔很聪明,每次都伸出吃过的鸡骨头给他摸。唉!吃了那么多东西,怎么都没长胖些呢?魔女已等不及了,叫道:“科兰蒂,我不等了,你现在就去生火,我今天就要把你哥哥煮来吃了,快!快!”魔女大声的命令科兰蒂,自己也忙着去搬了个一大锅。“啊!哥哥就要这样被吃掉吗?”科兰蒂望着一大锅的水,伤心的想着,“早知道这样,倒不如一起死在森林里来得好些。”科兰蒂心里焦急万分,却不知如何是好。“你还愣在那里干什么,快去生火呀!”魔女很暴躁的喊着。科兰蒂一边哭,一边生着火。一会儿,魔女又叫她:“看看水开了没?”这时,科兰蒂突然灵光一现,想到了一个好法子,或许可以救救哥哥和她。于是,她便问魔女说:“要怎么看才知道水开了没呢?我不会呀!你自个儿看吧。”“什么!一个女孩子竟然连水开了没都不会看,难道你在家都没煮过东西吗?”“没有啊!”“好吧!我自己看。”魔女便走近锅旁,仔细的看着锅水。趁这时候,科兰蒂便使尽全力,从后面猛撞了过去。魔女丝毫没有防备,就这样掉到热锅里去了。“哎呀!烫死我了。”魔女苟延残喘几声后就死了。科兰蒂高兴的跑去打开箱子,将班吉尔救了出来。“哥哥,哥哥!魔女死掉了!”“啊!真的吗?”“嗯!真的。”科兰蒂将经过情形告诉哥哥。兄妹俩高兴的拥抱着。班吉尔感动的说:“妹妹,你好勇敢哦!”“不,”科兰蒂说:“哥哥你才聪明呢!”两人高兴得到处跑。在地下室里,他们发现有个大箱子,就打开来看。“哇!好漂亮哦!”原来,箱子里装着满满的珠宝和金币。班吉尔说:“我们带一些回家当作礼物吧。”两人把珠宝和金币往口袋里塞,“好了,快回家吧。趁天还没黑之前,赶快找到出路!”班吉尔紧紧的牵着妹妹的手,走出了魔女的房子。哇!好不容易,他们终于走出了森林,可是,一条又深又宽的河却横在面前,而更苦恼的是,河上既没有桥,岸边也没有船。“真糟糕!怎么渡过河呢?”“哇!看!一只大野鸭。”河的对岸,有只大野鸭正悠闲的游着。科兰蒂喊道:“对了,可以拜托野鸭先生呀!”于是,两人一起叫着:“野鸭先生,拜托你载我们到对岸去,好吗?”野鸭好像听懂他们的话似的,果然游了过来,并载他们渡过了河。远远的,他们就看到了自己的家。没想到那狠心的妈妈因为得了病死了。之后与他们的父亲快乐的生活在了一起!扩展资料:故事介绍:《糖果屋》出自《格林童话》。讲述的是韩塞尔和格雷特兄妹被继母扔在大森林中,迷路的他们来到了女巫的糖果屋,被抓并差点被吃掉,但凭借机智与勇气,两人最终脱离魔掌的故事。参考资料来源:百度百科-糖果屋


糖果屋英文版原文:"Leave the children in the forest! Otherwise, we will all starve to death!" The new mother said."No, that's cruel.""Well, then you go and find food."Because he was so poor that he had to agree.The two brothers and sisters, Bangil and Coranti, were very sad to hear. The smart Bangil sneaked into the yard after his parents had gone to bed and picked up a lot of pebbles and put them in his pocket.The next day, the couple took them to the forest, and Bangil dropped many small stones along the way as a sign to recognize the way home."You're waiting here. Let's go chopping wood."Brothers and sisters sat on the grass playing, and unconsciously fell asleep. By the time I woke up, it was already dark.Candy House,Candy House,Collanti cried with fear. Bangil led her weeping sister and followed the sign of the pebble to go home.When they finally came home, Dad was very happy, but Mom was calm.Only a few days later, Bangil heard his mother say to his father, "This time, they must not come back."In the evening, Bangil wanted to pick up the pebbles, but the door was locked.The next day, in the same way, Bangil had to use bread instead of pebbles and scatter it down the road. Unexpectedly, the bread was eaten by the birds.The brothers and sisters didn't wake up until midnight. Bangil comforted her sister and said, "That's all right. Bread crumbs will tell us the way home."But you can't find breadcrumbs anywhere."Ah! What should I do?""What a hungry stomach!"They wandered in the forest hungry, and Coranti could not help crying again."Sister, don't cry. My brother will take you home when daybreak comes."Later in the night, the brothers and sisters were tired and fell asleep again unconsciously.Soon it was dawn.As soon as they woke up, they struggled to find a way out. They walked and walked. Suddenly, Bangil's eyes