shanghai massage

时间:2024-04-24 12:05:04编辑:奇事君


Hotel Name:Pudong Shangri-La Hotel ShanghaiAddress:33 Fucheng Road (Fucheng Lu), Pudong,ShanghaiDescription:Situated in Lujiazui Financial and Trade zone, Pudong Shangri-La Hotel Shanghai(Pudong Xianggelila Jiudian) enjoys convenient transportation links - it takes only 15 minutes to drive to Puxi and 30 minutes to Shanghai International Airport. There are spectacular views across the Huangpu River to the Bund from many of the guest rooms.The Pudong Shangri-La Hotel Shanghaiis well equipped with all kinds of recreational facilities including an indoor swimming pool, tennis court, gym, massage pool, sauna and a steam bath room. In addition there is a business center, a package mailing center and a parking lot with 175 berths. The restaurants and bars in the Shangri-La Hotel Shanghaiare great and serve up authentic Chinese and Western cuisine.Whether you are in the city for business or pleasure, the Pudong Shangri-La Hotel Shanghaiis a fantastic hotel for you to realize the true potential of the city.


血拼过后我们打算去做一个足底按摩,就来到了男人们比较感兴趣的Christine Massage。此按摩店在江西冷购物中心的西南侧200米处,粉红色的建筑,让你不可能找不到这里。此店共有两个门,南侧一个,北侧一个。想做正经按摩的亲们千万别走错了,一定要走南边那个门。我们因为从北边来,误打误撞先进的北边那个门。一进门就是楼梯,上到二楼以后,左手侧是一个舞台(有人称为鱼缸),所有的泰妹都坐在里面,供人们选择。后来据给我做足部按摩的MM说,这里流程基本上就是选一个泰妹,领到房间,先用胸部给做一遍胸推,接下来XXOO,整个过程收费3000B。我们从北门出来以后,才来到了南门。南门是不用上楼的,当然也就是一些正经的按摩。我们选择的是350B/1小时的足部按摩,按的还不错。


酒店地处上海乃至全国的商业中心地带-陆家嘴金融贸易区,毗邻浦江而建,坐拥夺目的东方明珠电视塔及对岸迷人的外滩风光,往返虹桥及浦东国际机场轻松便捷。 酒店二座新增375间客房和套房,位于全新的36层玻璃大厦内。豪华客房的构造延续了酒店宽敞舒适的美誉,房间面积至少54平方米,被誉为上海最大的酒店客房。二座同时还包括了集世界时尚最前沿的设计于一体的餐厅和酒吧、除现有大宴会厅外又增加-盛事堂大宴会厅、香格里拉特有的 「气」Spa设施以及新增设的别致的「阳光房」室内游泳池。

用英语介绍上海 40-60词1-2个上海景点 五年级水平!! 快!!快!!

Shanghai, China's largest city, also known as Shanghai, one of China's four municipalities directly under the China National Center for urban, cosmopolitan city. Shanghai is a emerging tourist city, with strong modern urban culture and numerous historical monuments, and the successful hosting of the 2010 World Expo.



房型名称:豪华房(单人入住) 门市价:3784元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:7-15层 床型:大/双床 宽带:收费房型名称:高级豪华房(单人入住) 门市价:3991元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:15-38层 床型:大/双床 宽带:收费房型名称:豪华房(双人入住) 门市价:3899元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:7-15层 床型:大/双床 宽带:收费房型名称:高级豪华房(双人入住) 门市价:4106元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:15-38层 床型:大/双床 宽带:收费房型名称:高级豪华房(提前14天预订) 门市价:3991元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:15-38层 床型:大/双床 宽带:收费房型名称:豪华套房 门市价:4911元 加床价:249元 面积:72平方米 楼层:8-38层 床型:大/双床 宽带:免费房型名称:豪华房(提前14天预订) 门市价:3899元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:7-15层 床型:大/双床 宽带:收费房型名称:豪华套房(连住2晚及以上) 门市价:4911元 加床价:249元 面积:72平方米 楼层:8-38层 床型:-- 宽带:免费房型名称:行政豪华间(单人入住) 门市价:4566元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:15-38层 床型:-- 宽带:免费房型名称:豪华房(提前14天预订)(单人入住) 门市价:3784元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:7-15层 床型:-- 宽带:收费房型名称:高级豪华房(提前14天预订)(单人入住) 门市价:3991元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:15-38层 床型:-- 宽带:收费房型名称:豪华房 门市价:3784元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:8-12层 床型:-- 宽带:免费房型名称:豪华房[单早] 门市价:3784元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:8-12层 床型:-- 宽带:免费房型名称:豪华房[含早] 门市价:3784元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:8-12层 床型:-- 宽带:免费房型名称:高级豪华房 门市价:3991元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:15-38层 床型:-- 宽带:免费房型名称:高级豪华房[单早] 门市价:3991元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:15-38层 床型:-- 宽带:免费房型名称:高级豪华房[含早] 门市价:3991元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:15-38层 床型:-- 宽带:免费房型名称:行政豪华间[单早] 门市价:4566元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:15-38层 床型:-- 宽带:免费房型名称:行政豪华间[含早] 门市价:4566元 加床价:249元 面积:48平方米 楼层:15-38层 床型:-- 宽带:免费


The World Expo in 2010(2010年世博会)

The World Expo in 2010
Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. ()ur government
has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.

