米其林轮胎是法国品牌,目前在中国正规途径买到的99%都是中国制造。米其林公司创建于1889年的法国克莱蒙费朗。在100多年的时间中,米其林公司经历了持续不断的创新和发展。现拥有世界五大洲的业务运营以及位于欧洲、北美和亚洲的研发中心。米其林公司的业务领域米其林集团业务活动领域包括各种轮胎,移动辅助系统(如PAX系统),和旅游服务(如Via Michelin,GPS,旅游指南和地图)。其中地图与指南出版机构是该领域的领导者。著名的米其林指南在2000年已有100年历史。
米其林轮胎的质量是非常有保证的,其表现在:轮胎花纹、制作材料、整体设计三个方面。1、观察轮胎花纹,汽车轮胎上的花纹,除了起到美观的效果之外,对轮胎的性能也有极大的影响。米其林轮胎有特殊的花纹设计,每一种不同的花纹都可以代表它具有不同的性能,也正是因为这些独特的花纹,使它的抓地力,转向性都非常好,安全系数非常高。以米其林子午线轮胎为例, 米其林轮胎胎体的带束层以子午线方式排列到胎圈,这种设计方式让轮胎的胎侧极为灵活。柔软的胎侧可以在负载时“变型”,缓冲崎岖路面上的冲击,从而让驾驶更为舒适。2、轮胎的制作材料对于判断米其林轮胎质量怎么样也是一个重要的因素,米其林轮胎的质量是非常有保证的,它使用特殊的橡胶材料,这样它的耐磨性就是非常好的,这也是米其林轮胎排名2017年中国顾客满意度指数-汽车轮胎满意度排行榜第一位的首要原因。为了适应未来自动驾驶时代的要求,轮胎巨头米其林正在酝酿重新打造无气轮胎的解决方案,新方案拟改变传统的车轮+轮胎的结构,并广泛使用生物基材料3D打印无气轮胎,具有可降解环保特性。3、轮胎的整体设计,米其林轮胎优化的胎面花纹块设计有效降低噪音带来宁静顺畅的驾乘感受,带来理想的宁静性与舒适性; 优化的胎唇区域设计,更大的橡胶接地面积,使轮胎接地面压力分布更加平均,以此获得更佳的稳定性; 外侧胎肩区域宽大的花纹块和花纹块稳定条设计,确保了高速转向时胎面花纹变形的最小化。扩展资料:米其林轮胎是由米其林1998年发明的PAX系统,提高了驾车安全性、舒适性及操控性之间的平衡,显著地改善了轮胎性能,节能省油。即使轮胎缺气或爆破后,带有轮毂的车轮也不会脱离开来,使汽车仍能以每小时80公里的速度行驶200公里,全面保护驾驶者及乘客的安全。在国际市场,驰名的保时捷、奥迪、雪铁龙、标致、通用、本田等中高档汽车品牌都是米其林轮胎的忠实用户。在激烈的竞争中,米其林叱咤风云,纵横驰骋,以绝对的实力在世界轮胎领域独占熬头,“滚动”出了一条经营奇迹。综观米其林轮胎的经营发展策略,对现代企业的国际化竞争大有裨益。参考资料来源:凤凰网-选对轮胎很重要,米其林轮胎质量怎么样百度百科-米其林轮胎
"米其林"的英语翻译为"Michelin"。Michelin是一个法国轮胎制造公司,也是世界上最知名的高级餐厅评级指南之一。 Michelin公司成立于1889年,最初是一家生产自行车和农业机械的公司。后来,他们开始制造汽车轮胎,并在汽车业务中取得了巨大的成功。为了鼓励人们购买和使用汽车,Michelin开始出版一本指南,提供关于汽车旅行的信息,包括餐厅、酒店和加油站的推荐。随着时间的推移,Michelin的指南逐渐发展成为一本专门评级餐厅和酒店的权威指南。他们的餐厅评级系统以星级评定,一星代表很好,二星代表非常好,三星代表世界一流。这些星级评级不仅评估了餐厅的菜肴和口味,还考虑了服务、氛围和用餐体验等因素。Michelin的星级评定是全球范围内的餐饮界的重要参考。餐厅获得米其林星级评定可以带来巨大的声誉和知名度,吸引更多的食客和媒体关注。获得米其林星级的餐厅通常会将这一荣誉作为自己的标志,以证明其卓越的菜肴和服务质量。
In 1889 two brothers, André and Edouard Michelin, embarked one of the great human and industrial adventures of our times: one that shaped and continues to drive progress in modern means of transport through constant innovation
From the invention of radial tires to that of Pax System, and from the first gastronomic guide to the steel wheel, Michelin has played an active role at every stage of the automotive adventure.
