
时间:2024-04-04 12:21:34编辑:奇事君


问题一:小声交谈用英语怎么说? talk in a low voice

问题二:小声说的英语 小声说:
speak quietly

问题三:大声和小声用英语怎么说 大声 loud
小声 in a low voice

问题四:把音乐声音调小 用英语怎么说? Turn your radio down或Please turn down the music

问题五:小意思用英语怎么说 你是不是说的小意思指的是,简单的那个意思,还是用在别人谢谢你的时候说的那个...
2.It's a piece of cake! 它是一个蛋糕,呵呵,小意思吧.
3.no sweat 没有流汗,呵呵,还是小意思的意思:)

问题六:说话小声点英语怎么说 speak lowly

问题七:把音乐声关小点,用英语怎么说? P俯ease turn down the music.
TURN DOWN是把声音调小的意思


问题一:小声说话的英文 Whisper

问题二:小声说的英语 小声说:
speak quietly

问题三:“声音”用英语怎么写,谢谢 一般的声音:sound

问题四:说话小声点英语怎么说 speak lowly

问题五:小意思用英语怎么说 你是不是说的小意思指的是,简单的那个意思,还是用在别人谢谢你的时候说的那个...
2.It's a piece of cake! 它是一个蛋糕,呵呵,小意思吧.
3.no sweat 没有流汗,呵呵,还是小意思的意思:)

问题六:小意思的英语怎么写 从网上看来的,搜狗问问里的一位网友说:
2.It's a piece of cake! 它是一个蛋糕,呵呵,小意思吧.
3.no sweat 没有流汗,呵呵,还是小意思的意思:)

问题七:小用英语怎么说? 小 *** all,小而精简tiny,微小micro, 小而可爱mini, 微不足道,渺小little




如下:一、窃窃私语【解释】:窃窃:形容声音细小;私:私下;语:说话。【出处】能听到弱肉强食处四周的绿树丛里,蝈蝈在窃窃私语。法布尔《绿色蝈蝈》【结构】:偏正式成语;中性成语。二、轻言轻语【拼音】qīng yán qīng yǔ【释义】形容说话声音极轻微。【出处】杨朔《北线》:“排长跟杜富海夹在人缝里,轻言轻语地合计事情。”【用法】作宾语、状语;指低声说话。三、呢喃细语【解释】:形容小声说话。【出自】:及至兴官醒时哭了,绍闻听南间尚呢喃细语,呼来时,堂楼门已开了。清·李绿园《歧路灯》第三十五回四、轻言细语【解释】:形容说话轻而柔和。【出处】: 谢璞《二月兰》:“哥哥轻言细语地答道:‘在他面前把情理摆出来,想他会听进耳朵的。’”五、低声细语【解释】:形容小声说话。【出自】:周而复《上海的早晨》第一部:“汤阿英在枕边低声细语说了最近的往来,时断时续,还是有些羞答答的,怕难为情。”【语法】:联合式;作主语、宾语;指小声说话。