Great changes have taken place in Shanghai and more and more people throughout the world are focusing their attention on Shanghai now. As a citizen of Shanghai, I feel I must spare no efforts to do my bit. First, I decide to help plant more trees to make our city more beautiful. Second, I should obey seven nos and be good at learning from others. Third, I should study hard so that I can do something better for my city in the future.



课堂练习 1:昨天夜里12:00点谁在教室里来着? 2:明天几点你会在学校? 3:你们班最好的学生是谁的妹妹? 4:明年你们学校会有多少位从上海来的女生? 课堂练习答案 1:昨天夜里12:00点谁在教室里来着? Who was in the classroom at 12:00 clock last night ? 2:明天几点你会在学校? When ( What time )will you be in the school tomorrow? 3:你们班最好的学生是谁的妹妹? Whose sister is the best student of your class? 4:明年你们学校会有多少位从上海来的女生? How many girl students from Shanghai will there be in your school next year?


The western green boat is located in Shanghai Qingpu. It is the only place for collective activities and entertainment. It is an interesting and fun part where children and teenagers can play a lot of games there. There are also many advanced facilities. You will definitely enjoy yourself here. Don't wait and come here!


英语幽默:Second language
A mother mouse was out for a stroll with her babies when she spotted a cat crouched behind a bush. She watched the cat, and the cat watched the mice.

Mother mouse barked fiercely, "Woof, woof, woof!" The cat was so terrified that it ran for it's life.

Mother mouse turned to her babies and said, "Now, do you understand the value of a second language?"




Catch a cold 得感冒
During the fight, the boxer swiped the air furiously, but could not hit his opponent.

"How am I doing?" he asked the coach at the end of the round.

"Well, if you keep this up," replied the coach, "he might feel the wind and catch a cold."

President Clinton looks up from his desk in the Oval Office to see one of his aides nervously approach him.

"What is it?" exclaims the President.

"It's the Abortion Bill, Mr. President - what do you want to do about it?"

"Just go ahead and pay it."
2.A lady bought a new $100,000 Mercedes and proudly drove it off the showroom floor to take home. Halfway home, she attempted to change radio stations and saw that there appeared to be only one station. She immediately turned around and headed back to the dealer.

Once at the dealer, she found her salesman and began to excitedly explain that her radio was not working, and they must replace it since she only had one radio station. The salesman calmed her down and told her that her car radio was voice-activated, and that she would only need to state aloud the type of music that she wanted and the car would find it.

She got into the car and started the engine and then said the word "country," and the radio changed to a station playing a George Strait song. She was satisfied and started home. After a while she decided to try out the radio and said "rock 'n' roll;" the radio station changed and a song by the Rolling Stones came from the speakers. Quite pleased, the woman continued driving.

A few blocks from her house, another driver ran a light causing her to slam on her brakes to avoid a collision. The woman angrily exclaimed, "Asshole!"

...The radio cut over to George Bush's press conference.

Bill and Hillary are at a restaurant. The waiter tells them tonight's special is chicken almondine and fresh fish.

"The chicken sounds good, I'll have that," Hillary says.

The waiter nods: "And the vegetable?" he asks.

"Oh, HE'll have the fish," Hillary replies.


Shortly after the 911 emergency number became available, an elderly and quite ill lady appeared in a hospital emergency room, having driven herself to the hospital and barely managing to stagger in from the parking lot.

The horrified nurse said, "Why didn't you call the 911 number and get an ambulance?"

The lady said, "My phone doesn't have an eleven."


A man is talking to the family doctor. "Doc, I think my wife's going deaf."

The doctor answers, "Well, here's something you can try on her to test her hearing. Stand some distance away from her and ask her a question. If she doesn't answer, move a little closer and ask again. Keep repeating this until she answers. Then you'll be able to tell just how hard of hearing she really is."

The man goes home and tries it out. He walks in the door and says, "Honey, what's for dinner?" He doesn't hear an answer, so he moves closer to her. "Honey, what's for dinner?" Still no answer. He repeats this several times, until he's standing just a few feet away from her.

Finally, she answers, "For the eleventh time, I said we're having MEATLOAF!"


One night, a Delta twin-engine puddle jumper was flying somewhere above New Jersey. There were five people on board: the pilot, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, The Dali Lama, and a hippie.

