seven joy

时间:2024-05-11 15:24:41编辑:奇事君


英[dʒɒɪ]、美[dʒɔɪ]。joy(韩国女团Red Velvet成员)一般指朴秀荣朴秀荣(Joy),1996年9月3日在韩国出生,韩国女歌手,女子演唱组合Red Velvet成员。2014年8月1日,随组合发行首张数码单曲《Happiness》。2015年3月17日,随组合发行第一张迷你专辑《Ice Cream Cake》;6月,朴秀荣与演唱团体BTOB成员陆星材组成假想夫妇,出演真人秀节目《我们结婚了》。2016年4月17日,朴秀荣与陆星材合唱歌曲《Young Love》;5月7日,朴秀荣与陆星材从真人秀节目《我们结婚了》下车。2018年1月14日,担任JTBC综艺节目《Two Yoo Project-Sugar Man 2》固定MC。3月14日,首次担任MBC电视剧《伟大的诱惑者》女主角,饰演恩泰熙。joy的人物评价朴秀荣因其脸型比较圆润,所以有着圆圆的娃娃脸的可爱外形,使她如同邻家小妹妹一般,朴秀荣笑容如同甜蜜蜜一般,眼睛总是水亮又无辜,朴秀荣有着可爱的外貌率真的性格;朴秀荣不管在音乐上或者表演上,都能够展现强悍和柔软的多样面貌,带给大家不同的感官享受,此外朴秀荣凭着甜美活泼的魅力虏获了一批粉丝的心。(人民网、网易娱乐、腾讯网、新浪娱乐、中国青年网评)


Joy的读音:[dʒɔi]。浊辅音/dʒ/的发音方法:1、双唇向前突出,略成圆形,牙齿基本闭合。2、舌尖和舌端抬起贴住上齿龈后部,憋住气。3、舌尖稍稍下降,气流从舌和齿龈间的狭缝冲出,同时声带震动发声。注意:/d/是个浊辅音,发音时只有微弱气流泻出,摩擦在舌端,声音是由声音震动发出。不要读在汉语中的“基”,“基”字发音舌位靠前,而/d/是用舌尖去顶齿龈,整体舌位不靠前。相关内容:Joy中文音译乔伊,茱伊。Joy名字性别 女孩英文名。Joy来源语种英语。Joy名字寓意快乐的,正直,诚信,不善变。Joy名字含义喜悦,愉快的,开朗的 喜悦 简单从英语单词喜悦,最终来源于诺曼法国joie,拉丁gaudia。自19世纪末以来,它被定义为一个给定的名字。Joy相似英文名Joyce 乔伊斯、Joycelyn 乔伊斯林、Joye 乔伊、Joyner 乔伊娜。


祝自己生日快乐的英文翻译为: Happy birthday to myself 。例句: I was 13 years old in the year of2012, wish myself happy birthday! 翻译: 2012年的我已经是13岁了,祝自己生日快乐!例句: Happy birthday, to myself, my dear princess. 翻译: 亲爱的宝贝儿,生日快乐。Happy Birthday" 是我们生日时候所说 “生日快乐” 的英文表达。1、He piped "happy birthday" on the cake. 他在蛋糕上镶上了“生日快乐”的字样。2、The whole class all joined together to sing happy birthday to the teacher. 全班学生一起对着老师唱起了《生日快乐》歌。


