
时间:2023-06-09 06:49:10编辑:奇事君










③研制的难熔金属箔材应用于重点工程的磁控管、线材应用于“北斗 系统”。



① 高抗变色环保易切削白色铜合金及制备方法 ZL201110234259.9

② 一种Cu-Al2O3纳米弥散强化合金及其制备方法ZL200710036199.3

③ CuNiSiAl系弹性铜合金的制备方法 ZL201010571290.7

④ 一种孔结构参数可控的多孔TiNi形状记忆合金的制备方法 ZL201110095542.8

{C}① 超高强、高导电CuNiSi系弹性铜合金及其制备方法 ZL200810032004.2

{C}② 近球形钨粉的制备方法 ZL201010571491.7


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[14]Leinuo Shen, Zhou Li , Zheming Zhang. Effects of silicon and thermo-mechanical process on microstructure and properties of Cu–10Ni–3Al–0.8Si alloy. Materials and Design 62 (2014) 265–270

[15]Zhu Xiao, Mei Fang, Zhou Li. Structure and properties of ductile CuAlMn shape memory alloy synthesized by mechanical alloying and powder metallurgy, Materials and Design 58 (2014) 451–456

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