lit up and cried, "Look!There's a house over there!"They approached happily and looked, "Wow! This house is all made of candy and biscuits! "Brothers and sisters were really hungry. They couldn't help rushing over and tore down the house and ate it reluctantly."Ah! How delicious!At this time, a kind voice came from behind and said, "Who is eating my house?" A lady came out of the room."Sorry, we're lost in the forest."Your lady said gently, "Oh! Poor child, come in and eat! There are many delicious things in the house.After they had eaten enough, the lady let them both sleep in beautiful and comfortable beds. Brothers and sisters were so happy that they soon fell asleep."Hey, hey, hey... Success!"Actually, your lady is a devil who eats people. "Well! The man is fatter. Eat him first.The next day, Bangil was locked up in a big box."Give this to your brother and I'll eat him better. Come on!"Corandi sobbed in horror, but it was no use crying. The magic girl ordered her to do all kinds of work,and scolded her as soon as she had a rest.Every day, the witch girl would come to see Bengil and touch his fingers to see if she was fatter, but Bengil was very clever.and every time she reached out the chicken bones she had eaten to touch him.Alas! After eating so many things, why haven't you gained more weight?The witch girl can't wait any longer. She cries, "Corandi, I won't wait any longer. Now you go to make a fire. I'm going to cook your brother today.Quick! Quick!The witch ordered Corandi loudly, and she was busy moving a big pot herself."Ah! Will my brother be eaten like this? Corantie looked at a large pot of water and thought sadly."It would be better to die in the forest together if I had known that."Collanti was very anxious, but did not know what to do."What are you doing there? Go and make a fire!" The demon girl shouted fiercely.Corandi was crying and lighting a fire.After a while, the magic girl called her again, "See if the water is boiling?"At this time, Collanti suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a good way to save her brother and her.So she asked the devil girl, "How do you think the water is boiling or not?" I can't! Look at it for yourself.""What! A girl can't even see the water boiling. Have you never boiled anything at home?"No!""All right! I'll see for myself.The magic girl then approached the pot and looked carefully at the water.At this moment, Corandi hit him from behind with all his strength.The devil was not prepared at all, so she fell into the hot pot."Ouch! I'm burned to death."After a few gasps, the devil Gou died.Corandi ran happily to open the box and rescued Bangil."Brother, brother! The demon girl died!""Ah! Really?""Well! Really." Collanti told his brother what had happened.Brothers and sisters embraced happily. "Sister, how brave you are!" said Bangil."No," Collanti said, "Brother, you're smart!"They were happy to run around. In the basement, they found a big box and opened it."Wow! How beautiful!It turned out that the box was full of jewels and gold coins."Let's take some home as gifts," Bangil said.They stuffed jewelry and gold coins into their pockets. "Okay, go home quickly. Find a way out before it gets dark! " Bangil took her sister's hand tightly and walked out of the house.