祝你生日快乐的英文:Happy birthday to you,相关内容如下:1.祝福方式“祝你生日快乐”的英文是“Happy birthday to you”。除此之外,还可以用其他形式表达,比如:“Wishing you a very happy birthday!”、“May all your dreams come true on this special day. Happy Birthday!”等等。礼物和蛋糕也是常见的庆祝方式。2.生日的由来生日是指一个人的出生纪念日。关于生日的起源,史学家认为最早记录生日的,是撒迦利亚女王(Zachariasa)为了纪念自己的出生而设立的。据说,她在公元前300年左右,当时,希腊神话中的时间女神吞噬孩子的传言很盛行,为了避免邪恶的力量侵害自己的儿子,撒迦利亚母亲决定对孩子进行保护,每年在孩子的出生日举办一次庆祝活动。3.过生日的文化差异虽然全球范围内都有庆祝生日的习俗,但是不同国家、不同地区、不同文化有着不同的庆祝方式。比如,在西方国家,生日派对成为了一种非常流行的庆祝方式,而在中国,生日通常会有家人团聚,并且对父母过生日非常注重,有着较为严格的礼节。4.生日的意义生日代表着一个人成长的每一步,同时也是回忆过去和展望未来的一个重要节点。在生日这个特殊的日子里,人们会感受到亲人、朋友、同事的关爱,以及前进的动力和勇气。因此,庆祝生日不仅仅是为了表达祝福,更是对生命的致敬和珍视。




  英语老师:“ladies and gentlemen!”
  英语老师-_-!想了下说:“Good morning!”
  英语老师:…… ==”汗

  2.说有一只北极熊,因为雪地太刺眼了,必须要戴墨镜才能看东西, 可是他找不到墨镜,于是闭着眼睛爬来爬去在地上找,爬呀爬呀,把手脚都爬的脏兮兮的才找到墨镜。 戴上墨镜,对着镜子一照,这才发现:哦,原来我是一只熊猫





  7.夏日炎炎的一天,两只香蕉走在路上。走在前面的香蕉突然觉得好热,他说,好热哦,我要把衣服脱掉。结果他就把皮给剥掉了。 结果后面的香蕉就跌倒了。然后脱了衣服的香蕉就变成了香蕉干~



  10.熊猫深爱着小鹿,表达爱意时却遭到拒绝。 熊猫大吼~为什麼?这一切都是为什麼? 小鹿胆怯地说:我妈说了,戴墨镜的都是不良少年



  学生反问:是无声手枪吗?不是枪声有多大?80-100分贝。在这个城市打鸟犯不犯法?不犯。您确定那只鸟真的被打死了吗?确定。这时,老师已经不耐烦了:“,你告诉我还剩几只鸟就行了,OK?树上的鸟里有没有聋子?没有。有没有被关在笼子里挂在树上的?没有。边上有没有其他的树,树上还有没有其他的鸟?没有。如果有鸟怀孕了,算不算肚子里的小鸟?不算。 打鸟的人眼有没有花?没有花,就十只。教师已经是满头是汗,且下课铃响,但学生继续问:有没有傻得不怕死的鸟?都怕死。会不会一枪打死两只?不会。学生满怀信心地说:,如果您的回答没有骗人“打死的鸟要是挂在树上没有掉下来,那么就剩一只,如果掉下来,就一只不剩。老师当即口吐白沫倒在地上!



  16.一个搞生物研究的女外星人来到地球,转了一圈后,觉得人类基因有不少可借鉴之处,于是她抓了个男人,想把他和关于人类基因的文本资料一起带回。可飞船体积小,没法带他走,资料又过于庞大,不能一次带完。焦虑之际,飞船的电脑帮助系统道:“这人身上有一根小小的棒子即可解决你所有问题……”这时她才恍然大悟,笑着留着口水对那个男人说:“。。。。。把U盘给我!” 。



  19.从前有只小羊,有天他出去玩,结果碰上了大灰狼。 大灰狼说:我要吃了你!!!小羊大惊!你们猜,结果怎么了?结果大灰狼就把小羊吃了。









  28.某人新装的电话刚好是电影院退租的,所以常常有人打电话询问放映中的电影,刚开始,他总是好言解释这部电话已经不是电影院的了,现在已经是他的,请以后不要再打来,日子一久,他也觉得好烦,于是接到这类电话就简短的说:“你打错了!”这样也省些口水。 有一天对方又传来熟悉的声音:“请问现在正上映什么片子?”他照例说:“你打错了!”一阵沉默后,对方答:“是国产片还是洋片呢?