Michelin made its first racing appearance when Charles Terron won the longest non-stop bicycle race ever to be held: Paris-Brest and back ( 1,200 km). After 71 h and 18 mn of racing and 9 hours ahead of his closest contender, Terron had provided an excellent demonstration of the superiority of the Michelin detachable tire.
Racing is the best laboratory for testing technological innovations in extreme situations. It is a powerful driver of progress. Michelin tires continuously undergo the toughest of all reality checks: championship racing.
The Michelin journey of discovery began in 1891 when Andre and Edouard Michelin developed the first detachable bicycle tyre. Taking only minutes to repair, the tyre carried cyclist Charles Terront to victory in the now famous Paris to Brest race. The Michelin brothers, however, began a journey that took them much further than the finish line. Their innovation revolutionised the world transport industry.
Delivering over a century of mobile innovations, Michelin today continues the relentless journey to improve your driving experience. Developments such as Michelin Green X™ ‘low rolling resistance’ technology drive the future of tyre manufacturing, promising to reduce global fuel consumption by up to 5%. At Michelin, we also recycle 90% of our waste tyres and promote reforestation of rubber trees.
The Michelin man, Bibendum, represents our commitment to all motorists. Born out of a stack of tyres and the imagination of the Michelin brothers, Bibendum has grown to become one of the 10 most recognised symbols in the world. Using Bibendum as the international symbol of Michelin quality, Michelin has expanded to over 170 countries, with 80 production plants and six rubber plantations.
From Europe to Asia to the Americas, every Michelin manufacturing plant around the world follows the same uncompromising code of quality standards. Michelin makes tyres to improve the driving experience for all motorists. The journey is unending because our destination is always perfection.
From cyclists to Formula One™ champions, people have always been the inspiration for Michelin tyres. The journey to discover innovative mobility solutions has taken Michelin from humble beginnings in France all the way to outer space. Michelin has developed over 3,500 types of technologically advanced tyres for all vehicles; including bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trucks, aircraft and even Formula One™ and the NASA space shuttle. These people with the same passion design your tyres.
Michelin initiated almost every significant technical development in tyres. It turned the concept of the pneumatic tyre into a practical, production proposition and led the way in applying such concepts first to bicycles, then to motor cars and eventually trucks.
In 1908, Michelin combined the pneumatic tyre with the twinned wheel/tyre arrangement to enable trucks to carry heavier loads without resorting to multiple rear axles.
By 1962, Michelin had developed the first tubeless steel-braced radial truck tyre together with a one piece wheel, which replaced the former wheel assemblies with up to six components and also achieved a significant saving in unsprung weight. From one percent of the market in 1965, tubeless penetration grew to 75 percent in 1987.
From 1976 onwards Michelin developed low-profile tubeless truck and light truck tyres (80, 75, 70 and 65 per cent aspect ratio). The move to low-profile has created space within the wheel rim for better brake cooling, an important factor as permitted weights and average speeds continue to increase.
Low-profile developments include the wide single radial which has increasingly replaced twin wheel and tyre units in trailer applications and more recently on drive axles.
Tyre designers continue to seek ways of improving the overall performance of truck tyres, a task that represents a constant challenge.
3. Michelin 澳大利亚公司介绍
Michelin Australia Pty Ltd was launched in October in 1997 to manage and develop the markets of Australia, New Zealand and some of the Pacific islands like New Caledonia, Fiji, Samoa and Tahiti. Prior to this, the Michelin brand had been in present in Australia for the last 50 years through its importation by sales distributors. Michelin's head office in Australia expanded and was relocated to Port Melbourne in Melbourne in 2001. This office houses all its national management and operational staff, including departments like customer service, product management, marketing, logistics, finance, personnel, communication and information technology.
The office in Port Melbourne is also home to the Michelin Australia Training Centre (MATC). This training centre is one of a few dedicated facilities in Michelin's network of companies in the Asia-Pacific zone. Michelin Australia is supported by a network of regional offices based in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Hamilton in New Zealand. Each of these offices has its own sales force covering a wide range of products, brands and geographical territories.
The tyres marketed in Australia include those for passenger car/light truck, earthmover equipment, truck and bus, agricultural and industrial equipment, aviation and motorcycle/bicycle. At least four of the Michelin Group's global brands can be found in Australia/New Zealand: Michelin, BF Goodrich, Komoran and Taurus. As an acknowledged global leader in its business, Michelin's corporate mission is clearly spelt out and practised in a variety of ways around the world:
"Michelin's mission is to contribute to the progress of the mobility of people and goods, facilitating freedom, safety, efficiency and also travel enjoyment."
