
时间:2024-03-15 04:36:55编辑:奇事君


购物中心的英文是:shopping center ; shopping mall1、shopping center商店区,[贸易] 购物中心短语Shopping g Center Leasing 购物中心租赁shopping g center 购物中心 ; 市场South Shopping Mall Center 课程销售南方商城中心Urban Shopping e Center 市区购物中心Shopping g Center Marketing 购物中心营销Shopping g Center Management 购物中心管理例句:For computers, go to Windsor House shopping center in Causeway Bay. 买电脑可以去铜锣湾的皇室大厦购物中心。2、shopping mall大商场,大型购物中心短语:Longhai shopping pedestrian mall 陇海商业步行街Shopping Stoneridge mall 购物中心shopping pedestrian mall 商业步行街 ; 步行街shopping g mall 购物中心 ; 销品茂 ; 大型购物中心YICHANG SHOPPING CENTER Mall 宜昌商业中心Shopping Center Mall 商场商城例句:Turn left out of Southdale’s car park and the first building you pass is another shopping mall. 从南谷购物中心停车场出来,左转,路过的第一个大楼就是另一家购物商城。扩展资料:shopping英 [ˈʃɒpɪŋ] 美 [ˈʃɑːpɪŋ] n. 购物,买东西v. 购物(shop的ing形式)短语:go shopping 去买东西shopping mall 大商场,大型购物中心shopping center 商店区,购物中心online shopping 网络购物shopping centre 购物中心shopping bag n. 购物袋shopping cart 购物手推车shopping list 购物单shopping online 网上购物例句:He is the architect who planned the new shopping centre. 他就是设计新购物中心的设计师。


购物的英文:shopping。读音:英[ˈʃɒpɪŋ]、美[ˈʃɑːpɪŋ]。释义:n. 购物,买东西。v. 购物(shop的ing形式)。例句:The supermarket offers shopping carts suitable for children.这家超市提供适合小孩的购物车。shopping造句如下:1、Mother took a bag of shopping out of the trunk of the car.妈妈从汽车后备箱里拿出了一袋子买的东西。2、Do you want to go shopping this weekend?这周末你想去购物吗?3、Christmas shopping will continue until 8 p.m. next Tuesday.圣诞节购物活动将会持续到下周二晚上8点。4、Online shopping is a national activity on Nov. 11th in China.在我国线上购物在双11的时候是一项举国活动。