译文:“把孩子们丢到森林里去吧!不然,我们都要饿死了呀!”新妈妈说。“不行,那太残忍了。”“好,那你就去找食物来呀。”因为实在太贫穷,不得已,父亲只好答应了。班吉尔和科兰蒂兄妹俩听了很伤心。聪明的班吉尔趁爸妈都睡了以后,偷偷的跑到院子,捡了许多小石子放在口袋里。第二天,夫妇俩果然带他们到森林去,班吉尔便沿途丢下了许多小石子,以做为回家时认路的标。“你们在这里等着,我们去砍柴啊。”兄妹俩坐在草地上玩耍,不知不觉就睡着了。等醒来时,天已经黑了。糖果屋,糖果屋,科兰蒂害怕得哭了起来。班吉尔牵着哭泣的妹妹,循着小石子的记号,走回家去。两人终于回到家来,爸爸非常高兴,但妈妈却沉着脸。才过了几天,班吉尔又听到妈妈对爸爸说:“这次,一定要让他们回不来。”晚上,班吉尔想去捡小石子,但门被锁上了。第二天,也是同样的情形,班吉尔只好用面包代替小石子,沿路撒下去。没想到,面包却被鸟儿给吃个精光。兄妹俩一直睡到半夜才醒来,班吉尔安慰着妹妹说:“没关系,面包屑会告诉我们回家的路。可是,怎么找也找不到面包屑。“啊!怎么办呢?”“肚子好饿呀!”两人饿着肚子在森林里徘徊,科兰蒂禁不住又哭了起来。“妹妹,不要哭,等天亮了,哥哥再带你回家。”夜更深了,兄妹俩累得不知不觉的又睡着了。不久,天亮了。兄妹俩一醒来,就努力的寻找出路,走啊走的,突然,班吉尔的眼睛一亮,叫着说:“看!那儿有栋房子!”他们高兴的走近一看,“哇!这房子全部是用糖果、饼干做成的呀!”兄妹俩实在是饿坏了,忍不住飞奔过去,拆下房子忘情的吃了起来。“啊!真好吃!”这时,从背后传来和蔼的声音说:“是谁在啃我的房子呀?”一位贵夫人从屋里走出来。“对不起,我们是在森林里迷路的孩子。”贵夫人很温和的说:“噢!可怜的孩子,进来吃吧!屋子里还有许多好吃的东西。”吃饱后,贵夫人就让他们俩人睡在漂亮又舒适的床上。兄妹俩好开心哦,不一会儿便睡着了。“嘿嘿嘿……成功啦!”其实,贵夫人是一个吃人的魔女变的。“嗯!男的较胖,先吃他好了。”第二天,班吉尔就被关到一个大箱子里去。“把这端去给你哥哥吃,养胖一些我好吃他。快去!科兰蒂吓得呜咽的哭着,但是,哭是没有用的。魔女又命令她做各种工作,稍一休息就骂个不停。魔女每天都会来看班吉尔,并摸摸他的手指头看有没有胖些;但班吉尔很聪明,每次都伸出吃过的鸡骨头给他摸。唉!吃了那么多东西,怎么都没长胖些呢?魔女已等不及了,叫道:“科兰蒂,我不等了,你现在就去生火,我今天就要把你哥哥煮来吃了,快!快!”魔女大声的命令科兰蒂,自己也忙着去搬了个一大锅。“啊!哥哥就要这样被吃掉吗?”科兰蒂望着一大锅的水,伤心的想着,“早知道这样,倒不如一起死在森林里来得好些。”科兰蒂心里焦急万分,却不知如何是好。“你还愣在那里干什么,快去生火呀!”魔女很暴躁的喊着。科兰蒂一边哭,一边生着火。一会儿,魔女又叫她:“看看水开了没?”这时,科兰蒂突然灵光一现,想到了一个好法子,或许可以救救哥哥和她。于是,她便问魔女说:“要怎么看才知道水开了没呢?我不会呀!你自个儿看吧。”“什么!一个女孩子竟然连水开了没都不会看,难道你在家都没煮过东西吗?”“没有啊!”“好吧!我自己看。”魔女便走近锅旁,仔细的看着锅水。趁这时候,科兰蒂便使尽全力,从后面猛撞了过去。魔女丝毫没有防备,就这样掉到热锅里去了。“哎呀!烫死我了。”魔女苟延残喘几声后就死了。科兰蒂高兴的跑去打开箱子,将班吉尔救了出来。“哥哥,哥哥!魔女死掉了!”“啊!真的吗?”“嗯!真的。”科兰蒂将经过情形告诉哥哥。兄妹俩高兴的拥抱着。班吉尔感动的说:“妹妹,你好勇敢哦!”“不,”科兰蒂说:“哥哥你才聪明呢!”两人高兴得到处跑。在地下室里,他们发现有个大箱子,就打开来看。“哇!好漂亮哦!”原来,箱子里装着满满的珠宝和金币。班吉尔说:“我们带一些回家当作礼物吧。”两人把珠宝和金币往口袋里塞,“好了,快回家吧。趁天还没黑之前,赶快找到出路!”班吉尔紧紧的牵着妹妹的手,走出了魔女的房子。哇!好不容易,他们终于走出了森林,可是,一条又深又宽的河却横在面前,而更苦恼的是,河上既没有桥,岸边也没有船。“真糟糕!怎么渡过河呢?”“哇!看!一只大野鸭。”河的对岸,有只大野鸭正悠闲的游着。科兰蒂喊道:“对了,可以拜托野鸭先生呀!”于是,两人一起叫着:“野鸭先生,拜托你载我们到对岸去,好吗?”野鸭好像听懂他们的话似的,果然游了过来,并载他们渡过了河。远远的,他们就看到了自己的家。没想到那狠心的妈妈因为得了病死了。之后与他们的父亲快乐的生活在了一起!扩展资料:故事介绍:《糖果屋》出自《格林童话》。讲述的是韩塞尔和格雷特兄妹被继母扔在大森林中,迷路的他们来到了女巫的糖果屋,被抓并差点被吃掉,但凭借机智与勇气,两人最终脱离魔掌的故事。参考资料来源:百度百科-糖果屋




您好,我将为您解答:sweet 英 [swiːt] adj.甜的;甜味的;含糖的;甜的;甜美的;柔美的;悦耳的;温柔的;和蔼的;善良的;迷人的;漂亮的;可爱的;使人满意的;令人愉悦的;未变质的;甜的;淡的;无盐的;无腐蚀性的;脱硫的;多愁善感的;不切实际的;(爵士乐)以甜派风格演奏的;令人满意的;秩序井然的;一切就绪的;尊敬的;亲爱的;完美的;精准的;adv.气味芬芳地;有甜味地;甘甜地;n.(餐后)甜点;糖果;亲爱的;宝贝儿;甜味;芳香;甜食;快乐;乐趣;【摘要】
您好,我将为您解答:sweet 英 [swiːt] adj.甜的;甜味的;含糖的;甜的;甜美的;柔美的;悦耳的;温柔的;和蔼的;善良的;迷人的;漂亮的;可爱的;使人满意的;令人愉悦的;未变质的;甜的;淡的;无盐的;无腐蚀性的;脱硫的;多愁善感的;不切实际的;(爵士乐)以甜派风格演奏的;令人满意的;秩序井然的;一切就绪的;尊敬的;亲爱的;完美的;精准的;adv.气味芬芳地;有甜味地;甘甜地;n.(餐后)甜点;糖果;亲爱的;宝贝儿;甜味;芳香;甜食;快乐;乐趣;【回答】

