
时间:2024-03-09 05:45:16编辑:奇事君


alert的意思:警觉的。读音:英[əˈlɜːt]、美[əˈlɜːrt]。释义:adj. 警惕的,警觉的;机警的,机敏的;充分意识到的v. 使警觉,警告;使意识到n. 警戒,警惕;警报;警戒期;(电子设备的)提示信号n. (Alert)(美、德、俄、西、印)阿莱尔特(人名)变形:过去式 alerted、过去分词 alerted、现在分词 alerting、第三人称单数 alerts、复数 alerts、比较级 more alert、最高级 most alert。alert造句如下:1、On hearing the fire alert, people poured out of the building.一听到火警警报,人们就纷纷涌出大楼。2、The policeman alerted the gangster to put down his gun at once.警察警告这个匪徒立即放下枪。3、She became alert when she found someone following behind her.当她发现有人跟随她时,她变得警觉起来。4、But her prey are always on high alert.但她的猎物时刻保持高度机警。5、The police are still on high alert as the suspect continues to elude them.嫌疑人仍然在逃,警察一直处于高度戒备状态。


alert的意思:警觉的。1、alert,英语单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时意为“警戒,警惕;警报;警戒期;2、(电子设备的)提示信号;3、(Alert)(美、德、俄、西、印)阿莱尔特(人名)。4、作动词时意为“ 使警觉,警告;使意识到”,作形容词时意为“警惕的,警觉的;机警的,机敏的;充分意识到的”。alert造句如下:1、On hearing the fire alert, people poured out of the building.一听到火警警报,人们就纷纷涌出大楼。2、The policeman alerted the gangster to put down his gun at once.警察警告这个匪徒立即放下枪。3、She became alert when she found someone following behind her.当她发现有人跟随她时,她变得警觉起来。4、But her prey are always on high alert.但她的猎物时刻保持高度机警。5、The police are still on high alert as the suspect continues to elude them.嫌疑人仍然在逃,警察一直处于高度戒备状态。