  校长再问:翻墙是什么感觉?他指了指鞋子说:特步,飞一般的感觉。第2天他从正门进学校,校长问:怎么不翻墙了?他说:安踏,我选择,我喜欢。第3天他穿混混装,校长说:不能穿混混装!他说:穿什么就是什么,森玛服饰。 第4天他穿背心上学,校长说,不能穿背心上学。他说,男人,简单就好,爱蹬堡服饰。 校长说我要记你大过。他说:为什么?校长说,动感地带,我的地盘我做主。

  30生活真是没劲儿,上个月我的一个哥们儿向我借了4000块钱,说要去做一个整形手术, 结果现在完全不知道他变成什么模样了,Oh4000块。

  31.抢劫者须知:本行职员只懂西班牙语,请您抢劫时一定要有耐心,最好携带翻译一名, 谢谢!



  34.游客:大师,请问那边的草房子是厕所吗? 和尚:除了那间草房子,其余的地方都是厕所。





  39.贼甲:数数今天一共抢了多少钱? 贼乙:不用,明天看看报纸就知道了。





  44.一次文艺晚会,主持人上台报幕:下面请欣赏:新疆歌舞,掀起你的头盖骨!全场鸦雀无声,毛骨悚然!!! 寒~~~









  53.大森林里一天,狐狸在吸大麻,这时小兔子从远处跑来,看到这一切,走过来说:狐狸狐狸,你怎么能吸大麻呢,对身体不好的,看,空气多么新鲜啊,快来和我一起跑步吧。狐狸想想也对,于是就和小兔子一起跑步,跑着跑着,他们看到大象正在吸海洛因,小兔子跑过去对大象说:大象啊大象,你干嘛吸毒呢,看空气多么的新鲜,和我一起跑步吧。大象想来也对,就个他们两一起跑步。 跑着跑着,看到了狮子卷起袖子,正要注射海洛因,小兔子远远的对着狮子喊:狮子啊狮子,吸毒对身体不好啊,看空气多么新鲜,和我一起跑步吧... 只见狮子放下注射器冲了过来,把小兔子狂扁了一顿,大象战战兢兢对狮子说:你为什么打小兔子啊,他不想我们伤害身体多好啊!狮子说:自从兔子吃了摇头丸之后,就天天让我跟他一起跑步!



The sun is like a big big fireball, scorching light, the road was roasted hot sun, go on foot a bunch of white smoke.


In the summer, in my imPssion is the morning bright dew and night of a wide variety of stars. The glow of the setting sun was spinning, and wind bursts of fragrance came to you, give you a comfortable.


Summer, especially lush vegetation, shiny shiny holly leaves, old elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.


To the mud on the sun is hot hot, a few black brown bellied crickets, with spring like jumping.


The weather is so hot, as if a little spark can cause an explosion like.


In July, through the blue sky, the sun hung like fireballs, clouds as if the sun melted and disappeared Not the least trace was found.


The summer sun like a big stove, the hot baked earth, even the air is hot, people move to sweat.


In summer, birds do not know where to hide what place; vegetation had bowed his head; dog spit hot tongue was panting.


Early in the morning, cicadas on the loud shouting, telling people to another hot day started.


In the summer sun, like a big fireball, hot people nowhere to dodge.


Beautiful summer is hot, the grandfather to the shade under a tree, some in the chess under the tree; grandma side fan side chat, kids love to play in the water.


Summer, you no matter where you go, will see the dark green leaves and showy flowers. He is a beautiful angel, then days hachisuba infinite Bi, lotus flowers in red.


Wild grass and reed purple and white red, was hanging in the sky of a hot steaming basking in the sun, the air filled with the sweet smell of drunk.


The summer sky and cloudy, clouds change unPdictably, sometimes low, if it is to urge people to action command; sometimes in direct sunlight.


Climb the rugged mountain, see the mountain grass, like the grass there there is no gold, only a green. Oh, summer is green.


