
时间:2024-04-08 00:35:32编辑:奇事君


crack的意思是“裂纹”。例句:1、All planes are being inspected for possible cracking and corrosion. 所有的飞机都在接受检查,看是否可能有裂纹和腐蚀现象。2、The plate had a crack in it.盘子上有一道裂纹。3、The ceiling was grey and cracked. 天花板是灰色的,而且有裂纹。4、The bowl has a crack in it. 这只碗上有条裂纹。5、The analysis of cracking in steel bridges can usually be accomplished by using linearelastic fracture mechanics. 通常可用线弹性断裂力学进行钢桥裂纹分析。


cracker的意思如下:n.1、爆竹;鞭炮。2、〔美国〕脆饼;〔美国〕饼干(=〔英国〕biscuit)。3、〔学俚〕谎话。4、〔pl.〕胡桃夹,破碎器;〔戏谑语〕牙齿。5、〔C-〕〔美南部〕贫穷的白种人。6、〔俚语〕全速力。7、破门撬锁者。8、说大话的人。9、(石油)裂化设备。双语释义:n.(名词)1、[C]薄脆饼干thin flaky dry biscuit,typically eaten with cheese.2、[C]爆竹;鞭炮small firework that explodes with a sharp sound.3、[C]迷人的姑娘;有魅力的女子attractive girl or woman.例句:1、Never mind what he says,he's a cracker.不要理他说什么,他是疯疯癫癫的。2、Several other sand crackers have been built since then.以后又建了几个别的砂子裂解炉。3、A large electric magnet on a crane lifts the skull cracker.装在起重机上的一块大电磁铁提起破碎机。4、I'm going to get a few crackers or cookies first billy likes a little snack when he gets home from school.我要先买些淡饼干和甜饼干。皮利放学回家喜欢先吃点儿点心。5、Chunan's special walnut crackers.2,000 won for each bag.特制胡桃饼一袋2000元。6、The fire cracker went off and scared jack's dog.爆竹爆炸声把杰克的狗吓了一跳。7、"going great,cracker.we're diversifying.“很好,疯子,我们正向多元化发展”8、Where are you going?cracker told us to stay here.你要去哪?葛莱瀚叫我们待在这里。9、No,it wasn't from a cracker jack box.不,那枚求婚戒指可不是吃爆米花吃出来的。10、Ann:(chewing a cracker)for the orphans.安妮:(吃着一块饼干)为孤儿的那次?


它的释义有:v. 破裂,裂开;崩溃,垮掉;砸开,砸碎;破译,解决;重击,猛击;(使)发出爆裂声,劈啪作响;(嗓音)变嘶哑;说(笑话),开(玩笑);阻止,打击;开瓶,(尤指)开瓶饮酒;使(碳氢化合物)裂化n. 裂缝,裂纹;缝隙,窄缝;瑕疵,缺点;爆裂声,噼啪声;尝试,试图;破解信息,破解码;俏皮话,粗鲁的话;重击,猛击;好时光,友好愉快的交谈;嗓音变哑;强效可卡因;股沟adj. 优秀的,训练有素的也可以进行拓展 变形 cracks 复数 cracks 第三人称单数 cracking 现在分词 cracked 过去式 cracked还可以有关裂缝的图片加深记忆

crack什么意思 crack怎么翻译

1、crack,英语单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时意为“ 裂缝;声变;噼啪声”,作动词时意为“使破裂;打开;变声;破裂;爆裂”,作形容词时意为“最好的;高明的”。

2、Plastic containers for juice and milk do not work as well because they tend to crack and leak more readily.装果汁和牛奶的塑料容器并不能达到同样好的效果,因为它们更容易破裂渗漏。

3、The seams must not crack or break on achieving this measurement and the neck must return to its original shape without sign of distortion.拉伸时不能为了达到尺寸导致拼缝破裂或爆口并且颈部必须恢复到原来的形状没有扭曲的迹象。