Suddenly, an illegal oxygen generator exploded loudly in the luggage compartment, and the passenger cabin began to fill with smoke. The cockpit door opened, and the pilot burst into the compartment. "Gentlemen," he began, "I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that we're about to crash in New Jersey. The good news is that there are four parachutes, and I have one of them!" With that, the pilot threw open the door and jumped from the plane.

Michael Jordan was on his feet in a flash. "Gentlemen," he said, "I am the world's greatest athlete. The world needs great athletes. I think the world's greatest athlete should have a parachute!" With these words, he grabbed one of the remaining parachutes, and hurtled through the door and into the night.

Bill Gates rose and said, "Gentlemen, I am the world's smartest man. The world needs smart men. I think the world's smartest man should have parachute, too." He grabbed one, and out he jumped.

The Dali Lama and the hippie looked at one another. Finally, the Dali Lama spoke. "My son," he said, "I have lived a satisfying life and have known the bliss of True Enlightenment. You have your life ahead of you, you take a parachute, and I will go down with the plane."

The hippie smiled slowly and said, "Hey, don't worry, pop. The world's smartest man just jumped out wearing my backpack."

An economics professor at school had a strict policy that the hourly examinations were to be completed at the bell and anyone who kept writing on their exam after the bell would take a zero on the exam.

Well, one guy kept writing on his exam for a while after the bell and then confidently strode up to turn it in. The professor looked at him and said, "Don't bother to hand that paper in... you get a zero for continuing after the bell."

The guy looked at him and said, "Professor, do you know who I am!"

The professor replied, "No, and I don't care if your dad is president of the United get a zero on this exam"

The guy, with a enraged look on his face, shouted, "You mean you have no idea who I am?"

The professor responded, "No, I've no idea who you think you are."

With that, the guy said "Good!" plunged his exam into the middle of the stack of other student's exams, and did a hasty retreat from the examination room!


On the last day of kindergarten, all the children brought presents for their teacher. The florist's son handed the teacher a gift. She shook it, held it up and said, "I bet I know what it is - it's some flowers!"

"That's right!" shouted the little boy.

Then the candy store owner's daughter handed the teacher a gift She held it up, shook it and said. "I bet I know what it is - it's a box of candy!"

"That's right!" shouted the little girl.

The next gift was from the liquor store owner's son. The teacher held it up and saw that it was leaking. She touched a drop with her finger and tasted it. "Is it wine?" she asked.

"No," the boy answered.

The teacher touched another drop to her tongue. "Is it champagne?" she asked.

"No," the boy answered.

Finally, the teacher said, "I give up. What is it?"

The boy replied, "A puppy!"


Three blokes are driving around, drinking beers and having a laugh when the driver looks in the mirror and sees the flashing lights of a police car telling him to pull over.
The other two are really worried. "What are we going to do with our beers? We're in trouble!"

"No," the driver says, "it's OK, just pull the label off your bottle and stick them on your foreheads, and the bloke pulls over.

The police officer then walks up and says, "You lads were swerving all around the road back there. Have you been drinking?"

"Oh, no, officer," says the driver, pointing to his forehead, "We're trying to give up, so we're on the patch."


A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down Main Street. "But officer," the man began, "I can explain."

"Quiet!" snapped the officer. "I'm going to let you spend the night in jail until the chief gets back."

"But, officer, I just wanted to say,"

"And I said be quiet! You're going to jail!"

A few hours later the officer looked in on his prisoner and said, "Lucky for you, the chief's at his daughter's wedding. He'll be in a good mood when he gets back."

"Don't count on it," answered the guy in the cell. "I'm the groom."









Today is Mother's Day.
In the morning,I brought some flowers for my mother by using my own money.
In the afternoon,I cooked the dinner for my family.
How delicious it is!
In the evening,I sent my mother a card which was made myself.
I wished her to be happy in the festival and suggested her to take more care of her own body.
What a nice day!,5,


Tomorrow is mother's day once a year, I have a small wish, which is to give my mother a unique gift, to express my deep love for mother.


Send what good? Send a pen, no meaning; send cosmetics, I have not so much money; send me do eggshell doll, that is too naive! Think it over and over again, I feel or do a card, the most meaningful.


Thought of here, I am unable to hold oneself back to find the drawing paper, pencils, I put the paper cut into a rectangle the size of the diary, then I drew a picture of a small girl in the nice dress in the paper to the left, that is me, holding a bouquet of carnations. Finally, I painted a pale red heart on the right side, and on the inside to write on the trailer:


My beautiful mother, you love me, I am full of more than anyone. I want to tell you, you are the one I love most in this world, daughter always love you deeply! I wish you a happy holiday!


Mother's Day arrived, I got up early, put this special gift quietly on the mother's bedside. Mother woke up to see the gift, the moment I saw her eyes moist, a small card and a little true wishes, can let my mother so moved. Looks like mother to daughter's love is selfless, without asking for anything in return! I love my mother!