At the beginning of the summer, colorful wildflowers, red purple and yellow powder, like a green carpet embroidered in the bright spots; swarms of bees in the flowers from the busy, smoking flower, hard to fly.


All the green spring passed, pronto. July to the sun in the Tropic of cancer, the summer season and came to the fire.


Summer is the children's paradise, there is no Pssure to go to school, no homework troubles, enjoy the joy of nature to us. Summer is beautiful!


Summer sun from the transmission down branches to packed closely layer upon layer, printed on the full size of the copper sparkling spot.


The roadside trees where the cicadas sing a wild profusion of vegetation, they seemed to boast of his season.


The summer campus, Mieba Momori, All flowers bloom together. Is also a green campus. Summer sky blue, white clouds white like a round of white cotton, too beautiful!


Scorching sun, earth like steamer, hot people breathless.


Buffalo has long been hiding in the pond, the entire body buried in the pool of water, only to reveal a head in the water.


In the summer Hefu water, swaying in the breeze in the threads.


The summer of July, there was not a cloud in the blue sky, the hot sun baked the earth, the water of the river hot ground soil smoke.


Walking in the garden in front of the pink flowers, slim, very Ptty and charming. Oh, summer is pink.


In summer, a symbol means that the hot weather All flowers bloom together.. Summer, is beautiful, is lovely, I love the beautiful summer.


Summer is hot, according to the different degrees of hot summer, can be pided into summer and summer summer.


The warm spring passed, and the summer came again, and the sun was high up in the sky, the earth was baked by the sun, and the plants were exposed to the sun, and the animals were resting in a cool place.


It was a drought in the summer, the hot sun baked the old loach turn white, the edge of the village stream, the stream at low for several inches, the dew on the surface of the stone, steep greatened.


In the summer the river became a good place for children's summer, you see, they frolic in the water, while a water fight, while ping fishing, playing very happy.


In early summer, the pomegranate flowers gradually opened, and green leaves lined with red flowers, beautiful. From afar, it is like a warm fire, and like the rising red sunset dusk.


The balcony is sunshine in the temptation, I will move to seize the opportune moment stool sitting on the balcony, basking in the sun, enjoying the sun brings warmth and comfort, the feeling is really a wonderful life.


Walking on the road, the face of the wind like a heat wave.


This summer, it's hot to let people walk in the street, just like in the steam room.


The sun was just in his head and the ground was like fire.


Summer is coming, the young trees grow taller and older. When you walked in the door from the campus, you will feel every tree around are welcome, nodding to you. You'll be happy to see them.


Cicadas do not live in the sticks of hair and a very agitated cry, like in the cheer for the hot sun.


In late summer and early autumn wind blowing new wheat aroma and flavor of wormwood.


The clatter of dripping with sweat, feel ready to be cooked.


The iron, by summer sun, like a baked potato, let a person dare not touch.


With the falling away in spring, dressed in a green children summer in the walk of crowhop.


The glow of the setting sun was spinning, and wind bursts of fragrance came to you, give you a pleasant summer breeze, with flower and rose fragrance, floated into the simple and comfortable living room.


A rainbow appeared in the After rain the sky looks blue., blue sky, red orange yellow green blue purple seven colors, a layer of overlapping, glorified, it is like a bridge, across the sky, the magnificent, The brightness dazzles the eyes.


The beautiful summer in the four seasons, some people like the warm spring; some people like the cool autumn; some people like the cold winter. And I like the beautiful summer. ;