In carrying out this mission, five strategic orientations have been adopted:
Focus our passion to improve mobility. Grow as the most innovative company for tyres, suspension systems and related services.
Offer our customers the best quality products and services at the best price in each market we decide to serve.
Provide growth and fulfilment for our people as they carry out their responsibilities, especially by making full use of the company's diversity and by developing our people's talents.
Durably grow the value of our company by maximising the profitability of our operations and our return on investment.
Recognise and fulfill our company's role as a responsible member of society, by practising the five corporate values:
Respect for customers
Respect for people
Respect for shareholders
Respect for the environment
Respect for facts
Ten questions to Jean Moreau
Jean Moreau
Corporate Vice President
- Personnel
How would you describe the people at Michelin?
In a nutshell: "Michelin people are passionate about doing a good job". Every day I come across people who love what they do, because they believe in the Company, its mission, the quality of its products and its innovative spirit.
Where does this passion, pride and sense of belonging come from?
For a start, it stems from Michelin’s reputation and the intrinsic quality of the jobs we offer. But that's only part of the story. There's also the day-to-day application of our values: respect for facts with the simplicity and reserve of judgement which this implies, respect for people, and respect for customers. These values promote unity and loyalty.
Does this mean that people wish to remain in employment with Michelin for long periods of time? It is true that our turnover rate is particularly low. One reason for this is the extraordinary opportunities for career development we offer them within the company. People don’t join Michelin just to fill a post, but to take up challenges and grow. These are the principles behind our personnel management policy.
What are the key features of Michelin’s career management policy? We provide people with genuine opportunities for learning and applying different professional skills. Responsibilities change frequently. People have the chance of building a career over time, while living an exciting adventure, often in different countries.
How does this affect personnel management? In the first place, we do not regard People as resources at Michelin. We even use a different name: instead of a “human resources” department, we have a “Personnel ” department. The personal qualities of every individual interest us because we take a long-term view. We are looking for people with personality and human potential, and rarely for a particular skill to fill a particular post. All employees, regardless of position, know they can count on their career manager to help them to develop themselves and advance in their careers.
What is the role of the person’s immediate superior? The immediate superior’s role is to assist team members in performing their current mission by setting targets, providing support in attaining them, assessing performance, designing training itineraries and promoting career development, even outside the sector.
What is the role of the career manager? The career manager takes a broader, more long-term view and looks at both company needs and the prospects for people development. He or she is in charge of the individual’s career development over time and often even takes the lead in initiating change. To ensure continuity, career managers must be well acquainted with individual staff members, their aspirations and their limitations.
Where does the individual employee feature in all this? Each employee is primarily responsible for his or her own career development. Ability and ambition to advance must be reflected in performance. Career advancement involves calling oneself into question, ceaselessly striving to develop and improve and voicing aspirations. We like to represent career management as a triangle to underline the complementary roles of the employee, the immediate superior and the career manager.
Such a policy clearly implies costs, in terms of training for instance, does it not? True, but training is a vital human investment, whether one is acquiring and improving technical skills – some of which are specific to Michelin – or more general skills.
Developing people is based on career-paths and the successful management of new experiences. Training and coaching are vital to this process. Training is also a tool for reinforcing our shared values and culture wherever we operate.
How do you reconcile common values with individual characteristics? It is quite possible to share a common set of values and aims while developing different individual and complementary talents. For example, Michelin strives to be Polish in Poland and Chinese in China. Our diversity is one of our greatest assets. It makes us more creative and reactive which is all to the benefit of our customers. And ultimately, it makes our work that much more stimulating!
正所谓入乡随俗,如果你去到别的地区,并且想要真正的做上大厨这个位置,(在美国,一般而言是chef trainee > assistant chef > chef 这么个顺序,基本都从chef trainee做起。)你起码需要熟练地掌握当地语言。在香港澳门地区,你要会粤语,台湾的话,你要会闽南语,在国外,你要学会当地语言——甚至在美国地区,你除了英语以外你可能还需要一点西班牙语的基础。你可不要指望人家专注做饭数十年的大厨能够跑出来用普通话和你顺利交流。如果连语言学习都无法克服的话那么就还是趁早洗洗睡吧。
2. 极端的细致和严谨
由于厨房大多是Open Kitchen(开放式厨房)所以你必须要保证自己的桌子是整洁的(我在资料搜索的时候看到厨师们甚至需要“每10秒擦一次桌子。”)
3. 可以承受极大压力
4. 足够的恒心去坚持
要知道,大多数米其林餐厅的chef trainee都是两个月换一批的,坚持不下去的人,全都走了。
5. 足够的记忆力和对食材的理解力