
时间:2024-03-14 03:39:37编辑:奇事君


拼接的英文是:joint,读音是[dʒɔɪnt],例句如下:Owing to our joint efforts the task was fulfilled ahead of schedule.由于我们的共同努力,任务提前完成了。The two countries signed a joint communique.两国签署了联合公报。He cracked the joints of his fingers.他把手指关节弄得劈啪作响。It was as if he had been clipped at every joint .好像他的每一个关节都被剪断了。Both companies are involved in the joint development of a new medium-sized car.两家公司联合开发新款中型汽车。Many remedies effective in joint disease are primarily diuretic.很多对关节病有效果的药品主要含有利尿的功效。


  拼接的意思是接在一起,现在还是很流行各种拼接的设计。那么你知道吗?现在跟我一起学习关于拼接的英语知识吧。   拼接的英语说法   joint   joggle   split joint   拼接的相关短语   拼接板 {土} splice plate;   拼接带 {材} splicing tape;   拼接桁架 joggle truss;   拼接梁 joggle beam;   拼接木枕 spliced wooden sleeper;   拼接的英语例句   1. All field splices were bolted using ASTM A 325 hex head bolts.   所有现场拼接都用美国材料试验协会的A325六角形头螺栓.   2. We butted two boards for a makeshift bed.   我们把两块木板拼接起来临时作床用.   3. The application of sub - aperture stitching in optical flat was researched.   研究子孔径拼接在长平晶测试中的应用.   4. Go to mirror an instance of the board and attach it.   映象复制,并拼接到一起?   5. If the abstract, mosaic, Plot portfolio and so forth.   如抽象的, 拼接的, 情节性组合的等等.   6. A film adhesive for bonding aluminum honeyb core materials was develope.   研制了一种铝蜂窝芯材拼接胶膜.   7. bination Armoire that you can customize to fit room.   实现拼接功能的展示柜,满足客户化定制需要.   8. A gateway splices together two different kinds of protocols.   闸道器可拼接两种不同的协议.   9. Key products include electronic LED screen, one - touch, pla *** a screens and mosaic works.   主要产品包括LED电子屏 、 触控一体机 、 等离子屏及拼接工程.   10. In receiving real - time video, mosaic imaging shall be generated in real time.   在接收 实时 下传的视讯影象时, 需要实时生成相应的视讯拼接影象.   11. The table can be framed together by using a screwdriver.   桌子可以用螺丝刀拼接到一起.   12. It could be extremely different to make tile boundaries appear seamless.   接着要建立菱形图素的无缝拼接.   13. A novel optical 3 - D sensing method using sign mosaics is proposed.   提出一种采用标记拼接的新的光学三维感测方法.   14. A chair and ottoman can bee a chaise when put together.   全新设计的沙发椅+脚蹬,拼接起来可以作为躺椅使用.   15. Air Curtain Display Cabinet The material of appearance is collision.   风幕陈列柜外观采用优质防撞型材,不变形,耐腐蚀,无缝拼接,外观豪华气派. 1.准备的英文怎么说 2.演讲用英语怎么说 3.乐队用英语怎么说 4.固定用英语怎么说 5.讲座用英语怎么说 6.18的英文怎么读