描写夏天的英语作文6句   描写夏天的英语作文6句,深厚的知识储备有利于提高作文水平,灵活写作对每一个学生来说都非常重要,作文是理性的.创作,英语作文要从词汇量抓起,以下是描写夏天的英语作文6句,欢迎阅读分享!   描写夏天的英语作文6句1   It is true that summer is hot, very hot. But the wicked summer sun is nothing to me, for I dont usually go out. What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read,   but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my hearts content. My room maybe small, and the sun maybe hot, but Im free, Im happy, Im really living! Oh, how I love summer!   描写夏天的英语作文6句2   I love summer very much. In summer, its hot, and sometimes its rainy. People wear T-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. Girls love to wear dresses and skirts.   I love smimming in summer. So I always go swimming with my parents in the sea. Sometimes, I like to play basketball on the playground with my friends if its not very hot.   My favourite food in summer is ice-cream. Its very cold and sweet. Its delicious for me in summer.   Wow, summer is really my favourite season!   描写夏天的英语作文6句3   Summerismy favorite season.My classmates alllike me,waiting,looking forward tothe arrival of summer.   In summer,all kinds offruits areripe,have been listed,colorful,have everything that one expects to findthe rainy season,wecan taste thesour,sweetYang Mei;slippery,deliciousmango;not only refreshing,and thirst-quenchingwatermelon;andsparklinggrape;known as the"Queen of fruit"strawberry.Whatitis!