  有时候有人讲话的声音太过吵杂的时候,会忍不住要求他人小声点说话,那么你的怎么说吗?现在跟我一起学习关于小声说话的英语表达吧。   释义   murmur ; whisper   网 络speak quietly;in a low voice;Speak softly   例句   1. Pickering whispers to Eliza and points out the ladies'room. 辟克林对伊莉莎小声说话,指给她女客衣帽间.   2. We talked in a low voice lest we should wake the baby up. 我们小声说话以免吵醒婴儿.   3. Nurses spoke a low voice to avoid wakening the patient. 护士们小声说话以免吵醒病人.   4. They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard by others. 他们小声说话,以免被别人听见.   5. They stop at a door and speak quietly. 他们在一扇门前停下,小声说话.   6. Keep your voice low. 你要小声说话.   7. Billy: Why are you whispering, Michael? 比利: 你为什么小声说话, 迈克尔?   8. When you call and you're with friends, keep the call short and speak quietly. 如果在你和朋友在一起的时候接到电话, 尽可能长话短说并且小声说话.   9. Face - to - face in their words, about half interval, fortunately did not make anyoverstepped the bounds behavior. 他们 面对面 小声说话, 间隔半米左右, 所幸没做出什么出格举止.   10. His mother leaned forward and spoke to him in urgent undertones. 他母亲身子前倾,小声而急切地跟他说话。   11. Speak lower or he'll hear you. 说话小声点,不然他会听见的.   12. Could you keep your voice down a bit? 你们说话小声些好 吗 ?   13. What a yap he be, he do not know how to whisper. 他真是个粗汉, 他不会小声地说话.   14. Most western restaurants are quiet and people speak quiet voices. 大多西餐馆很安静,人们说话也小声.   15. Gabriella: Why are you whispering? 你干嘛说话这么小声?   16. Jack and Stella whispered to each other as they walked down the street. 一路上,他们小声的说话.   小声说话的英语句子带翻译   我听见他们会议期间一直小声说话。   I heard them talk in whispers all the time at the meeting.   不要小声说话,听我说。   Stop whispering and listen to me.   比利:你为什么小声说话,迈克尔?   Billy: Why are you whispering, Michael?   他总是小声说话,所以有时很难听清楚他在说什么。   He always talks in a whisper, so it's sometimes difficult to hear what he's saying.   我们小声说话以免吵醒婴儿。   We talked in a low voice lest we should wake the baby up.   我也只能小声说话,怕罗姆听到。   Whispering as well, in case Ram was listening.   而且我们必须小声说话。   And we have to talk quietly.   我们在图书馆里通常小声说话。   We usually talk quietly at the library.   当你走进大自然最重要的是要小声说话,这样就不会吓跑动物。   When you are out in nature it is important to speak softly so as not to frighten the animals away.   辟克林对伊莉莎小声说话,指给她女客衣帽间。一个衣帽间里的女人发现一件衣服变紧了,她会认为自己长胖了。   Pickering whispers to Eliza and points out the ladies'room. When a woman tries on clothing from her closet that feels tight, she will assume she has gained weight.   西方人在饭店小声说话;   Westerner: Talk softly and gently in the restaurant.   乔丹也许会故意漫不经心第走到对手旁边小声说话,说一些不中听的话使射手失去勇气。   Jordan would have sauntered past and made a subtle, side-of-the-mouth ment, something unprintable having to do with the shooter's lack of guts.   一路上,他们小声的说话。   Jack and Stella whispered to each other as they walked down the street.   他真是个粗汉,他不会小声地说话   What a yap he is, he does not know how to whisper   其余三个依然看着别处,但我可以感觉到他是在小声跟他们说话。   The other three still looked away, and yet I felt he was speaking quietly to them.   小声一点的英语对话   I think the stereo is a little too loud.   我认为音响太大声了一点。   Yes,please do that.   是的,请关小声一点。   Does it sound better now?   现在听起来好一点吗?   It certainly does.If the stereo is played too loud, one cant' appreciate the beauty of the music.   当然。如果音响的声音太大,就无法欣赏音乐的美。   I whole-heartedly agree with you.   我衷心同意你。 1.配音用英语怎么说 2.讲台用英语怎么说 3.生活节奏英语怎么说 4.聊天时常用的英语缩写 5.简短文艺小清新英语句子 6.关于细节的英语名言


小声说话的英文:talk quietly发音:英[tɔːk 'kwaɪətli]美[tɔːk ˈkwaɪətli]双语例句:1.He continued to talk quietly and soothingly to the girl until her frightened grip on His arm was relaxed.他继续柔声安慰那姑娘,她那因恐惧而紧抓住他的手终于放松了。2.Don't correct me in front of others if you can help it. I'll take much more notice if you talk quietly with me in private.如果能够,请别在人前纠正我的错误。你私下的提醒,会让我更加的注意自己的行为。3.I'll take much more notice if you talk quietly with me in private.如果你在私下悄悄跟我说,我会更加注意的。4.Do you mind if I ask you to talk quietly?如果我要你说话小声点你介意吗?5.Talk quietly in the reading room in order not to disturb others.在阅览室里,不要大声说话,以免妨碍别人。6.Read stories, rub their backs, listen to music, talk quietly about the day.讲故事、抚摸孩子的背、听音乐、轻声谈论当天的事情。7.And we have to talk quietly.而且我们必须小声说话。8.The students get the routines as well. They can share books, be nice to each other, talk quietly in class and help each other.同时,孩子们更加遵守各种常规。他们读书时一起分享,彼此之间十分友善,上课轻声说话,还能够互相帮助。