Crack propagation usually begins slowly . 裂纹的增长常常是开始缓慢。 They say that she is a hard nut to crack . 据说她是一个难驯服的女人。 He asked me to crack a bottle with him . 他请我同他痛痛快快地喝几杯。 Popce are cracking down on drug dealers . 警方现对贩毒分子严惩不贷。 The suspect cracked under questioning . 嫌疑分子在审问之下招供了。 There's a crack on the underneath of the bowl . 碗底下有一条裂痕。 Boipng water cracked a cup across the bottom . 开水使杯底绷裂了。 I told you, everything's cracking up . 我告诉你,一切都在颓废中。 I must fill that crack in the wall . 我得把墻上的那条裂缝填补好。 The ground was full of cracks in the summer .. 夏天地上都是裂痕。 The surface gloss had begun to crack . 表面的光彩已经开始衰退了。 You haven't cracked a book in months . 你已经有好几个月没翻过一本书了。 The plane had cracked up in the heavy trees . 飞机在密林中撞毁。 This is a crack british division . 这个师是英国的一支精锐部队。 German army morale is clearly cracking . 德国军队的士气正在明显低落下去。 "the crack failed," said toby, faintly . “这趟买卖失了风”,托比低声说。 The crack eventually caused the chord to fracture . 裂纹最终致使弦杆断裂。 Stop cracking safes and pve straight . 别再砸保险箱了,规规矩矩过日子罢。 The crack of dalleson's carbine sounded again . 达尔生的卡宾枪又砰地响了。 Close examination revealed a crack in the vase . 花瓶经仔细检查发现有裂缝。 Stop cracking safes, and pve straight . 别再撬保险箱了,问心无愧地生活吧。 The engine cracked on the first test fpght . 在首次试飞时,发动机发生裂纹。 There is a lot to be done , so let us get cracking . 工作很多,咱们开始干吧。 All holes were positioned at the tip of the crack . 所有的孔都位于裂纹的尖端。 It is known as catalytic cracking . 这就是所谓的催化裂化。 The wind whistled through a crack in the door . 风从门的裂缝中呼呼地刮了进来。 There had been no crack in tynan's armour armor . 从泰纳恩身上找不出什么破绽。 You may crack up, or else die . 你在发疯,或者是一命呜呼。 That was a cracking shot he played . 他这一下打得妙极了。 The carrying-pole broke with a crack . 扁担喀嚓一声断了。 Each has his own hard nut to crack . 家家有一本难念的经。 Suddenly a great cracking sound sppt the air . 突然,一声巨大的爆裂声响彻云霄。 Listed in column 2 are descriptions of the cracking . 第二纵列是关于裂纹的描述。 There must be a pttle crack in the brooke family . 布鲁家的人神经一定不太正常。 There is air in every crack and hole on this earth . 地球上每个缝隙洞孔都有空气。 You're never yet heard the crack of an angry rifle . 你从未听过交战时的猛烈枪声。 She heard the crack, crack . 他听到一阵哗喇哗喇的声音。 The hunter 's rifle cracked and the deer fell dead . 猎人的枪一响,鹿即倒地而死。 This soldier is a crack [dead] shot . 这个战士枪法准。 Maybe the austrians would crack . 也许奥军支持不住了。 He cracked the nuts with a hammer . 他用锤子击破坚果。 They finally cracked the defense and scored a goal . 他们终于突破了防守,射进一球。 The rock formations break with cracks into new positions . 巖层产生裂缝而破裂移位。 Floor-beam webs have cracked in tied arch bridges . 在系干拱桥的横梁腹板上发生裂纹。 The rain-water dripped through a crack on the ceipng . 雨水从天花板的裂缝中漏下来。 There is a crack in the glass . 这块玻璃有一道裂痕。 The boss is cracking down . 老板变得比以前更严厉了。 A *** ell of cooking perated the crack of the door . 一阵烧饭的气味从门缝鉆了进来。 Cracks can be detected by a method using ultrasonic waves . 疵点可用超声波方法检测。 She made a crack about his fatness . 她取笑他肥胖。