【 #英语资源# 导语】我盼望已久的“六一儿童节”终于来到啦!以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   Today is the long-awaited International Children's Day. With the arrival of the June day holiday, my spirit is also inspired.   In order to celebrate our own festival, the school also specially arranged a commendation meeting to enable us to spend a happy June day in the school. Therefore, when we heard the news in the morning, we were all like happy birds, talking and laughing in the classroom.   Naturally, I am also excited. At noon, I came home after lunch, put on a clean and tidy new school uniform, put on a bright red scarf, and came to the school happily.   At this time, the campus is more lively than ever before. The students are playing and jumping, so they are not happy; When we came to the classroom, some of us played cards, while others played on the side.   The commendation meeting to be held in the afternoon finally began. The students lined up and orderly came to the playground in front of the stage to watch. Because I won the prize in the live composition contest held not long ago, I was able to show it on the stage and hurried to the right side of the stage. Many people are waiting there with certificates of award. It seems that there are many winners!   "Now let's invite the students who won the prize in the on-site composition competition to show on the stage!" The host's clear voice won warm applause. The award-winning students and I stepped onto the stage in order, lined up in four rows, held the certificates above our heads, and burst into another burst of warm applause. At this moment, my heart is full of happiness, and the joy is indescribable.   Happy time is always short, happy "61" children's day in the laughter of everyone unconsciously passed. I look forward to the coming of the next "June day" as soon as possible! 2.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   In the deep and shallow dream, "61" is soft, and she comes quietly with the fragrance of Sophora japonica; In the longer and deeper memory, "61" is sweet, and she gladly keeps the appointment in our warm expectation. "June day" always exudes a fragrant flavor, decorating a colorful childhood with a red scarf   Our school is located on the Bank of the Guyun River in Qingqing. Tall locust trees are surrounded by white walls and red bricks. When we step into the classroom with our little friends carrying schoolbags full of rape flowers, the teacher always says with a smile: "I'm crazy again. Go to study." We ran back to our seats, winked, flipped the pages, shook our heads, and shouted at the top of our voices.   The happiest one is this year's "61" festival. In order to participate in the musical instrument performance competition for primary school students in the county, the school decided that the music and dance club would rehearse the Phoenix Tail Bamboo in the moonlight, which made us very happy. Under the careful guidance of Teacher Yu, we practiced carefully after school every day. Several times, it was the teacher who urged us to go home, so we broke up and left. Otherwise, we would be happy to practice until dawn! After hard work, we won the first prize of the county. The golden certificate of award has been our pride for a long time.   I will never forget this year's "61", the simple and happy "61", the forever warm "61", and the "61" that embellished my countless dreams 3.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   Today, we finally ushered in our own festival, "International Children's Day." All the teachers and students of grade 2, 3, 4 and 5 of our school came to the stadium in a neat line to watch the group gymnastics performance   The first thing that came to my eyes was a team in military uniforms. They were coming to us with a red hat and vigorous steps After that, young pioneers in white, yellow, red and green clothes entered the venue one after another. We cheered them along with the music. The review has begun. Some of them were holding small drums and some were carrying big drums. They were beating wonderful drums on the playground   Suddenly, the applause and drums echoed in the playground We were brought into the group gymnastics dance performance by the cheerful music. They crossed each other like the waves of the sea There are also many large-scale group gymnastics performances Everything looks great! We ended this "61" activity with happy songs and laughter   How wonderful it would be if every day were "International Children's Day"! 4.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   Every festival will bring laughter and happiness; Every festival will be a beautiful memory; Every festival will reflect our memories of each other. When you face the last festival, this feeling will be very strong.   Children's day on June 1 is a happy, enjoyable and pleasant day for those primary school students. However, it is the last festival for a middle school student. It is the most missed, remembered and unforgettable Festival. For them, they are about to bid farewell to childhood, embrace youth and embark on the journey of youth; How reluctant they are to give up; For them, how meaningful it is... I believe that everyone, when you face the last festival, will never give up and will always have the deepest memory.   When you face your last 61, even if there is no grand scene, you will never forget it; When you face the last festival that belongs to you, even if there is not too much joy, you will still remember it; When you face your last favorite festival, even without dancing, you will keep it in your mind forever. 5.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   Children's Day is our children's day. That day, wearing a beautiful flower skirt and a bright red scarf, I walked into our garden like Campus - dongweiqiao primary school.   On the afternoon of children's day, my parents took me to Shijiazhuang zoo. As soon as we entered the zoo, my parents and I went to the monkey's home "Dawang mountain" first. There were many tourists around the "mountain". My parents and I hurried to the "mountain". There were so many monkeys on the "mountain". I saw one of the monkeys with his feet on the chain and looked up at the distance like a scout, making everyone laugh. Then it jumped onto the rockery as if to say, "the performance is over, give me some applause!" I took out a piece of chocolate candy from my bag and threw it to it. It quickly jumped over and took the candy, skillfully wrapped the candy paper and ate it. It also made a face at me, as if it were saying "thank you" again. That day, I also saw our "national treasure" giant pandas, beautiful peacocks, bulky elephants and other animals that I had only seen in books before. I was very happy.   "61" children's Day is my most unforgettable day. How did you spend it, children? Write it down quickly and share it with you! 6.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   June 1 is our children's festival. We are looking forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, we are looking forward to the arrival of June 1. In order to celebrate children's day, our school decided to hold an activity to welcome children's day. When they heard that the June day celebration was going to be held, the students talked and laughed in the classroom like happy little mice. On the eve of the "June 1" festival, the school gate was filled with colorful flags on both sides.   In the morning, it was drizzling, bathing our new generation of seedlings and painting us with new colors. The flowers are nodding and smiling at us, and the birds are whispering hello to us. At ten o'clock in the morning, the school celebrated the "61" brigade. The first one was the team joining ceremony of grade one. When I saw their happy and proud expressions with red scarves, I couldn't help thinking of the scene when I first joined the team. I don't have to worry about how beautiful it was. Then, prizes and certificates of merit were presented to the outstanding students of each class. At last, there was an art performance. All the students were full of spirit and every class was well prepared. Time passed so quickly that a short half day passed, and the campus gradually calmed down. I had to leave the school reluctantly, looking forward to the next beautiful June day.   Back home at noon, my mother bought a big bag of my favorite food. There are delicious jelly, delicious potato chips, and cool drinks. My mother said it was "61" day to comfort me. How happy our children's Day is! 7.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   Today is an exciting and unforgettable day, "International Children's Day".   I came to xiaopang cosmetics store early, regardless of the rain. I came to the cosmetics store and heard the voices of my classmates zhuweiyu and pan Enxi. I hurried into the cosmetics store. Sure enough, zhuweiyu and pan Enxi were inside. After playing three games with them, Chen Xuanyi came.   We began to make up. I made up first. My aunt painted me with liquid foundation first, and then painted me with a little thick silver powder. Then, my aunt painted eye shadow for me. Finally, I applied lipstick and makeup. The following students are like this. After all the students had melted, we took a bus to the government hall of Zeguo town.   We came to the second row below the stage. I am the reading star, sitting in the second row. I sat there and waited and waited until it was time for the awards. I felt very nervous when I walked onto the stage. Miss Jiang gave me an award. The award is over. Let's step down.   I waited and waited until I finally got to the Latin dance performance. All the students in the Latin dance performance wore beautiful clothes. They began to perform. All of their actions were well done. After the performance, many people applauded them.   I waited and waited until the song and dance performance of class 2 (4) of class 2 (3) - "losing weight for schoolbags". We little actors came onto the stage. My heart was pounding and my legs were shaking. The performance began, and the music began. Maoyiran ran ran out talking about his guitar. I came out with the music. When we jumped in the middle, I saw everyone smiling at us, and my heart calmed down. After the performance, I hope we are the first.   "61" is really a happy holiday. 8.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   International International Children's Day is a holiday for our children all over the world. Excuse me: how do you celebrate the festival? How are you? Happy? Ha ha! Let me first introduce how class 4, grade 3 of Zichuan experimental primary school came to celebrate International Children's Day!   This afternoon, we came to the school early, because today is the international International Children's Day. We want to decorate the classroom. When Mr. Han came, our classmates flocked to the school. In less than a minute, all the things on the table were delicious snacks. Then, the students were busy decorating the classroom. I and some other students were decorating the outside door. After the decoration, we were all sweating. Then I blew a balloon and gave it to the group who needed it. After the decoration, the classroom was already beautiful.   After sitting down, the host began to read the opening remarks carefully. We ate at the bottom, and then the host began to read the program. The second was that after I read "man Jiang Hong" with yuemingyang and wangboyuan, several other students performed magic, sang songs and guessed riddles. The most regrettable thing was that Mr. Tan didn't come. In the middle, wushixiao took a spray, and I and a small number of students just bought it, so we began to spray. For a while, kongziqi's face was full, because I sprayed her specifically. This time, it was really cool.   At last, the host read the closing words, and the happy International Children's Day party ended. 9.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   Today is International Children's Day. I am very happy. I am very excited to think that the hard practice a few days ago will come in handy soon.   Early in the morning, we went to the canteen to make up. When we looked in the mirror, we found that we had changed. We had a red face, curved eyebrows and pink lipstick on our mouth. It was very cute. Wuyunyan is the host. She has a little thick makeup. Everyone who saw her said she was a singer. She was unhappy. I went to comfort her. Then we all participated in our own performances. 10: We leave school. When I got home, I quickly opened the kite sent by my teacher. My father and I spelled it together. At noon, my mother came home from work. She promised me that my family would fly kites and play basketball in the afternoon. My brother and I shouted, "long live mother, long live mother!"   The afternoon is coming, and my heart has already flown to the vast fields, the blue sky and the lively basketball court. Finally, we set out. Although it is not a famous park, each of us has a smiling face. In my heart, my family is very happy doing anything together. We arrived at the destination. Dad took out the kite. Dad ran and ran. The kite flew into the sky. It was flying in the air. I also wanted to fly in the air like a kite. Although there was a line holding it, it was full of love with the line. We left again. Now we are heading for the basketball court. There are so many people on the basketball court! There are so many experts here. Every move of every basketball player is very cool.   This International Children's Day is really fun. 10.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   This year's "61" festival, we held a garden tour in our class. We had fun and had something to eat.   This is my most unforgettable "61" festival.      After giving out the prizes and food, we started the activity. The first game is the drum game. When the music stops, the students with flowers will perform. If they perform well, there will be prizes. The naughty Huo Zhihao started to make trouble again. He kept holding on to the flowers. As soon as the music stopped, he was quick with his hands and eyes. He threw the flowers t

